Thursday, August 3, 2023

Former President Trump Pleads Not Guilty To Charges Surrounding 2020 Election Interference


Daily Mail: Trump says he's being 'persecuted' for leading polls after pleading not guilty to January 6 charges: 'If you can't beat him, prosecute him' 

* The former president entered a not guilty plea in a federal D.C. courtroom on Thursday afternoon 

* He vented about Biden family 'bribes' as he flew in from Newark, New Jersey 

* Faces four federal charges on alleged plot to overturn the 2020 election 

Donald Trump said he's being 'persecuted' because he's leading in the polls and ripped into the 'filth' in Washington, D.C., after pleading not guilty in a federal court to four criminal charges for his alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election. 

 'When you look at what's happening, this is a persecution of a political opponent,' Trump said to reporters without taking questions after arriving at Reagan National Airport following his third arraignment in six months. 

'This was never supposed to happen in America. This is the persecution of the person that's leading by very, very substantial numbers in the Republican primary and leading Biden by a lot. So if you can't beat him, you persecute them or you prosecute him. We can’t let this happen in America.' 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: No kidding .... Jim Jordan says indictment ‘hardens,’ ‘expands’ support for Trump (The Hill). 

Former President Trump Pleads Not Guilty To Charges Surrounding 2020 Election Interference  

Trump pleads not guilty to federal charges that he tried to overturn the 2020 election -- AP  

Trump pleads not guilty of plotting to overturn election loss -- Reuters  

Trump pleads not guilty to US charges he conspired to overturn 2020 presidential election -- France 24  

Trump pleads not guilty to charges that he conspired to overturn 2020 election -- Politico  

Trump pleads not guilty to Jan. 6 charges -- The Hill  

Trump pleads not guilty to four charges over efforts to overturn 2020 election -- The Guardian  

Donald Trump pleads not guilty to election charges in latest arraignment -- BBC


Anonymous said...

Matt Gaetz is going to have that progressive activist judge subpoenaed. I just learned that elements or committees can vote to immunize President Trump? About damn time publicans fight back against this evil

Anonymous said...

"Not Guilty, your Honor"
Damned straight

RussInSoCal said...

I think all the progressive cheerleaders for Trump's conviction need to brace themselves for Not Guilty verdicts in ALL these desperate, specious charges. And get ready for Biden's resignation when the walls come crashing in and it's proven he's a bribe-sucking traitorous scumbag.



Anonymous said...

😂 👏

RussInSoCal said...

9:09 PM 😂 👏

Go read the Devon Archer transcript, fool. It'll kill your clowny smirk pretty quick.

Anonymous said...

Bro I was complementing your comment. Sorry for the confusion. I’m well aware of what’s going on with Archer

RussInSoCal said...

^ Oh. Sorry about that. That crossed my mind, but I went on the attack anyway.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Republicans released a 141-page transcript of Devon Archer's testimony on the same day former President Donald Trump was arraigned in Washington, D.C.

Source: Hunter Biden business associate testifies he has no knowledge of wrongdoing by Joe Biden

Anonymous said...

Fact-Checking Trump Defenders’ Claims After Indictment in Election Case

Anonymous said...

there will be 4 indictments and 4 separate trials and the chances of Trump being found guilty in at least one of the 4 are great. He will serve time. period. get over it.

RussInSoCal said...

The Dems are setting for failure. As usual. The idiocy and the overreach in this insane grasping effort is going to be another humiliation. The prosecution of these non-crimes is going to backfire. Trump will not only remain well out of prison, he will likely be re-elected.

And Joe Biden (the most corrupt scumbag to ever occupy the office) will resign before his term is up.

fred said...

A majority of Americans (51%) think Tuesday's indictment of Donald Trump related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election is very serious, a ABC News/Ipsos poll found

Nearly two-thirds of Americans think Jan. 6 charges against Trump are serious: POLL - ABC News

Anonymous said...

Do you recognize the irony in going after Trump for all the same things the Demonrats have been doing for decades?

Anonymous said...

I knew Frederick R. Lapides would not be able to resist posting Democrat talking points.

The man has very little intelligence.

There is a timeline making the rounds, which shows that whenever there is bad news for Joe Biden because of his son Hunter, 2 or 3 days later there is a Trump indictment. It is a bad joke and the joke is on the American people and the Democrats are plying it.

The charges are serious. The Democrat Party via Jack Smith is applying the laws passed in the 1870s to combat the Ku Klux Klan (the militant arm of the Democrat Party). That law(s) has the death penalty. So yeah it is serious.

Jack Smith it should be noted often has his conviction overturned by SCOTUS and others, because he makes sh_t up. case in point his conviction of the Republican governor of Virginia was overturned by SCOTUS by 8 to 0. But here we have Frederick baying like bad dog thinking Trump is doomed.

People like Frederick is on reason IMO why we have these Chinese spies in the US Navy.

Anonymous said...

Can you cite the cases made by Smith and overturned by the Supreme Court? your claim is not verifiable. Places that belittle him are clearly right-wing places. How odd.
note: the Smith case is one of 4 indictments. Now tell us how far left the other cases are and how the Grand Juries are all lefties!!!
grow up and stop playing clever. You only are believed by fellow trumpards: 4 indictments!!! do you think he will escape unscathed in all 4?

Anonymous said...

that is a serious and very nasty comment! What if I said: people like the mother of anon 12:48 are the reason we have spies in our military?

Anonymous said...

if you can read in a grown-up manner, read this and then see what an ass you are for badmouthing the career of Jack Smith:

Jack Smith, the special counsel investigating the Trump documents and 2020 election cases, has a long prosecutorial resume. He previously secured indictments against Republican and Democratic lawmakers.

PolitiFact | Who is Jack Smith, special counsel for Trump classified documents, 2020 election indictments?

Anonymous said...

"Can you cite the cases made by Smith and overturned by the Supreme Court? "

I cited it. Search for SCOTUS, Jack Smith (or is it Jack Sh t?) and "Republican governor of Virginia. But we cannot expect (1:15 a troll or Fred) to conduct such a search much less make heads or tails out of a Venn Diagram. The intersection of Republican governor of Virginia and Jack Smith should not be too hard to figure out.

I read about Jack Smith and who he is connected with. He is a nasty POS. Mark Levin covered his perfidy.

12:48. My comment was spot on. In California good liberals (what asses) literally put caps on Asian enrollment into the university system. You know these assholes are not stopping at the universities, but also slinging their shit all over the workplace.

Democrat leaders, Democrat corporate execs and the Democrat voters who enable them sling sht allover the place. Here is an example:

Why Is It So Hard to Find an Accountant?

I worked a shop, where they promoted a black secretary to programmer/analyst I. She could not code anything, but management made their diversity numbers. Imagine that you tax bill is in error and the government overcharge you. Imagine the error was due to bad programming, because the programmer was socially promoted. This is what the Fckercrat party does every day.

Anonymous said...

you worked a shop? so what!
did you quit? still there? still bitching?
I explored Smith record. Trump is now indicted. Let us learn the charges, see the evidence, listen to jury decision. That is what counts and not you yanking you dick and spilling crap here By the way: there will be three more trials and indictments and Smith is not a part of that. What shit will you next come up with Sir Retard

Anonymous said...

Cal Berkeley Joins Harvard in ANTI-ASIAN Enrollment Policies

You can be a minority, but you are not safe. Democrats will eventually getting around to effing you in the keister.

It is what they do. it is all they do. They can't be bargained with. They can't be reasoned with. They doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

Anonymous said...

3:11 does not know what I mean by shop. But keep talking buddy.

I moved to another employer that paid me 20% more and me commuting expenses were cut by 90%.

The point is not to bring forth some asinine argument that if there is racial discrimination at a job site, you should not bitch, because you can always move. They is systemic racial discrimination brought about by the government at all job sites.

I'll just assume I am speaking to a god forsaken Russian troll unless Little Fred signs his John Henry to a post.

Anonymous said...

Jack $hit One success out of four.

25% success rate. that is terrible for am prosecutor.

Anonymous said...

give trump the gun we love u fak azz

Anonymous said...

2024 madness

Anonymous said...
