Thursday, August 10, 2023

Russia - Ukraine War News Morning News Updates -- August 10, 2023 (Videos)


WNU Editor: A lot of updates this morning. 

Update: All eyes are on the offensive that Russia has launched in the northeast part of Ukraine (see tweet below).


Mr Nobody said...

attack in the the south

if the Ukrainians commit forces to the north and become decisively engaged. look for a Russian assault to the south towards Odessa

Anonymous said...

Yeah right, Tell us the sealift capacity available.

Jesus, but you seem bound and determined to spout stupid.

By land the Russian haver to get across the Dnipr. Oh wait, they have to get to the Dnipr now before they ford it.

God Damn you are stupid. Oh let's pick a innocuous name, Mr. Nobody, that a typical American might pick and then go trolling.

La de da de da .. ha ha ha

I do know this. I have seen intel track people and not pick them up to see who they might meet. I bet you make a very bright track for intel weanies.

Anonymous said...

Sea Lift capacity

It is not going to be the Olenogorsky Gornyak. The engine room in that sucker is flooded. I do not know if the electrical will all have to be torn out and replaced, but we shall see.

That was one of the largest amphib ships the Russians have.

Anonymous said...

dont need ships you jack ass.

the germans did not take Odessa by sea either.

you are an idiot.

Anonymous said...


Is that you up there Skoda? You having another bad day are we? Ukies are not doing so well, are they? No worries, what can you do about it anyway. A tragedy.

Anonymous said...


Yes tell us about the epic Black Sea battle that took place in the battle of Odessa where the Romanian- German navy sent in the Bismarck and Prince Eugen!!


You guys kill me.

Anonymous said...

I did talk about ships didn't I?

But I also talked about the land route. Namely the Dnipr River.

So please do not pull a Fred, but instead learn how to read.

Anonymous said...

Yes You did talk about the River.

An unlike FRED or CHRIS or member of the GS4 mob, I will answer you back.

The river, Yes a tough obstacle IF and only IF it is properly defended. Note.... that Mr Nobody also did not say "take Odessa". but ....go south towards ...Odessa.

If it was me, I would head to the Transniester border and by pass that place. Another Maripol waiting to happen. Let it rot.

But there are a lot of other "ifs" too. Do the russians have the capability to pull off such a move?


But Mr Nobody wrote this last week and he is right.

" " Unless the Russians take the south, the Crimea and Black Sea will never be safe. It all remain a thorn in the Russian Side for years to come.""

the Russians are not dumb , so they know this. So will what will they do now??.
Any body's guess.

Reasonable man theory says....If you want to avoid future pain...draw off your enemy north...then attack south.

makes sence.

\Have a good day

Anonymous said...

We should put you in charge of the Transniesterian Front.

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

I am honored.

It would be a challenge, but It would be a good death. In the spirit of Kappel.