Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Ukraine Has A New Spokesperson

WNU Editor: Strange is an understatement. 

Ukraine President Zelensky bans political parties and arrests its leaders, nationalizes the media, refuses to let men leave the country, accuses anyone who doesn’t agree with him of being a “pro-Russian” traitor, AND his new military spokesperson openly claims Russians “are not” people. 

And before I forget. We in the West are funding all of this.


Anonymous said...

Omfg. Now the Russians know what they are fighting for. Good job blob

Anonymous said...

You better believe they’re cooking up another Brian Eno in a wig to foist upon Taiwan as well.

Get the most confused, desperate for acceptance humans on the planet, give them a platform and make them feel important, and they’ll load men into the cattle cars for you personally.

Hans Persson said...

Ehhh... Ok, Russia, end this.

Anonymous said...

Told you before. It is the world turned on its head.

The Russians are the God, Fearing, christian Nation and we are now the Godless, perverted, Communists.

How many more proofs do you need?

Hans Persson said...


Anonymous said...

explain then why life expectancy in Russia now as low as that in African nations.

Anonymous said...

According to Wikipedia it's not. It's equal to Ukraine and Mexico. Weird non sequitur.

Anonymous said...

What does life expectancy have to do with the thread anyway?

This 9:44 guy is off his rocker.

Anonymous said...

As usual, what does any of this crap have to do with the thread? Buncha idiotic Gen Z freakos who barely made it out of high school. It shows.

Anonymous said...

The troon decided to make a face-saving "joke" video in response to the disgust and it's just an even worse look. If I was a Ukrainian there's no way I would want this delusional man larping as GI Jane speaking to (critically important) foreign audiences on my behalf.

Anonymous said...

LOL, this is all funny 😂😂😂🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Adam said...

Can I donate Directly to the Russian military?

Anonymous said...

yea, you cannot make this stuff up. The ukie spokesman IS a crackpot.

Anonymous said...

It's a weird message, and even weirder that the spokesperson is Trans.

But all of this comes from a very bitter (rightfully so) defensive war that Ukraine is fighting, fighting for its national identity. So it's also eye-opening reading the rapid hatred bordering genocidal remarks from some of the pro-Putler trolls above (including the WNU Editor) over this who make the same accusation that Ukrainians are not people.

Anonymous said...


Liar, we have never made the accusation that the Ukrainians are not people.

The Ukie government started( supported by the west) a campaign to call the Russians orcs and orientals and other racist crap. The people who parrot this stuff are blinded by the racist ideology that comes out of Kiev that says the Russian are not slavs. What a joke.

Yes so you Go ahead , defend that biological abomination that calls itself a women and somehow justify it by this horrible war.

But the real deal is, that this Pervert is a Poster child for the moral relativism of the decaying west and the perverted culture that the Ukraine has had forced down its throat by the west

Anonymous said...

Agree to what, Hans?

Anonymous said...

uh...rly? Could be any of the "generations"

Anonymous said...

Uh, no.