Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Ukraine's Former Prosecutor Speaks Out On Burisma, Biden, And Corruption

WNU Editor: Here is another Russian collusion story with an interesting twist .... FBI Official Involved In Trump-Russia Hoax To Plead Guilty To -- Conspiring With Russia (Zero Hedge).


Anonymous said...

democrats not only try to imprison the front-runner political opponent (Trump), but also classify anyone who questions election results as terrorists and emies to democracy. THINK about this. Do not move on to the next comment - think deeply about what this means.

The democrats did so many times themselves.

But this is not the same level we used to be before - we are reaching the limit. It needs to be resolved quickly by the Supreme Court or all hell will break lose.

The election 2024 is already not a fair election, and the Democrats are at fault. In fact they try to not have an election against Trump at all, WHILE proven money trails exist to Biden from Ukraine - the very issue they previously tried to throw Trump into prison for daring to investigate it.

They are tyrants. Plain and simple.
SO what do we do when the 2024 election comes?

Either the USA falls into tyranny and with it a major ally of democracy - it could mean the dark ages at the onset of AI. Think China and Russian system taking over, where you are literally pushed into gullags for opposing them.

Be very careful what you all do next.
If the FBI does not act... I don't know what they are then. Everyone in the World knows by now.

RussInSoCal said...

"Court Records Show Hunter Biden Received Millions From China, CCP Affiliates.
Court records from Hunter Biden’s imperiled plea deal with the Department of Justice (DOJ) divulge details on more than $2.6 million the first son received from China and affiliates of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Earlier, the DOJ announced a plea agreement with Mr. Biden, President Joe Biden’s son, whereby he would plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax crimes and would have a felony gun charge diverted.

During a July 26 hearing on his plea deal with the DOJ, Mr. Hunter Biden admitted to having received money from the Chinese energy firm CEFC. In exhibit 1 of his plea agreement, prosecutors went more in-depth on transactions between the first son, Chinese companies, and CCP affiliates.

Income received from such sources is listed as at least $2.6 million in all, however the total is likely substantially higher due to the combined way some of his income was listed in the document. Mr. Hunter Biden’s total income from foreign companies between 2017 and 2018 is confirmed by the sworn statement to have totaled roughly $4.9 million, in addition to $1 million in legal services for a CCP-affiliated Chinese national.

Though past reporting had already divulged information about Mr. Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China, the document, signed by the younger Biden himself, means that he has now affirmed having received such income under penalty of perjury."

Anonymous said...

Russ: If Hunter did something illegal then he will be held accountable for it, much as Trump is going to be heldaccountable for a bunch of illegal acts when the jury meets and the results are in (not yet done of course). But you blokes are trying to pin Hunter's alleged misdeeds with his father, the president. Give us proof of illegal acts and stop wetting adult diapers. facts. indictment. trial. It is Trump who urged an insurrection and attempted to overturn the election results and morons here still think that misfit truly won, despite the many court cases that turned down such nonsense.

Hans Persson said...

Hey 8:06..
Are you that guy that gave us the Steele Dossier...? Christopher, is that you?
Why are you still trying to pin everything on Trump? Did he grab you by the pussy?

Anonymous said...

Insane how we're sending billions a month to a country who's attorney general says it was being run as Joe Biden's personal feifdom but the schizos still want to focus on their conspiracies about the cheeto man.

RussInSoCal said...

8:06 PM

LMMFAO. Trump did not "urge an insurrection". There was no "insurrection". He said, "Many of you will now peacefully and patriotically march to the Capital to make your voices heard". I'm tired of the fake hyperventilating about an insurrection that wasn't. A false flag f there ever was one.

And its not about Hunter. Hunter's just a lowlife ne'er do well fronting for his scumbag father. Except that the drug addled idiot decided to document just about every bribe and grift on his laptop. Along with a lot of disgusting debauchery

Proof? US banks red flagged over 150 Biden transactions (bribes). That's a lot. Bank records proving up to 32 million dollars coming into the 20 Biden shell companies and LLC's from China, Ukraine, Russia and Romania. Sworn testimony from Archer and Hunter himself acknowledging the illegal activity. Keep in mind he was going to plead guilty to ALL OF IT until the Judge whiffed collusion between the Biden DOJ and the Biden defense. Biden actually bragging about withholding a billion dollars unless a UKR prosecutor was fired: That was literal extortion.

You progressive fascists are utterly blinkered to the point of believing every single non-crime against one pol while ignoring actual crimes against another. I'm personally fed up reading your tired horseshit.

So kindly take your trite, gainsaying fuckery and "sod off" to a board that puts up with it.



Anonymous said...

The Jan 6th hyperbole is the next conspiracy behind russiagate. Its has been more effective because many "Republicans" signed onto it.