Thursday, August 10, 2023

House GOP Release Bank Records On Hunter Biden Receiving $20 Million In Payments From Kazhak, Chinese, Russian, Romanian And Ukrainian Companies And Oligarchs


Daily Mail: Joe DINED with oligarchs who paid Hunter: New bank records detail part of the $20 MILLION in foreign cash to Biden family - including $142,000 from Kazakh oligarch to president's son that he used to buy Porsche after DC dinner 

* Bank records confirm Hunter bought the sportscar after $142,000 wire was sent 

* Details how Russian billionaire Yelena Baturina sent $3.5m to a shell company 

* Republicans say Devon Archer and Hunter used firm to 'hide' foreign payments 

New detailed bank records show $20 million in payments to the Biden family and their partners from foreign actors in places like Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan during Joe's time as vice president. 

House Oversight Republicans released documents suggesting Hunter and his former business partner Devon Archer used shell companies to 'hide' millions in payments from overseas companies and oligarchs - though none of the newly released records directly link payments to Joe Biden. 

The new evidence backs up Archer's bombshell testimony to the committee that Hunter was raking in large amounts of cash from foreign deals, and how his father Joe was present in-person during dinner meetings and sat in on at least 20 phone calls with foreign associates.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: House GOP release bank records on Hunter Biden payments from Russian, Kazakh oligarchs, total clears $20M (FOX News)  

Update #2: Hunter Biden's staggering $20M haul from Kazhaks, Chinese, Russians, Romanians and Ukrainians revealed in new bank records: Comer (NYPost)  

WNU Editor: My gut continues to tell me that this is just the tip of the iceberg.


Anonymous said...

Despite all of this, there are plenty of so called Americans who will tolerate this and much more if it means keeping Trump out of the White House. Sad but true.

Anonymous said...

That corrupt old bastard has betrayed the people of the United States. Every single Democrat voter who put this crook into office is just as guilty. They should all be stripped of their right to vote and only regain that right after suitable re-education and promises to use the power of the franchise responsibly in the future.

Anonymous said...

Essentially aided and abetted by the derelict LEFTSTREAM MEDIA, whose LACK of interest tells us all we need to know about them. Meanwhile, the war on Trump coninues. THIS IS NOT THE COUNTRY I GREW UP IN

Anonymous said...

(1) Despite all of this, there are plenty of so called Americans who will tolerate this and much more if it means keeping Trump out of the White House. Sad but true.

(2) That corrupt old bastard has betrayed the people of the United States. Every single Democrat voter who put this crook into office is just as guilty.

Why? Because to admit that voting for Joe was poor choice, might cause a reflexive Democrat voter to have to reexamine their decisions and world view. Who wants to admit that they were so badly wrong fo0r so long?

Certainly not a Democrat who has voted Democrat for decades.

Matthew Putnam said...

You dont have to show direct payments to Joe himself to know that his family should not have received many millions of dollars from Russian and Chinese oligarchs alone. Child Pred Fred Lapaides needs more evidence though, but also still insists that Trump Colluded with Russia because Schiff is still going to drop that bombshell any day now because glowy square and vox hyperlinks said so. Also Jan6ism, missing submarines, UFO's and Orange thanos conspiracies.

It will be great when its discovered that tens of millions more are found channeled to the Biden family here soon, we already know Hunter had been "paying all of Joes Bills for years" by his own admission and giving 10% to the Big Guy (whatever that means says Child Pred Fred Lapaides). Child sniffer Biden, who used to force his daugther to shower with him into her teens was also probably on Epsteins flight log a few times along with many other Dems. Pelosi's $137m net worth with a $127k a year salary and her insanely intuitive and gainly stock market investing movements as house speaker (in charge and privy to all the relevant committees) should also be investigated here shortly, amongst all the rest both left and right. Hang em high and watch em die!

Anonymous said...

Well It is going main stream now.. No way to stop it. A train wreck. I do not think the USG blob apparatus can ignore this now.

They protected these creeps before.

But we will see.

Anonymous said...

1:01 PM Anyone who has been voting Democrat for decades is an ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE and if they are to avoid long prison sentences, must be taxed at 500% more than responsible Americans, so they can repay the money squandered by the corrupt Democrat leaders. We are sick of the enemy Democrats and the time will soon come when they must pay a heavy price for what they have done to this once great nation, now just a place for Democrat perverts to molest children with impunity. Democrats = traitors.

Anonymous said...

Exactly 🙌 👏

Anonymous said...

Russia must pay for this!

DinoB said...

hey, at least there arent any mean tweets and the adults are in the room now, smfh

Anonymous said...

I did talk about ships didn't I?

But I also talked about the land route. Namely the Dnipr River.

So please do not pull a Fred, but instead learn how to read.

fred said...

If Hunter has violated any law, then indict him. If Biden has violated any law, then indict him. Meanwhile Trump will face 4 different and very serious indictments and trials, the first of which is asked for by Smith to be Jan 2. what is wrong from any party is wrong and if illegal I want indictments. Not calling me names here like a little girl.

In police footage, a woman says Boris Epshteyn touched his sister's "crotch." He later pled guilty to disorderly conduct.

Trump Advisor Boris Epshteyn Accused of Groping Women in Arizona Club

Anonymous said...

The fullest accounting yet shows how Thomas has secretly reaped the benefits from a network of wealthy and well-connected patrons that is far more extensive than previously understood.

The Other Billionaires Who Helped Clarence Thomas Live a Luxe Life —

Anonymous said...

Maggie Haberman Team Drops Bombshell Trump Election Plot Memo To ‘Deprive Biden Of Electoral Votes’

Anonymous said...

And this guys dad running the show but surely he has nothing to do with it anyway elections are round the corner obvious to all by now Biden is history they will be looking for another corrupt as they come lowlife to run the dem garden.Trump;s fault

Anonymous said...

They must be running out of kool-aid in the states

Anonymous said...


Look at the other Thread.

You have my Reply concerning ships.

Have a good day! This is all for me today.....See you tomorrow. and Be safe.....who else am I going to argue with (:

Anonymous said...

Nice deflection from the senile child sniffing hack occupying the White House.

Anonymous said...

Come on man. It is not just children. Biden would sniff anything female and under 30.

Biden showered with his daughter before he was senile, For real.

To recap it is not just children and not because he is senile.

Anonymous said...

3:39, 3:42

Two slates of electors have been sent or disputed 5 times in US history. Do not expect Frederick R. Lapides or the troll mimicking him to be truthful about that.

Maggie Haberman is an uncritical xeroxer of Deep State leaks. She is a hack.

In 1876 there was an electoral dispute. Should we invent a time machine so Jack Smith can go back in time and prosecute people for disagreeing about which set of electors to seat?

Fred is is a terrible person. That's no joke.

Anonymous said...

The Pages Contain a Line That Says,

‘Was I Molested. I Think So’ & Mentions ‘Showers W/ My Dad’


Florida court case confirms Ashley Biden's stolen diary is real

The diary is as real as Hunter's laptop.

Anonymous said...

People some of them with lousy skills in exposition, have agued it does not matter about Joe Biden's lack of skill due to dementia, because the people of the administration and the appointees in the different agencies are smart and will implement great policies.

About that.

Some historians, who study Chinese history, have blamed the mandarins and their bureaucracies for the fall of dynasty after dynasty. Their exposition is the following. The founder of a dynasty is a vigorous, capable war leader and administrator. they have to be good art war making or at least better than their competition. They win and found a dynasty. then the democrats step in. The 'well meaning' mandarins tell their heir, son or grandson, that they are too precious for them the be risked to go on campaign.

So the heirs never leave the palace and by the 3rd or 4th generation have grown effete, indolent, insipid or incompetent. The dynasty falls.

Now the founder's successor sometimes does well because they may have accompanied the founder during the campaigns that established the dynasty. The descendants have no such education or luck.

So we have examples of bureaucracies lead by well educated, 'competent' and intelligent mandarins killing political systems time after time.

So does everyone have a warm fuzzy that although Joe has Alzheimer's the super smart department head s using science will faithfully guide America to a better future or any future?

People with small vocabs tell us that.

Anonymous said...

On a previous post it was claimed that the fat man, Chris Christie, gave Trump bad advice.

The specifics are this. Dunkin Donuts Boy recommended that Trump nominate Wray as Director of the FBI.

So Christie is being funded to run as a spoiler in the primaries by nefarious forces. The venal and evil Christie readily agreed. Christie has asserted that Trump made bad decisions.

Well, one of those bad decisions was taking Christie's recommendation of Wray.

One reason why The Deep State fears a 2nd Trump presidency is because people like Christie will not be able to sabotage a second administration by recommending bad people.

DinoB said...

But, But Trump.....I dont give a rats a$$ about the bogus and obviously (if u have a brain) political charges against blindly overlook, or worse yet, turn your head (because orange man mean) you are no less a traitor to this country than the corrupt Biden/Clinton/Bush/Obama regimes.

Matthew Putnam said...

If Child Pred Fred Lapaides puts his head in his ass and plugs his ears, did something in reality actually happen? Thats usually where he runs away to like a little girl when presented with something that doesnt comport with his delusions/dementia. A fine mind, crisp and young as ever; Skimming headlines and hyperlinking vox articles for the win. [TOMT] Satirical magazines in grocery store checkout lanes in the late 90's early 2000's as evidence aren't really attainable anymore. "But hey look! Trump indictments! Serious ones to! We are going places. Here we go! Oh, Biden conspiracies? Well if he is guilty he will be indicted as well because the system is working as prescribed."

What a fucking lump.

Anonymous said...

this means war the GODfather low blow jow homeless get the duck out of my house u bum

Anonymous said...

burning down the white house now u fools

Anonymous said...

to badmouth Masggie and her paper show full stupidity. how many Pulitzers won by that paper?

The Department of Justice is suggesting that Trump's trial for trying to overturn the 2020 election should begin on Jan. 2, 2024—and last no more than six weeks.

Jack Smith Wants Trump Convicted by Super Tuesday
joe this and joe that and hunter this and indictment. We have 3 going on 4 for Trump That is both real and will castrate your guy's chances of winning or possibly even running.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahaha, never heard that before, hahahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

The New York times recieved Pullitzers for its Russian Hoax coverage.

that shows that the Pullitzer Prize, the New York Times and the reporters are jokes.

So are the readers of the New Yorktimes.

Is Fred Lapides a New York Times reader?

Pee tapes? Still unseen after 7 years.


Hunter's laptop? Now we know that the Deep state lied about it.

Joe Biden showered with his daughter. Joe Biden is shrewd enough to know how to get the incest is best crowd's vote.

Anonymous said...

And the best part is the majority of Americans voted for this guy;s dad how does it go??Stupid is as stupid does

Anonymous said...

The majority did not. There was a lot of voter fraud. It is why Democrats scream bloody murder whenever voter rolls are cleaned up using the Social Security Administrations list of people, who died.

We also saw voter fraud happen in real time in Georgia. Some people without real jobs moved across state lines for a few months to rent apartments and to establish residency and voted and then moved back home to Chattanooga or places like that.

You can move wherever you want and therefore vote wherever you want.

What you cannot do is move for 3 months or 3 weeks solely for the purpose of voting in an election and then move back. That is illegal and immoral. If it is not illegal, it is highly mercenary and the US might as well be ruled by Putin or Xi.
