Thursday, August 3, 2023

Biden Administration Ordered Facebook To Change Algorithms To Suppress Conservative News And Opinion

Just The News: Biden White House asked Facebook to tweak algorithm to push mainstream over conservative news: memo 

New memos obtained by Congress Congress show White House wanted the public to see Wall Street Journal and New York Times stories instead of those from The Daily Wire and Fox News commentator Tomi Lahren. 

The Biden White House inquired in meetings with Facebook executives asking whether Facebook could tweak its algorithm to showcase stories from The New York Times and Wall Street Journal over content posted by "polarizing" conservative journalists and commentators in early 2021, according to meeting notes the social media firm turned over to Congress that are alarming some constitutional lawyers. 

The alleged focus of the meetings was to assist the administration while it struggled to combat COVID vaccine hesitancy. 

The memos, reviewed by Just the News, chronicle a series of meetings between White House digital director Rob Flaherty and executives from Facebook, now known as Meta, in spring 2021 as the first questions about the efficacy and safety of COVID-19 vaccine began surging on social media.  

Read more .... 

Update: Biden Administration Ordered Facebook to Change Algorithms to Suppress Conservatives (American Conservative).  

WNU Editor: The only thing that I can add to the above report is that War News Updates, after being on Facebook for years and thousands of posts, was banned by Facebook in 2022.


Justice Waits said...

Conservatives are really screwed, and this is not going to end well for us. Our only hope is for Trump to be reelected in 2024 but the likelihood of that occurring is small because the fascist Democrats are in power and they control the ballot box counts in the swing states.

Anonymous said...

And again, this is why we need Russia.

Anonymous said...

headline: Demanded
reality: asked
A fool gets news from social media; a wise person from trusted media, ie NY Times, Wall St Journal, Washington Post, etc etc

Anonymous said...

If the Supreme Court ruled that a private firm had the right NOT to make a wedding cake for gays, then why should FaceBook not have the right to ban as does Twitter under Musk?

Anonymous said...

Because the later is meant to disinform voters and throw an election into one direction. It’s an attack on our democracy. You’d have to be a progressive liberal to not see that.

Anonymous said...

The supreme court ruling by conservatives said the private place had the right to refuse.! that is that. ps: Jan 6 was the real attack on democracy and that is why Trump is going to court today as the first step in his trial.

Anonymous said...

Progressive liberal, I called it. Remember when you Arseholes tried to get rid of the electoral college after Trump won in 2016? You pretend to be concerned about democracy but support the suppression of US citizens from being able to make informed decisions and votes at the ballot box. You sir/ma’am…. Are a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

name calling sure sign of a. Trumpian b. nothing of substance to offer but childish crap.

Anonymous said...

@104 and let’s not forget the Tucker interview with the Capital police chief that never aired. Plenty of FBI instigators in the crowed, and the cctv footage the democrats wanted covered up showing very peaceful demonstrators being chauffeured around by the police. This is a Democrat false flag that shares many parallels with Hitlers attack on the Reichstag. Shame on you for being so hideously ignorant.

Anonymous said...

stiop being so fucking foolish!
Tucker is a bigot pro Russian twat.
Name FBI informants:P that is total bullshit made up
the footage shows storming The Capitol and how many6 pled guilty and are now in jail?
If you can not handle facts, data, stop calling names at the very least. Why is Trump at this moment on his way to court to plead not guilty/guilty: significant charges made the Grand Jury call for an indictment! and that for what took place Jan 1, so do not give me that tired false flag shit.

Anonymous said...

Former Attorney General Bill Barr on Wednesday undermined a key pillar of his old boss’ defense in the special counsel’s probe into 2020 election interference, telling CNN’s Kaitlan Collins that Donald Trump “knew well he lost the election.”
Bill Barr obliterates Trump's defense: 'He knew well that he had lost the election'

Anonymous said...

11:21 true words

Anonymous said...

Clearly the Biden family is like Maduro, Castro or any other family that sells the national interest to get rich. They are identical to them in suppressing dissent and political opponents. Identical.

FB ought to be sued out of existence.

Anonymous said...


You have to be complete idiot oor a deluded.

trusted media, ie NY Times, Wall St Journal, Washington Post,

Yes tell us how they are so trusted. These guys tell more lies than sin.

Anonymous said...

grow the fuck up and cut the shit name-calling with your horseshit grade school nonsense
the NY Times won 100+ Pulitzer prizes for journalism and you read crap Breitbart or some other lame crap.

Anonymous said...

This afternoon, Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn, Metropolitan Police Officer Daniel Hodges and former USCP Sgt. Aquilino Gonell, who resigned after the riot, will head to the D.C. courthouse, where Trump will be arraigned on four felony charges related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

All three officers suffered physical injuries during the attack on the Capitol, as well as emotional and mental trauma following the riot.

Anonymous said...

Pence Says Trump Pushed Him ‘Essentially to Overturn the Election’
that will be but one small piece of testimony, evidence.

Anonymous said...


you truly are a jackass and deluded fool. A hundred Pulitzer Prizes, Nice, are we to accept reality based on a self licking ice cream cone award?

the Nobel prize for peace is about the same.

The MSM have turned into a bunch of liberal hacks. It is a hack organization, Staffed by hacks, run by hacks and for the support of fellow hacks.

who. ALL TOLD THE TRUTH AND ALL HAVE been ostracized by the main stream press.

integrity in the MSM....? so when are they going to give the Pulitzer prize back for Russia gate?

I bet when Obama gives back his Nobel prize, because he did nothing to rate it. O, I forgot. He did MURDER 2 US citizen's by drone.

Just look at the hack job Reuters did on the Fitch story. A down grade because of the insurrection...bullshit.

And you see that lying bs all the time . And do not forget, Benghazi was caused by a film......... liars.

Anonymous said...

LOL so sad to see 11:35 call NY Times and WaPo "trusted media", this person is in desperate need of reeducation.

Matthew Putnam said...


Obama asked the IRS to target conservatives and they did. But for some idiots on here like child Pred Fred Lapaides/Chickens Roost in March Anon/Primitive Russian Plunker troll bot , it would only qualify as a bad thing if he "ordered" it. The difference? Well we cant expect this creature to intellectually discern something so basic, because his partisan hackery drowns out whats left of cognitive abilities. But Trump was responsible for the the small group at the capital on JAN6th by those same standards, and it was the worst thing ever to him/it. Endless vox hyper links for months. NY times and washington post is trusted media? You have no credit here to anyone. Little girl brain in an old mans body cant even think straight anymore and wastes his dying days trying to gaslight a small group of people on an obscure blog of little consequence. Shows how much he values whats left of his time. I enjoy watching this troglodyte paint its nails for our approval on the daily. When he dies, it will be much more quiet here. Ill look for his name in the obituary and pay his corpse a Russian pee tape golden shower visit. Love you bud.

Anonymous said...

Trump Indictment Leaves Alleged Co-Conspirators Facing Tough Choices


Anonymous said...

When the latest indictment of Donald Trump came down Tuesday night, the former president’s top lieutenants were quick to defend their boss and characterize the investigation as a witch hunt.

But less than 24 hours later, after The New York Times suggested there was a strong possibility that senior Trump legal adviser Boris Epshteyn could be co-conspirator No. 6, Trump advisers who had been castigating the indictment were suddenly delighting in Epshteyn’s predicament.

“So sad!” one Trump adviser told The Daily Beast, summoning a Trump catchphrase while sending a meme of a cat crying with a Kleenex.

Anonymous said...

He's the most cinematic villain in the latest criminal conspiracy laid out by special counsel Jack Smith.

The Man With No Pants Is the Star of Trump’s Latest Indictment

Anonymous said...

Probably knocked up the yours truly, the FBI 😂

Anonymous said...

👍 👏

Anonymous said...

It you are to the right, you have been labeled all, but a terrorist, and DOJ is working on it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Keep trying!!

Anonymous said...

About half of Republicans would not vote for Donald Trump if he were convicted of a felony, a sign of the severe risks his legal problems pose for his 2024 U.S. presidential bid, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll that closed on Thursday.

About half of US Republicans could spurn Trump if he is convicted, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows | Reuters

Anonymous said...

No they will vote for him, and those that don't will be small. But it is the independent vote that will put trump back in.

Why? because the establishment hates trump and we see that as a good thing.

Anonymous said...

I wait till the fat lady sings. That may happen when Trump called to the witness stand.