Wednesday, August 2, 2023

U.S. Signals No Interest To Replenish Its Strategic Oil Reserves

Bloomberg: US Rejects Another Round of Offers to Replenish Oil Stockpile 

The Biden administration is again delaying a replenishment of the nation’s emergency oil reserve because of market conditions, according to people familiar with the matter. The decision comes as oil prices have rallied above $80 a barrel. 

The Department of Energy is not taking up offers it got for a potential purchase, said the people, who asked not to be identified as details of the process haven’t been published. The administration rejected offers in January. 

“The DOE remains committed to its replenishment strategy for the SPR, including direct purchases when we can secure a good deal for taxpayers; exchange returns; and cancellation of planned sales where drawdown is unnecessary, in coordination with Congress,” Energy Department Deputy Chief of Staff Bridget Bartol said.  

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WNU Editor: They did warn us a few weeks ago this was going to happen .... Energy Secretary vows to refill emergency oil stockpile — but warns that won’t happen before a second Biden term (CNN). 

I for one would not be surprised if the Biden administration will release the last of America's strategic petroleum reserves in the months leading to next year's elections in order to keep prices down.

U.S. Signals No Interest To Replenish Its Strategic Petroleum Reserves  

US pulls back offer to buy 6 million barrels of oil for emergency reserve -- Reuters  

U.S. Withdraws Offer To Buy 6 Million Barrels Of Oil For The SPR -- 

Biden Admin Gives Up On Refilling Strategic Petroleum Reserve Due To "Market Conditions" -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

they are illegitimate and should be removed before this catastrophe named "Democrats" will further destroy our culture, economy, values and laws

One 100% fool proof way to recognize illegitimate tyrants:

They declare peaceful protestors as terrorists, imprison them and not let them see lawyers - breaking the constitutional right of a speedy trial

How much more obvious can it be?

They destroy our culture, values, economy, national security and pit us against another

They are not leaders but illegitimate tyrants who managed a successful coup thanks to the help by the media

Make the arrests, trial and hang these traitors and mass murderess and thieves

Anonymous said...

Maybe the CCP have full control over the Democrat administration. This could explain why the Democrats have removed the borders & all of the catastrophic actions of the Democrat government including America's war with Russia. Could the yanks & Rooskies have a nuclear exchange where Britain & France get hit leaving China as the last man standing? Discuss.....

Anonymous said...

For years the rumours have circulated that the Biden administration committed election fraud and came to power through a coup in collaboration with some shady organizations.

If you look at their actions - outright destruction of our norms, security and wealth - I would have to agree with the above.

If it looks like a treasonous cabal, acts like a treasonous cabal, then it is one.

I hope they get arrested any day now, this disgrace to our nations (I live in Europe), the attack on the West, the errosion of our political system, checks and balances happens in record time since the Obama administration - they tried to get rid of Trump and now with Biden they are back at dividing us and plundering our treasure while causing unmeasurable misery around the World and making us look bad as well.

If we do not stop these monsters, we will be held accountable too

But we need the support from police officers, military and judges who have not subscribed to this satanic plan

The rest of them, the pedos, the war mongers, the thieves - to hell with them. Lets hang them, mark the day a national holiday and let school children piss on their graves to memorize how close our civilization came to destruction because of these demonic creatures

Anonymous said...

Globalists = international agenda first, national interest last.


jac said...

This will not finish well.