Friday, August 4, 2023

Niger's New Rulers Have Revoked All Military Pacts With France


Politico: Niger junta revokes military pacts with France  

The latest escalation threatens to upend the EU and the US’s strategy to engage with Niger as an ally in the troubled Sahel region. 

Niger putschists said Thursday they will end military cooperation deals with France, dealing a major blow to French efforts to combat terrorism in the Sahel region.

Junta representative Amadou Abdramane late on Thursday read on national television a decision to revoke five military deals with France dating between 1977 and 2020, Reuters reported. 

France’s foreign affairs ministry on Friday said that the revocation of military pacts by the junta will have no effect on existing military deals as it does not recognize the putschists.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The French government has a different point of view .... France rejects Niger junta's move to scrap bilateral military pacts (RFI). More here .... France: Deals revoked by Niger military were signed with ‘legitimate’ gov’t (Al Jazeera). 

You do not need to be a genius to know that France with the backing of the US is pushing for this .... West African Leaders Announce They Have Plans To Launch A Military Intervention To Reverse The Coup In Niger.


Anonymous said...

Whole thing is racist. Niger.

Anonymous said...

So doesn’t this mean Ukraine is currently being ruled by an illegitimate government? Doesn’t this mean what Russia is doing is fully justified? Can a WNU loony lefty commentator please elaborate on how this isn’t a hypocritical double standard. Any cut and paste award winning NY times articles out there to explain this?

Anonymous said...

this guy on crack

Anonymous said...

Not really, racist.

Anonymous said...

@544, how so?

Anonymous said...

You better believe that the money is being doled out to the neighboring countries. The west cannot invade, they would be labeled colonial racists and facists

So they will have their pawns do it. Just like russia and the ukriane.