Thursday, August 31, 2023

Is The US Heading Into A Hot War With Russia?

Daily Caller: Tucker Carlson Predicts ‘Hot War’ With Russia To Defeat Trump In 2024 

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson predicted that a “hot war” with Russia would be used by opponents of former President Donald Trump to beat him in 2024.

“They will do anything to win. So how do they do that? They’re not going to do COVID again, whoever on the right is afraid they’re going to do COVID and mask mandates, they’re not going to do that,” Carlson told podcaster Adam Corolla. “They can’t do that. They’ve already been exposed. That won’t work. There’s going to be — no. What are they going to do? They’re going to go to war with Russia is what they’re going to do. There will be a hot war between the United States and Russia in the next year.”  

Read more ....  

Update: US headed for ‘hot war’ with Russia – Tucker Carlson (RT)  

WNU Editor: Many in Russia already believe they are in a proxy war with the U.S./NATO. But having a direct hot war? 

If trends continue, especially in the U.S., I can actually see multiple scenarios where such a conflict can happen, and heaven help all of us if that does happen.


Anonymous said...

Just look at what the woke west is doing with its children. Is it much of a stretch to think they’ll start a war Russia?

Anonymous said...

yes it is
Carlson is an ass, a russian sympatico and hardly worth posting about. He is an influencer for the misbegotten of the US.

someone said...
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Anonymous said...

Bucha and Kramatorsk didn't work, though I suppose the objective of those ones was to scuttle the Turkish peace deal.

The tricky part is creating a scenario that demands "response" without going nuclear. I wish there were more intelligent people currently at the head of the blob, if suffering under the blob we must.

Anonymous said...

If the war escalates China & the rest of the world might jump in for Russia. How many terrorists have entered the west since Britain & America removed their borders to let the 3rd world in?

Anonymous said...

Hoping for a hot war. The leaders and the proles deserve it on all sides. Well maybe not Russian proles, but everyone else deserves it.

In a few years American proles will not deserve it because they will have been under a dictatorship for too long to effect change.

Anonymous said...

You and your kind aren’t going to survive what’s coming. Your a liberal city dweller no doubt

Anonymous said...

you and yours? and who is that?a liberal city dweller?
tell us what America would be like without NYcity; Chicago, Austen, L.A. etc! that is where the money is, the arts and many great universities...but you lie on a farm, getting govt subsidies, and milking cows?

Hans Persson said...

Is this your argument? Cities good, farmers bad?

Anonymous said...

Mew York city is emptying out. Trillion dollars left and thousand of people. America still works. Obviously, the US can function without New York.

Can Mayor Adams and governor Hochul function without New York?

Anonymous said...

no Hans
my argument is rather simple: Cities are the heart of every nation, here and throughout the world. To dismiss them because...well why? want to guess why this facile denunciation was made?
I love cities. I love towns and have lived in both places for many years. I have not lived on a farm.

Anonymous said...

My balls

Anonymous said...

My 🏀

Hans Persson said...

I've lived in all three.
The bigger the city, the bigger the cancer.
Look, if you build a wall around New York, on what side are the scratchmarks going to be?

Anonymous said...

NY is the major attraction for foreigners visiting the US. Why is NY called the Big Apple? when you make it bigtime, you perform in NY. Mock on. NY is art center or America. Theatre center of America, Music center of America...and Wall St?
so Hans, stay where you are happy. That is fine. Why the need to badmouth The Other? tend your own garden, as the saying has it.

Anonymous said...

A Fulton County judge on Thursday said that all court proceedings in the election interference case against former President Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants will be live streamed and televised.

Fulton judge says Trump court proceedings will be televised

Hans Persson said...

I'm not badmouthing anyone, I want to know where you're argument is going with this.

Anonymous said...

Mew York City is dying. Capital flight 1 trillion and growing.

Middle and upper class fleeing when their job leave the state. this will lead to business who rely on office workers to fold.

Some places that were 24/7 are no longer 247 due to the drop in business. New York does sleep now.

Once the congestion tax kicks in it will be the straw that breaks New York's back.

Anonymous said...

thousands of new yorkers left the city with covid and remote work arrangement. Most went to Florida. Guess what? 40 of all hurricanes hit Florida. Insurance highest in nation now and will go up very soon again. Now I know a few who left the city. They have kept their apartments! or own them, and go to 2nd homes in Florida. Remote work makes it easy for many to leave one place and to work far from Hq. But when NY collapses, as you imply, the nation will also collapse. Do you think all NY arts, music, theatre, money people etc will move to Biloxi?

Anonymous said...

"40 of all hurricanes hit Florida."

What does that mean?

40% ?

Do you want to try rewriting that in English Joe Biden?

If you live or work any part of the year in New York, they will tax you to death. So the 2nd homes people will totally quit at some point.

The nation collapse? Well just like the internet is distributed to sustain huge losses in nodes and still work, the art (music, theater, etc) can be distributed to many many cites and towns across the nation. After all there s this thing called the internet. My best theater going experience was watching a productitn of "The Matchmakers of Yonkers" at a univ .theater and a summer program Shakespeare program by a private group in the same city. I saw James Earl Jones in Othello on Broadway. It was not very good. Lines were garbled. Still a fan of James Earl Jones.

Quit assuming that just because you live in a high density area that you own creativity or the arts.

Most went to Florida. And? They can always shift to Atlanta, Chattanooga, Memphis or somnwhere else low tax and with no hurricanes. Point is NYC is emptying out. Being backfilled with people with no education and somehow Democrat see that as a win.

James said...

Fred your logic is inscrutable.

Anonymous said...

Actually Fred's logic might make sense

"40 of all hurricanes hit Florida."

If I run a slew of Monte Carlo simulation of brain model which has some defects, I could recreate his thinking patterns.

Anonymous said...

We'd like it without you

Anonymous said...

Feeding and clothing them

Anonymous said...

You all are missing the point. The key to this is at what point of time and development is a society/ culture at in it's development?

Not this silly straw man argument of city bad or city good.

A. Cities are important, but are they still hubs of industry, learning and cultural strength?

B. Or has the city become an inefficient, intertia filled mass of decaying and decadent operations that now add very little to the nation but are actually a drag on the society as a whole.

The answer I believe is that in the USA. The entity of many cities was "a" but now some are in the "b" category or quickly moving there.

Anonymous said...

It's not the city's fault who is managing it. The decline looks intentional to bring in a new system and the marxists and communist are but useful tools to get to what they don't like either.

Anonymous said...

NY is doing just fine with or without those who dislike it or find their needs etc elsewhere. Live where you will. If you can afford it, own two places to move back and forth to. Climate change is real and will impact many areas, NY and the coastal areas of many states. And Arizona et al. like the heat?

all I am saying: if NY "fails" (whatever that means for you), the nation will also fail.

Anonymous said...

Ny can fail. It is not the epic center of the USA. In a catastrophic event like getting nuked....

Yes one would be a fool not to recognize that the financial and economic impact would be horrendous. Bue we would survive. That's what humans do.

But in a slow death scenario like we have now. It can still fail and we will also survive.

This is one of those situations where you got to ask yourself, is it worth the pain?

To some it is not, to some it is..

Good points. It brings in material wealth and helps you economically.

Bad point. It is a sewage plant of moral relativism and psyco criminal behavior. A shining example of how humans can treat each other like human cattle and still not be punished. It's very existence poisons the rest of your population by setting a bad example .

Anonymous said...

If NY is what you say in your final few sentences, what do you say about attempts to steal elections, mass school shootings, the drop in life expectancy nationwide; the drug deaths all over the nation, and yes in red states too, and on and on. You simply pick one city for some rather odd notion and neglect a more objective nationwide view.

Anonymous said...

A powerful campaign official with former President Donald Trump’s New Hampshire operation was outed Thursday as one of the rioters who confronted police outside the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, telling one officer: “go hang yourself.” Dylan Quattrucci, Trump’s deputy state director in New Hampshire, was first spotted in a video recorded that day and shared by an online sleuth associated with the Capitol riot-focused account “Sedition Hunters,” according to NBC News, which first reported Quattrucci’s involvement. It remains unclear whether he entered the Capitol building. At least four Capitol police officers have died by suicide in the two years since the violent attack.

Anonymous said...


You misunderstood me. Let me be clear.

Philosophically and if I was master of the universe, I would pull all the kind deserving people out, then fire bomb that place.

But we have to be practicalnow,don't we?
So it currently sucks but we tolerate it any way.

That's a huge difference between me and some of these freaks on this blog who glorify it as a center of culture emulation when in reality , you can see it is a cess barge

Anonymous said...

A. Cities are important, but are they still hubs of industry, learning and cultural strength?

1) There are cities outside the big 10 or big 20 cities in the US.

2) There are enough of these cities to support every industry needed for a people, nation or a continent.

A lot of the "industry" that is iconic to certain large cities have actually moved and are located in exurbs or satellite cities. Car manufacturing plants are not in Chicago. they are south of Chicago (Chicago Heights), if they are still there. Probably the same for Detroit, etc. I drove through Chicago Heights to view a hate crime which was never prosecuted. Two black guys set a white guy on fire. But you know blacks cannot be racist or so prominent Democrats lecture us simpletons.

We do not need Big Democrat cities for foundries or steel making. The fockers of the Democrat party have run foundries out of the US.

The second tier manufacturer, which makes the large companies like GM possible are where. I am talking about the makers of machining complexes. One such factory and the employees are worth 7 billion liberals.

The 3rd tier would be people who make tools like Cleco. where are they? Not in Detroit . they are or were in Livonia, Michigan not the cesspool that is Democrat Detroit.

No we do not need large Democrat cites for anything except as large voting blocs to swing entire states into the blue column. That is literally their largest product and most important function.

Who proved that 1 big hub is better than 10 smaller hubs that add up in size to a big hub?

Bigger is not always better.

Anonymous said...


I agree, but that is just the way the crap evolved due the needs of raw materials to include huge labor markets and the logistics to support those Laborers. You know. Housing food schools blah blah.

The problem is " cosmopolitanism. "

Well off City people are out of touch with the brutal concepts of nature. They have fully embraced the artificial environment they inhabitant. They think no matter what they do , it is going to turn out ok. Is that not just not the best joke ever? The poor are dumb and believe the bs the MSM feeds them.

These people all are true dupes. You would think they would have learned from the french revolution , the Soviet and Chinese revolutions. But no.

Any way, your favorite troll is right there with you.

The Dems care not one wit for the common man. They all want to be hipsters.

2024. Is going to be a great year. Here is a quick prediction.
Next year it will be chaos . And if guys like you and I lose, well sokds ole buddy.... Manzinar awaits.

Anonymous said...

I am different, which is why I am still on a comment thread from yesterday. Everyone else has moved on except me and a Russian troll. Replying so late to an almost basically dead thread marks you as a troll.

I am replying to see if Fred would with more lib logic. I think Fred or the Fred persona has moved on.

It was interesting to see James replay late in the evening. He did mention Fred, so I think he was replying to Fred, or he might have been replying to my answer to Fred. There is a small chance of that.

I do not look at cities. I look at spanning trees. they are more important. I use the term in a looser sense.

Anonymous said...

I like cities. they have great drinking places. lots of babes. stores to buy stuff. apartments. condos. rentals. more places to drink at. fun fun fun. I do not like cows or corn fields or babbling brooks. You like that stuff good for you. Stay put.

Anonymous said...

You love materialism. That just proves my point. You are a card carrying member of the "Disney land for dummies". So when the crap starts to fall apart like Baltimore,, Portland and stay just where you are.

James said...

Not you.