Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Russia - Ukraine War: Military Summary And Analysis For 8.9.2023 (Videos)


WNU Editor: It appears that Ukraine's northern flank has collapsed. If this story is true and if the Russians continue to advance, this will be the number one war story from Ukraine in the coming days.


Anonymous said...

"The Ukrainian Parliament submitted a draft law to restrict teenagers aged 16-18 from travelling abroad, to protect children's rights."

Not good.

Anonymous said...

Thats messed up! Zelensky is a criminal and I feel his days are numbered

Anonymous said...

Nto the Ukrainians he is not a criminal but Putin butt boys, yes

Anonymous said...


It is starting to be reported that zelinski is well hated in the Ukraine.

These reported assination worries, may not be from the Russians.

It would not be a surprise with so many dead, and nothing to show for it.

Anonymous said...

Zelensky and his boys are cleansing Ukraine of its male population at the behest of its western backers. They have no chance and should be negotiating a ceasefire. Early on I had more sympathy for him... but at this point he's clearly lost touch with reality and probably has his hands tied

Anonymous said...

Putin is a filthy dictator a war terrorist and Satins lover. Zelensky is a decent good leader defending his country agianst a filthy tyrant.

Anonymous said...

Zelinski is a cocaine fueled pervert who has no moral goals except self preservation and to make money. People in Ukraine hate him.

Anonymous said...

all the shit stuff posted anti-Zelinsky is by Russian operatives who get some vodka to help them drum up this crap. Stop yanking your dicks, putin lickspittles.

Anonymous said...

all this anti zelinski stuff is by Ukrainian patriots who are sick of this cowardly monster killing off their young men while living a life as a so called international super star.

Anonymous said...

The truth of the matter is that zelinski is living on borrowed time. He will be thrown under the bus by his western mentors if the Ukraine implodes.

He does not really care anyway. The ukies need A guy who concentrates on the people and spends little to nothing on himself. But z man has big bank accounts and a villa in Italy.

BTW. the head of the ukie secret service is a confessed war criminal. Guilty of assassinating civilians, including an innocent girl. And since Zelinski knows this, and has not had the man arrested, Zelinski is also a war criminal guilty of abetting a war crime and conspiracy.

I do not make the laws , I am just telling you the facts.

btw yes he is a lot of people....but the SBU is out there.....