Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Does Ukraine Have A Plan If Zelensky Is Assassinated?

Politico: Ukraine’s plan if Russia assassinates Zelenskyy 

A Russian assassination would deprive Ukraine’s war effort of one of its most valuable assets. 

WASHINGTON — When Volodymyr Zelenskyy was asked whether he was worried by Russian attempts to kill him, he answered he couldn’t afford to be. 

“If I were thinking about it constantly, I would just shut myself down, very much like Putin now who doesn’t leave his bunker,” the Ukrainian leader said in an interview with CNN last month. “Of course, my bodyguards should think how to prevent this from happening, and this is their task. I don’t think about it.” 

While it’s a question Zelenskyy understandably isn’t eager to contemplate, it’s also one his supporters at home and abroad can’t afford to ignore. Ever since he rebuffed an evacuation offer by telling his would-be American rescuers “I need ammunition, not a ride,” the Ukrainian president has played a key role in mustering international support for the fight against Russia. 

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WNU Editor: If I was responsible for Zelensky's personal security, I would be worried about a Russian missile strike, but I would also be worried on what the hard-line elements in the Ukraine government or military would do if this war grinds on, and Zelensky is put in a position where he must make a compromised deal with Putin. 

There are elements within his government who want nothing less than the complete expulsion of the Russian military and the eradication of the Russian language and culture within the country. There is no compromise with these people, and I have no idea on how Zelensky will be able to placate them or even if he wants to. 

One more note. If Zelensky is assassinated, the person who will replace him is Ukraine’s Parliament chairman Ruslan Stefanchuk.I do not know much about this politician, but I do know that some of my Ukrainian family, friends, and contacts do not trust him.


Justice Waits said...

Wouldn't Kiev mayor Vladimir Klitschko also be a candidate to replae Zelensky?

Justice Waits said...

I was reading today about the WW2 Ukrainian slaughter of Poles in what is called the Wołyń massacre. The Ukrainian murderers were allies of Nazi Germany.

"Today marks 76 years since the coordinated attack by Ukrainian nationalists on 99 Polish towns and villages in Wołyń.

Between 1943 and 1945, members of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army massacred thousands of Poles throughout Wołyń, a region that was in Nazi-occupied Poland and is part of present-day Ukraine.

The killings were directly linked with radical Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera’s Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and its military arm, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army.

Their goal was to purge all non-Ukrainians from a future Ukrainian state. They wanted not only to purge Polish civilians, but also to erase all traces of Polish presence in the area.

The murders were committed with incredible cruelty. Many were burnt alive or thrown into wells. Axes, pitchforks, scythes, knives and other farming tools rather than guns were used in an attempt to make the massacres look like a spontaneous peasant uprising.

In the blood frenzy, the Ukrainians tortured their victims with unimaginable bestiality. Victims were scalped. They had their noses, lips and ears cut off. They had their eyes gouged out and hands cut off and they had their heads squashed in clamps. Woman had their breasts cut off and pregnant woman were stabbed in the belly. Men had their genitals sliced off with sickles.

In the opinion of the historian Prof. Grzegorz Motyka, an expert on Polish-Ukrainian issues, “although the anti-Polish action was an ethnic cleansing, it also meets the definition of genocide”."


Anonymous said...

@10:06 Elections no longer occur in Ukraine and besides, the Nationalists would not give up their current control.

Anonymous said...

the Ukrainians were not nice in WWII. True
And in WWII the Germans, the Japanese, and the Italians were our enemies whereas now the Chinese, The Russians--allies in WWII--our now our enemies and the Germans, Japanese, and Italians our now our allies. Things change. Always.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes. The antiukraine rhetoric continues here.

Anonymous said...

What is the Russian plan should Putin get assassinated or die of illness?

Anonymous said...

The Russians will Leave zelinski in power. He is doing a great job of running a decimation operation against his own people. All the Russians have to do is wait.

Gillitine inthusiest said...

Bingo Russia will not kill gaylinzky who wouldn't want some sissy crossdressing drug addict to lead the army you are fighting against he is just throwing western gear into the grinder and is not winning hearts and minds

Anonymous said...

Times change I could go back in time say the American war of independence the British did terrible things to the colonists and they rose up with the help from France and other countries supplying arms they one thier independence. America and Britian have been since WW1 till now good allies. Today this Russian narrative of Ukrainian Nazism is BS. Out of the 400+ seats in their parliament one is Asov and thier president is Jewish. Ukraine and Poland today are good allies. Yes the Polish and Ukrainian farmers for grain fight is the only problem but that is caused by the invasion of Ukraine's sovereignty. So who are the true Nazis of today for sure Russia is.