Wednesday, August 2, 2023

UK Intelligence Says Russia Building A New Army For Deployment To Ukraine

Kyiv Independent: UK Defense Ministry: Russia likely builds 'major new formations' for deployment in Ukraine 

Russia has likely started forming major new formations over the last two months to "add depth to its ground forces" in Ukraine, the U.K. Defense Ministry said in its latest intelligence report on Aug. 2. 

However, Moscow is unlikely to find enough troops for even one new army without a fresh wave of mandatory mobilization, London believes. 

The strategy to build new and self-sufficient formations, such as the 25th Combined Arms Army, is a major shift in Moscow's approach toward using its reserves, the U.K. Defense Ministry commented.  

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WNU Editor: This is old news. Since the end of last year Russia mobilized about 400,000 to 500,000 soldiers, and their training is now coming to an end.


Anonymous said...

to fight and die without truth is a big mistake stop the war

Anonymous said...

The truth is that Russia is fighting a war for its survival. There

RussInSoCal said...

10:52 PM

Can you expand on that a little?

Anonymous said...


Guys, I would not laugh about this.
You remember WW1, WW2?

They started similarly... just today we will all die because the difference to back then and today is this:

We had leadership who wanted to save us
Today's leadership - if you just think back a couple of years - injected us with deadly shots, lied about it, imprisoned those who wanted to warn you and to this day censor the increase in death rates globally - it is still going on. Every day people die of vaccine related issues and the media blanks it out - so you believe nothing happens, while about every week a 9/11 happens with about 3-5k dead from this vaccine after effects

And then the onset of AI WHILE the great reset is going on ...

they will be happy to have this war to avoid also talking about the financial crimes they committed in the trillions - our money is gone, we are weeks or maybe months away from economic collapse

Anonymous said...

10:52 PM

Power of delusion is strong with you.

Anonymous said...

It's a topsy turvy world now. Maybe 4.20am is ahead of the curve. Maybe.

Anonymous said...

4:20 AM is at the end of a midnight split shift and the guy makes as much sense as any other pothead

Anonymous said...

Poor little WNU will walk around Moscow and get mugged by a Russian vet, who was traumatised in the glorious war he extols.

No worries the Moscovite aristocracy will make up for the factory worker shortage by importing a replacement population from Central Asia.

While WNU hides out in his apartment fearful of another mugging, the aristocrats will be in the walled compounds at the edge of Moscow mining money hand over fist.

The memo went out over 2 decades ago that WW1 and thus Ww2 by extension were stupid wars. Obviously WNU declined to read the memo.

Anonymous said...

8:26.Quick, search for your medication.....

Anonymous said...

Damn dude it sounds like you’re talking about living in a major American city when you describe moscows future. Disgruntled vets from wars of choice, imported racial underclasses, financial stratification. Scary stuff. Maybe something to consider back home too.

Anonymous said...


SKoda. Did you run out of your meds last week. Your case of insulitis is now running rampant.

Anonymous said...

Russia did not have to invade Ukraine. It chose to.

Ergo, it is a war of choice.

The war damaged vets? I read about them by some Russian doctor. They have quotas to see about 7 or 8 a day per doctor. I would recommend the series "Bible Battles". The is a retired soldier who narrates the series. His comments are key.

Demographically, I am spot on. The trend of movement of people moving from Central Asia to Russia has been going on for some time. Putin's war of choice will just accelerate it.

The real estate purchases of Putin's family has made news and there are photos. I love the fences.

Moscow's future? Do you remember the nanny that cut off the head of her 4 year old charge and held it up in public while screaming Allah Akbar? That was in Russia.

What did the Russian authorities do? They went the Jeb Bush. Mittens, Turtle route.

Anonymous said...


You are weird. A bunch of disjointed independent facts to make a nut case narrative.

Anonymous said...


War of choice? That is a Mark Milley talking blurb.
Do you always parrot the blob narrative

Anonymous said...

Why do Putin's relatives need highwalls around their compounds? Is it that safe around Moscow?

There is a scale by which you can judge neighborhoods.

Wall Height
Bars on windows
Electrical Monitoring
Watch dogs
Gated community
Security at gated community
Armed security
Barb wire/broken glass
Razor Wire

Anonymous said...

I knew Hilltop was a bad area when I tall chainlink fences around business with barb wire and bars on the windows. What really caught my attention was another business with razor wire. Never seen that before.

Sure enough about a year later there was a firefight between Army Rangers and a gang at the Hilltop neighborhood.

I know it, when I see it. I see it in Moscow.

Anonymous said...


I see you have been to Detroit, Bmore or frisco

the only place you do not see that is where there are lots of police and they do not take any crap..

or you live in Singapore, Switzerland or some other type of highly disciplined society.

Anonymous said...

Yes. We in the west have been indoctrinated to hate Russia and Russias in every way. Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union we still strived for decades to finish them off and rule whatever remained. When I went through Tanker OSUT and Infantry OSUT not once was China ever mentioned. It was all about killing Russians. NATO wouldn’t stop with its bullshit and essentially turned Ukraine into an anti-Russian state. Russian values, religion and way of life are a direct threat to the religiously progressive ideologies of western democrat lunatics and their ambitions to rule the world. Well thank god somebody is standing up to them. The progressive zombies feel comfortable with the level of control they have over the right in the west. We are no longer a threat to them.

Anonymous said...

Been to all those places except Switzerland. Been to cities on all continents except of course Antarctica.

I do know that some of the Beijing police have silencers on their assault rifles or sub machineguns. When the bore is the size of a .22 or 9mm and the barrel thickness makes it 3 times that, it gets your attention.

But the topic was Moscow and the highwalls of the compounds of the villas of the families of high officials. any bets if you loitered there you would be spotted by plainclothes police officers and picked up by plain clothes or uniformed police officers?

Anonymous said...


Good comment. Yep, In America, the streets of the elites have max attention of LE. They also have their own security crews.