Wednesday, August 2, 2023

US Ambassador To UN: Wagner Attack On Poland Will Be Treated As A Russian Attack On NATO

Anadolu Agency: US warns Wagner attack on NATO will be treated as Russian attack  

Wagner Group, at behest of Russian government, is a threat to us all, says Linda Thomas-Greenfield 

The US ambassador to the United Nations warned Monday that any attack on NATO by Russia’s Wagner Group will be treated as an attack by Russia. 

Linda Thomas-Greenfield made the remarks while briefing reporters in New York on various issues including ending famine, combating food insecurity in conflicts and defending human rights. 

Asked about the presence of Wagner Group mercenaries on the Polish border and whether she sees them as a real threat to NATO, she said: "We certainly worry that this group, at the behest of the Russian government – because they do not work independently of the Russian government – is a threat to all of us." 

She emphasized that the message should be clear that "any attack by the Wagner Group will be seen as an attack by the Russian government.”  

Read more ....  

Update: Wagner Attack On Poland Will Be Treated As Russian Attack On NATO: US Ambassador To UN (EurAsian Times)  

WNU Editor: Am I seeing the groundwork being laid for a US-Polish false flag incident to get NATO involved in the Russia - Ukraine war?


Anonymous said...

These people - those who stole the election and then imprisoned peaceful protestors and now try to imprison their major political opponent - WILL DO ANYTHING to stay in power.

We have to remove them. Please, FBI, make the arrests, you cannot be that corrupt and compromised to not see what is going on: A systematic destruction of the US and the West.

We will not stand for this war, you will be arrested, trialed and hung.

Of Prague said...

A false flag is inevitable.

The Ukrainian NATO trained/equipped forces are not making any real gains while being decimated to the point of being combat ineffective.

Unless the West provides Ukraine with some type of weapon with overmatch capabilities, the defeat of this counter offensive is inevitable.

Then the key question is this.

With their NATO supplied Tier 1 units used up, what do the Ukrainians have left? Little to nothing.

So their situation will be desperate.

Logical follow on is to get more NATO help?
How to do that?

Get them directly involved in the war.

False flag is a natural choice in this situation.
Question is, will they make that choice?

Anonymous said...

You don't need to stage a false flag when you got hardcore criminal nationalists on your border.

Anonymous said...

Seems like everyone on this planet knows that Wagner IS Russia by now, so why pretend like this is not the case and that Nato will use it as an excuse to enter the war.

If Wagner attacks, it is a Russian attack... end of story.

Anonymous said...

Lukashenko and Putin openly discuss Wagner attacking Poland, and now Belarus has sent two of their helicopters in to violate Polish airspace. But to WNU Editor, this is a US/Polish "false flag" operation.

The mendacity of WNU Editor knowns no bounds. His days as a Soviet diplomat is clearly showing as his blog has become nothing more than part of a Russian information warfare campaign. He should be totally ashamed of himself.


Justice Waits said...

Biden wants a war with Russia before the 2024 Presidential election, hoping that it will help him overcome Trump's lead in the polls. Contemptable! But this is what the Democrats have voted for and this is what they have. Too late for regrets.

Mr. Nobody said...

Despite all the wailing and gnashing of teeth by the neocon parrots:

This situation is simple.

The Ukrainians ( therefore the West). are currently losing this war.

The Ukraininas need immediate reinforcements and higher quality weapons with the trained experienced crews to go with them.'

There is no way to get this essential stuff now,, UNLESS, NATO enters the war.

This is what Ukraine needs to win. NATO joining the war would be an answered prayer and miracle for them.

The Russians?

Why should they attack NATO now , when everything is going thier way?

So, when you ask Cui Bono, From a NATO Article 5 declaration of war, clearly it is the WEST.

They would be the ones to do a false flag in order to save the Ukrainians

Ever hear of the Maddox or Turner Joy?

We saved the South Vietnamese, for a little while at least.

You get the picture.

Anonymous said...

No Chris...The information warfare campaign is you and the rest of your goon buddies in the adjacent cubicles.

fazman said...

Nope Chris is correct , you gotta lay off the pipe lol

fazman said...


Anonymous said...

Fazzy. Backing up the 5 eyes brother hoob.
COVID ,corruption and war. You and your gang of pals are Nazi blob lovers

Anonymous said...

Smoke all those bastards criminals. Put remembrance what US did to them killing 500 Fackner in a single Salvo