Thursday, August 10, 2023

North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Fires Top General, Orders War Preparations

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un attends a meeting of the central military commission of the Workers' party. Photograph: KCNA/Reuters 

France 24: North Korean leader Kim dismisses top general, calls for war preparations  

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has dismissed his top general and called for stepping up war preparations "in an offensive way", including boosting weapons production and conducting more drills, state media reported Thursday. 

With a cigarette in hand, Kim was shown talking to a room full of uniformed top generals, and pointing at maps, images in state media showed, while he discussed "major military actions" against South Korea at a meeting of the Central Military Commission. 

The Korean Central News Agency said the agenda of the meeting, which comes just days after Kim inspected key arms factories, was "the issue of making full war preparations" and ensuring "perfect military readiness for a war".  

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 North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Fires Top General, Orders War Preparations 

North Korean leader Kim calls for his military to sharpen war plans as his rivals prepare drills -- AP  

Kim Jong Un sacks military chief, orders war preparations -- DW  

Kim Jong-un fires North Korea’s top general and calls for weapons production boost -- The Guardian  

Kim Jong Un fires top general and tells his armed forces to prepare for war while displaying a map of South Korea -- Daily Mail  

Kim Jong Un fires top general, orders North Korean military to ‘gird for war’ -- CNN


Hans Persson said...

Next year is going to be interesting if my theory holds up..

Anonymous said...

So he fired him just shortly after the chinese dismissed several generals. I suspect there is a connection.

Anonymous said...

What is your theory Hans?

Anonymous said...

well i know get the hell out of japan now

Anonymous said...

no food big war look out

Anonymous said...

2 weeks left

Anonymous said...

fire at will and the 4BwithU

Hans Persson said...

I have a nagging feeling that next year (or at least very close) China will make its move. If they are in fact serious about their promises and threats.
What better move is there to do when the whole western society is bogged down with its resources and sympathy in Ukraine, we barely have the resources to take care of ourselves. Europe (NATO) is dependent on the US. So is Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and all the other nations that has made contracts with the military industrial complex.
How on earth can the US provide support, aid, material, ammunition etc to all its allies at once if for example North Korea makes a move, then China and then Russia.
Its like they all are building up and are waiting for the voting spectacle next year.
Its going to be a new world for BRICS once the Saudis switches from the petro dollar and South Korea, Japan and Taiwan are gone from the world economics.

With this in mind, good luck Ukraine, the support WILL dry up next year.

Something along those lines. Its a working theory but I'm willing to change, I'm probably too cynical.

Hans Persson said...

If my analys was boring, dont worry, I made one from an AI as Clint Eastwood:

I reckon there's a gnawing sense in me that come next year, or maybe just 'round the corner, China might just decide to make its move. If they're dead serious 'bout their promises and threats.

Now, what kind of savvy move could they pull off? Picture this: the whole dang Western society, mired in Ukraine, spread thin with its resources and sympathies. We're barely standin' steady ourselves. Europe, they're leanin' on Uncle Sam's shoulder through NATO. Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, heck, even them other nations tied up with the military-industrial contraption – they're all bankin' on the U.S. for their security.

But here's the twist: How's the U.S. gonna muster up the gumption to lend support, aid, gear, ammo – you name it – to every one of its allies at the drop of a hat? Picture North Korea makin' a fuss, then China struttin' its stuff, and Russia joinin' the hoedown. It's like they're all hunkerin' down, gearin' up, and just waitin' for the grand spectacle of elections next year.

This here's the kicker: Get ready for a whole new world for them BRICS folks – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Word's buzzin' that the Saudis might be tradin' in the petro dollar, and Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan might be packin' their bags in the global economy.

With these notions in the back of our minds, I'll tell ya, Ukraine, you might be in for a rocky ride. The support, mark my words, it might just dry up come next year.

Now, I ain't claimin' to have all the answers, and I might sound a mite cynical, but this here's a workin' notion, and I ain't opposed to shapin' it up.


A new world indeed :P