Thursday, July 13, 2023

Has The War Shifted In Russia's Favor?


A Son Of The New American Revolution: The War in Ukraine Shifts Decisively in Russia’s Favor 

Volodomyr Zelensky got the bad news in Vilnius — notwithstanding lip service from some of the NATO members — the United States and Germany are refusing to let Ukraine join the club out of fear of broadening the war with Russia. 

Make no mistake — NATO is at war with Russia, but the West is cognizant of its military weakness and is not willing as an organization to risk taking steps that would provoke direct fighting between Russian and NATO forces.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I think it is too early to say that the war has shifted decisively in Russia's favor. But after 5 weeks of heavy fighting, Ukraine's counteroffensive has not only fail to make significant advances, but the costs have been astronomical .... Russia: Ukraine’s “Counter-Offensive” Lost Over 26.000 Men, 1200 Tanks and APCs, 21 Planes and 5 Choppers Since June 4 (Gateway Pundit).


Anonymous said...

Right because what Russia says is truth lol.

Anonymous said...

Gateway Pundit is one of my 5 go to sources of general news every day. I have enormous respect for the founder based on his occupation before GWP. I agree with GWP on about 9 out of 10 things.

That said, with their war coverage, I tune it out. Karry Johnson their reporter/commentator for the war has been out of the loop for30 years or a tad more.

Instead of listening to Larry, he was an analyst, I read what a spec op has to say.

I WNU expects us all to whistling his tune by relaying this story, he his wet behind the ears, high, or a propagandist.

Anonymous said...

Wasn’t Russia out of missiles and and shells like eight months ago? Now go get another Covid booster πŸ˜†

Anonymous said...

Good. Now that you all have given us the party line here is the hard truth

Russians are winning
Ukrainians are losing.

Is this true ? Yes, as long as Russia is occupying portions of Ukraine, and the ukies are not taking it back... The ukies are losing.

Tide has turned. Yes it turned the day the decided to have an offensive with no air cover and artillery support. With a half trained force. Now the losses are horrific.

To top it off, thier man power shortages are red lining. By next year there probably not be enough men to fight.

Anonymous said...

Folksturm time, laddies!
🦽 πŸ§‘‍πŸ¦½πŸ›ΉπŸΉπŸ›ΌπŸ›΄πŸƒπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

fazman said...

On a positive note ukraine is destroying 4 Russian artillery for every 1

Anonymous said...

Wasn’t Russia supposed to take Kyiv in 3 days yet here we are 18 months later. Go drink some more koolaid

Anonymous said...

US intel said that, not Russia you moron. Who’s drinking the koolaid?

Anonymous said...

every one what?

Anonymous said...

This is BS in just over 1 month Ukraine has taken back more land and is continuing over what Russia took Bakmut in a year. Russia will always bloat the Ukrainian losses to make themselves look good. Thier infighting continues and soon the filth will be plain to see and face first in the dirt.

fazman said...

For every 1 uke artillery destroyed

Anonymous said...

Day 506 of the 3 day special military operation. Where are we at?
•Russia has galvanised NATO.
•Finland becoming a NATO partner.
•Sweden becoming a NATO partner.
•Ukraine will become a NATO partner.
•Western countries were lacking in defensive spending, not now the RF has reignited that and most nations are pumping a lot of money and materials to Ukraine.
•Losing the flag ship of the Black Sea.
•Discontent and cracks beginning to appear in the ranks of the armed forces of RF. (Look at the last few weeks). It has been highly embarrassing for Putin and Russia.
•RF military loses will take decades to recover in both man power and equipment loses. Putins brightest and best like the VDV units are shadows of what they were at the beginning of the conflict.
•Armed forces of RF have had to pull back from several large areas of control since the conflict began, more noticeably Kherson, Kharkiv and Kyiv. Again, for supposedly the second best army in the world this is nothing short of embarrassing.
•All this talk of Russia hasn’t involved the majority of its forces yet in Ukraine is a load of rubbish. Units are being pulled from the Far East in a strategic blow for Putin leaving those areas low on troop concentration. Border skirmishes into Russian territory with little to no resistance. Heck even Wagner marched half way up to Moscow. The Russian military are stretched and at the limit of their capabilities, that’s the facts.
•RF economy not looking so hot right now. Currency is worth next to nothing in comparison to the Dollar,Euro,Pound.
•Ukraine has taken back more territory in five weeks of operations then RF forces managed to take in six months during their last offensive.
•Russia’s last offensive didn’t exactly achieve much either, took them over 6 months just for Bakhmut.

It’s been a pointless conflict with both sides paying dearly:

Anonymous said...

I agree with most of the above.

But the bottom line..... when some one says who is "Currently" winning or lossing?

The Russians still occupy ukie territory.

The ukies have not made any real gains. They are battling in a security zone and the gains the are making are not significant as last year.

Therefore the ukies are still losing

As the editor and several other individuals have pointed out.

time is not on the ukie side.

this still remains true.

Yes it turned the day the decided to have an offensive with no air cover and artillery support. With a half trained force. Now the losses are horrific.

To top it off, thier man power shortages are red lining. By next year there probably not be enough men to fight.

weather you. or I like it or not is not significant. opinions are not significant as facts

Anonymous said...

Actually it was Russian generals you Baboon

Anonymous said...


Don't be too quick to agree with Skoda and the Herndon crowd.

Their facts are ideologically driven.
Russian economy is doing fine and it's out look is better than the eu's for the next 6 to 8 months.

The Russian military has learned from their mistakes and the are biding their time, as they know it is on their side.
Not it is not rubbish that most of the Russian forces have not been deplored. They have not been deployed.
They are not calling up old men and kids like the ukies are.
Russian munition and armament plants are out producing the West and the west already admitted that they cannot keep up.
The Russians still have plenty of planes, tanks and bombs, as the west has reluctantly had to admit of late.

The guy at 1058 is right.
Unless Skoda and fazman volunteers to fight in the Ukraine , all is lost.

Anonymous said...

My understanding is that in five weeks of their summer offensive that the Ukrainians have already regained the equivalent amount of territory Russia had taken since January (this also includes any local summer attacks). So Ukraine is advancing at a rate five or six times faster than the Russians.

And unlike Russia, Ukraine has not sent tens of thousands of its soldiers to their deaths in "storm" units. I believe Michael Kofman reported that while Ukrainian casualties were higher initially than the Russians in the first week of the offensive, that for June total they've inflicted more casualties than they've taken.

So if this is failure, what does that make the Russian efforts? Also note that WNU Editor declared multiple times that Ukraine's Kherson offensive failed. His military analysis during this war has been quite poor.

After failing to make an initial breakthrough, the Ukrainians switched back to attrition. Russian artillery losses have skyrocketed in the past month, an we've seen greater losses in the Russian rear. The Russians appear to have sent in their last operational reserves to hold the line so they have nothing left. In contrast Ukraine has kept at least six of its Western equipped and trained brigades in reserve plus other units.

One of the reasons the Ukrainians have not advanced much is that the Russians have opted to make many aggressive local counterattacks instead of falling back to their main lines of defense which is what you would expect. This is a curious choice because it puts Russia on the strategic defense but tactical offense, which is generally not a good thing. Instead of leveraging the advantage of their main defensive line, they are making high cost counterattacks. This would explain the high rate of Russian attrition. The only advantage is that it allows pro-Russian propaganda outfits to claim the Ukrainian offensive has failed.

Ukraine has three more months of good weather. I expect we will see Ukraine keep up its attritional attacks which is consuming the remaining Russian forces. The Russians will hold... until they don't. We are already seeing the strain of this on the Russian army, the firing of General Popov is part of this.

The question is whether the Russians will be able to hold their lines under the pressure, or if there will be a breakthrough in the lines - say around late August - that allows Ukraine to commit their fresh reserves. If so, Ukraine can make significant gains in the south.


Anonymous said...

The cluster munitions and longer range missiles are force multipliers. The Russians are going to suffer more from Ukrainian artillery. With longer range missiles more Russian forces in the rear are exposed.

The people who need to suffer are the leaders, Putin and Biden. Not only is Biden a crook, but he failed in his day job. he failed to provide the services he was contracted to do as VP.

Biden has a worse record than the Mafia. I have heard good things honestly spoken of the Mafia. None about Biden. A gay gentleman Stated on WABC that the Stonewall bar was well run by the mafia and there were no problems there. It was safe until the police showed up.

Anonymous said...


You post is a nice and well written propaganda piece. The Russians are not attacking in any significant manner. The Ukrainians are attacking a defensive line and are not capable of defeating it.Russian casualties have been significantly lower as expected in when fighting from a defense.
Kaufman is wrong again, of course. The Ukraine does not have the force structure to break though the defence ,nor to conduct an exploitation if the did break through.
Committed Ukrainian forces have culminated and will now need what's left of reserve forces to attack in force.

The problem remains. Without more artillery support and air support, they will not achieve a breakthrough.

Who ever and were ever this information comes from that the Ukrainians are somehow making significant gains is truly nonsense. This type of information is criminal ,in that it leads people into a false reality that the Ukrainians are winning this war or somehow they are going to win this war.

Rest assured, they are not winning and the odds of them winning are miniscule at best.

How can I say this? Easy.
The Russians have not been kicked out of Ukraine.
The Ukrainians have not recaptured their lost territory and currently are not capable of retaking it.

The Ukrainian army recruitment and , manpower, in both numbers and support feeling for the war is dropping. The polish officer and the two USA mercenary interviews showed that.
What does that mean??, time goes on the Ukrainians will be less capable to fight the Russians.

Kaufman is a dangerous academic, neocon arm chair general.
Chris is a probably bot or some kind of infops GS employee propaganda clerk.
How do you know? Chris never replies to any of his posts. This means he does not read anything. He posts and moves on to his next assignment.
Then he pops up 1 to 2 weeks later.
The second thing is that he never deviates from the Msm neocon Narrative. You can get the same spiel from the Atlantic or NYT.

The third thing is that he never comments on another's counter points nor does he ever consider the alternate story and he never admits he was wrong. This is an unthinking drone who takes a crap on you porch and moves on to the next one.

Assessment, he is a government info ops employee. Time has proven him wrong many times over.. But that is what happens when you are wed to a narrative and not the truth.