Thursday, August 3, 2023

Western Media Now Admitting That Ukraine's Counteroffensive Is Not Going As Plan

Members of a mortar team from the 24th Mechanized Brigade fire on a Russian position in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, on July 23, 2023. (Finbarr O’Reilly/The New York Times)  

Politico: No breakthrough yet in Ukraine’s counteroffensive 

If Ukraine’s supporters were hoping for a breakthrough after Kyiv’s forces made a new push in the southeast of the country last week, they were sorely disappointed. 

The latest attack, which saw Ukraine throw in thousands of Western-trained reinforcements to drive south from the town of Orikhiv, has not yet yielded significant results, U.S. Defense Department officials told NatSec Daily this week, with one noting that the gains are being measured in the hundreds of meters. 

Ukraine now has 150,000 troops committed to the operation across three axes of attack, including multiple Western-trained brigades, said one of the DOD officials, who like others interviewed for this newsletter was granted anonymity to discuss operational details. 

But Kyiv is still keeping a number of forces in reserve, as soldiers continue probing heavily mined Russian defenses for weak spots.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: It looks like Ukraine's Western supporters are growing impatient .... Ukraine has tested its allies’ patience with its military strategy and demands (CNBC). 

Western Media Now Admitting That Ukraine's Counteroffensive Is Not Going As Plan  

Ukrainian Troops Trained by the West Stumble in Battle -- New York Times  

Ukraine says Russians fail to advance but are well dug in -- Reuters  

Why Russia's defenses are so effective: Deep minefields, adaptable drones, and electronic warfare are proving formidable in Ukraine, experts say. -- Insider  

‘Nowhere to hide’: The question troubling Ukrainian troops amid a grinding counteroffensive -- CNN  

Ukraine Using Cautious Counteroffensive to Preserve Key Military Resources -- Newsweek  

Ukrainian troops on front line admit Russians tougher than expected in ongoing counteroffensive -- NYPost 

Ukrainian counteroffensive’s slow going offers reality check but could yet pay off -- Julian Borger, The Guardian  

How the Ukraine Counteroffensive Can Still Succeed -- Time


Anonymous said...

Russians match the Ukranians man for man and yet the Russians have to keep sending more soldiers. Does not take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

You have these @## fcking generals and their media allies back in the States, who are disappointed. Desert Storm took a full month of using American air superiority to pound the living daylights out of the Iraqis before they started maneuver warfare. The Ukrainians have not had that air superiority or air support prep work. So they are doing it with artillery and Russians are dying by the hundreds.

The keyboard warrior who likes to hurl the word Skoda is needed in Kherson after so many russians were wiped out on Dzharylhach Island by incompetent Russian commanders.

Anonymous said...

invest in hearing aid companies

Anonymous said...

Thought this was interesting.

Anonymous said...

The russians are stalling for time until China goes for Taiwan. When the chinese do that within 24 hours the US will already start redeploying troops from Europe. Depending on how costly it gets the US might be forces to buyback everything its given to other countries. And if really desperate even buying weapons its never had. Will the russian strategy work?Who knows yet. Everyone knows war with China is coming if it starts while Ukraine is still on Ukraine will be abandoned. There are no monetary reserves for two major wars. Only one. And even that is with a question mark.

Anonymous said...


You got your information from a cracker jacks box? No, you are not that bright.

You got that from your cheat sheet when you got your in-brief this morning.

Let me help those that read this blog

What Mr 1042 is doing is taking a fact and twisting it. A common tactic of information operations.

He said.
Russians match the Ukranians man for man and
Russians have to keep sending more soldiers.

Implying that the Russian casualty rates are high. Higher than the ukies.

Not so fast. Is it because the are???

A. losing more men than ukies?
B. Just want to increase forces for planned future operations?
C. Increasing forces so they can better rotate units out of the line for refit?

No, according to Mr helpful it has to be his way...more Russian casualties.

So Kris and company, you having a bad day? The Skoda comment got to you eh?

Well you deserve it , you are a lying fraud. Just like the post you put in at 1042.

Nice try with the lying by implication, but the folks on this blog are not that dumb.

Anonymous said...

Poor 'lil Russians had to pull VDV from Kherson to another area to bolster Russians forces on the verge of collapse.

Yup, got to find replacements.

Need more meat shields, because the cluster munitions are clearing out trenches. Without manned trenches the artillery and helos are next. Then you stroll over the former minefields.

Another 5 or 10 miles and then Ivan has no more supper. Left there until he dies, Putin will just send more inmates I mean citizens to backfill.

Anonymous said...


Nice monologue. Too bad it does not reflect the facts.

The ukies offensive is failing you dimwit.

F A I L I N G.

They have not broken through the defence after 2 months and at this rate they never will.

You read much? Go back and read the war posts from the last 2 days.
Read the comments.... several people hit the nail on the head. The ukies are loooooosing, understand!

No this is not happy time. It is just the hard facts.

But no, you just drone on about how bad the Russians are at anything and keep hoping that the starship Enterprise or good tooth fairy is going to show up to save the day.

You are a pathetic liar.

fazman said...

Save your breath , the FSB bots here can't see the forest through the trees .

Anonymous said...

BS! My sources from my gut are telling me Ukraine are hitting them hard

Anonymous said...

Tell us about "the forest" Fazzy.

Are King Louie, Goku or Captain Kirk going to come down and save the day?

You got a country whose arms industry has been bombed into a shambles.

They have become a welfare queen dependent on NATO weapons supplies.

The graveyards are over flowing with the bodies of young men and more are dying each day in large numbers..


GIVE US the PLAN, Fazzy

TELL us FAZ. TELL US. THE BIG SECRET OF how ZELINSKI and his MOTLEY CREW of GRIFTERS are going to save the day.

Your sarcasm sucks. Give us a solution or shut the hell up.

"Can't see the forest through the trees."

What bull shit.

You Never served in the military a day in your life. You have no idea what reality is like out there.

You are full of it Faz.

Anonymous said...

Save your breath, this Faz child can't see the forest through the trees.

Anonymous said...

10:58 goku 😂😂😂

Anonymous said...

invade from the east and south mongo 987675545432ewqetyruyoplkkjmbvcczfgh