Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Niger Crisis Deepens. Burkina Faso And Mali Warn Against Western Military Intervention


CNN: Europeans evacuated from Niger as neighboring West African juntas warn against intervention  

France was preparing to evacuate French and European citizens from Niger on Tuesday after a presidential coup plunged the West African nation into a political crisis that polarized neighboring countries in the region. 

French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna said the first evacuation plane was “airborne,” but did not specify if the flight departed for or from Niger. 

 There are “several hundred French and several hundred European” citizens that wish to leave Niger and will be evacuated by France, the minister told French broadcaster LCI, adding that she hopes to see the operation completed in 24 hours.  

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WNU Editor: Here is a good analysis on why Niger is in the crisis that it is in .... What caused the coup in Niger? An expert outlines three driving factors (The Conversation). 

 More News On The Crisis In Niger  

Niger crisis deepens as France plans evacuation and coup leaders get support from neighboring juntas -- AP  

Burkina Faso, Mali say military intervention in Niger would be 'declaration of war' -- France 24  

Niger coup: Burkina Faso, Mali warn against intervention -- DW 

France to Evacuate French, EU Citizens From Niger -- Reuters  

EU countries to evacuate citizens from Niger as coup leaders get support from West African juntas -- Euronews  

Niger Coup Is Backed by 2 Neighbors, Raising Risk of Wider Conflict -- NYT 

France to evacuate EU citizens from Niger after military coup -- Financial Times  

European countries to begin evacuation of citizens from coup-hit Niger -- Al Jazeera  

Niger will face sanctions as democracy falls apart, adding to woes for more than 25 million people -- AP

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