Monday, June 19, 2023

Who Is Commanding Ukraine's Military Forces?

First Post: 'Iron General': Putin hints that Ukraine's top general may be abroad 

In a report by Russia's RIA Novosti news agency last month, citing a security source, it was claimed that Zaluzhny had suffered severe injuries in a Russian missile strike near Kherson in early May 

During a meeting with Russian military correspondents and bloggers, President Vladimir Putin suggested that General Valery Zaluzhny, the commander-in-chief of Kiev’s armed forces, could be outside of Ukraine. 

Speculation about Zaluzhny’s whereabouts arose after he missed a high-profile NATO meeting and reports claimed he was gravely wounded in a Russian missile strike. 

While the Ukrainian Defense Ministry denies these allegations, Putin stated that he believes Zaluzhny is abroad, although he admitted that he could be mistaken.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: You do not miss critical NATO meetings if you are head of the Ukraine military. But General Zaluzhny has. My gut now tells me that he has not been wounded, he has been fired, especially since it was known that he was been against the counteroffensive in the first place. 

More News On Russian President Vladimir Putin Commenting On The Whereabouts General Valery Zaluzhny  

Video of Putin Stammering Over Ukraine General Viewed 500K Times -- Newsweek  

Putin seen stuttering while making false claims about Ukraine’s commander-in-chief -- The New Voice of Ukraine 

Putin does not rule out that Ukraine’s army commander-in-chief could be abroad -- Al Arabiya  

Ukraine’s top general ‘could be abroad’ – Putin -- RT


Anonymous said...

Satan himself is running the show in Ukraine. At least the bad decisions and body count would lead one to believe so. And where is Saint Zaluzhny?

Hans Persson said...

Whomever is in charge, hes clearly having Ukie Spec-Ops behind Russian lines:´

This is by far the craziest thing I've seen in a long time. This is very NSFW.

Anonymous said...

this all a bit childish--nearly like comment above:
Putin, hunkered down in Russia, tells us a general is missing and might be out of the country. Meanwhile, we learn (!) the general might have been replaced since he did not approve of what has been going on.
Reality: someone is a top military man. We are uncertain who. But the war goes on and that is what matters.

Anonymous said...

Colonels and Majors do all the real command. Above that and we're talking about politicians and theoreticians. Zaluzhny made his name by writing a thesis about how incredible Gerasimov is. Abroad or not I don't think it really matters.

Anonymous said...

That one fella got double tapped again and again