Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Tweets On the Russia - Ukraine War


Anonymous said...

Looks like Wagner is going to fight terrorism with terrorism. Poland is a warmonger country and will reap the fruits of its sowing

Anonymous said...

That's crazy inhumane
But, the USA does it too. 6th January will live in infamy and remind all of us what they are capable of. To this day about 200 political prisoners who have not even seen a lawyer yet

And get this: A speedy trial is part of the constitution. They are being tortured for 2 years now with shit food and not being able to see anyone.

For the audacity to walk into a public building.
This is what is coming for us too if we leave these demons in charge.


Anonymous said...

And of course they have lost all their jobs, for being branded as terrorists and rebels.
They questioned the election outcome and rightly so. Since the last election the US is going down in flames through leftists fanatics that push gender mutilation on children, harass women and cause all sorts of political and economic turmoil. The sooner we arrest THEM for the actual crimes THEY commit, the sooner we will restore democracy and stop this great reset fanatics as well