Friday, September 8, 2023

ABC News: US Likely To Send Long-Range ATACMS Missiles To Ukraine

The M57A1 Army Tactical Missile System missile is fired over the cab of an M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System launcher. New battle conditions call for the Army to have precision lethal and nonlethal fires that can be fired from land to produce effects in all domains, as joint, multidomain operations are expected to be increasingly common. U.S. Army  

ABC News: US likely to send long-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine for the first time: Officials 

"They are coming," one U.S. official told ABC News. 

 The Biden administration is likely to send Ukraine long-range Army Tactical Missile Systems, or ATACMS, to help in its fight to repel the Russian invasion of its territory, according to U.S. officials. 

"They are coming," said one official who had access to security assistance plans. The official noted that, as always, such plans are subject to change until officially announced. 

A second official said the missiles are "on the table" and likely to be included in an upcoming security assistance package, adding that a final decision has not been made. It could be months before Ukraine receives the missiles, according to the official.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: ABC News: US will likely send ATACMS to Ukraine in upcoming aid package (Kyiv Independent)  

Update #2: United States may transfer ATACMS missiles to Ukraine in new aid package (RBC Ukraine)  

WNU Editor: The escalation continues.


Anonymous said...

great. Last chance to order radiation ☢️ pills.

Anonymous said...

The Russians may look to hit the Americans elsewhere by using a proxy. Syria perhaps.

Caecus said...

Probably the only advantage over Storm Shadow/SCALP is being launched by the HIMARS vehicle. It's another important missile being exposed piecemeal to Russian air defenses, as Ukraine has a very small amount of launchers, information that will no doubt end up in all Chinese, North Korean and Iranian batteries

Anonymous said...

The political escalation was total, when Russia invaded Arschloch.

The rest is tactics.

"Oh Noesssss, da Germans are using V2 rockets. They are escalating the war!!!!!!"

"Oh Noesssss, da British are are using chaff. They are escalating the war!!!!!!"

"Oh Noesssss, da Americans are are using Sherman Fireflies They are escalating the war!!!!!!"

fazman said...

Taurus will be next , bad news for Russian command posts and logistics hubs

Anonymous said...

"information that will no doubt end up"

You should have used 'scare' quotes.

How else could the Russian obtain such information?
- Espionage (Theirs or China's)
- At a Russian test range testing their own equipment against their own equipment and doing further R & D

When the Russians got the atomic bomb plans from the Rosenbergs and other Democrat scum, the Russian physicists looked at the plans and immediately saw how to make an improvement to increase yield. they suggested adding a small space. they were told Maximum Leader Stalin wanted an exact copy. It being the Russia the physicists complied.

If you are waiting for a war to improve your arsenal, it is too late.

So the Russians get some data. Does it make a difference after the Kerch bridge is gone?

Caecus said...

the information is obtained by the missile being tracked by radar, and by recovering debris, or an actual missile as a small percentage will inevitably fail. flight pattern data allows enemy air defenses to be updated and adapt to them

Anonymous said...

- tracked by radar
- by recovering debris
- an actual missile as a small percentage will inevitably fail

Can you be more specific?

This missile is going 781 mph and not 780 mph like the last5. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, we got some new data.

There is a limit to telemetry and other data.

The "Do not use your weapons or your secrets will get out" is as a poor of an argument as "Do not give the Ukrainians cluster munitions, which the Russian were already using, because it will escalate the war.

Barring nukes or genocide (for which there already considerable evidence) the war already escalated about as much as possible.

The argument comes down to another day, another threat by the Russians of "Let us have our way with this country or else." That literally is Hitlerian. I never knew WNU could goosestep so well.

The Russians could attack American forces in Syria. There are problems with that scenario. First is the Syrian army isn't. There is a corps of technical services being rebuilt by the Russians ,,but most of the troops are militias. the militias definitely will fight. they will fight decently or maybe very hard for their locale. They ain't crossing the desert willingly to engage the Americans. Second, where is Wagner? They are the ones that fought the Americans the last time. They lost. Are they going to give their final measure after what Russia did to Wagner? Third, the Russians withdrew a lot of stuff from Syria due to the their needs in Ukraine. I think the Russians should go for it in Syria. Let it all hang out.

Caecus said...

"Can you be more specific?"

every object has a signature (RCS - radar cross section) which allows an object to be identified by air defense, and this information can be passed on to all other air defense units since they are integrated into a network. this helps identify objects and intercept them more efficiently in the future. this is why the US doesn't want F-35s or F-22s flying near Russian radars for example.

Recovered debris and unexploded missiles can allow them to reverse engineer them. this is how Iran produces TOW missiles or copies of the Predator drone. The copy doesn't match the original of course, but it's still a massive improvement over their own drones.

In a anctual war with NATO, there would be hundreds of launchers for ATACMS and other standoff missiles like the Storm Shadow, potentially causing massive damage to the Russian military so they would have a decisive effect. However drip feeding them to Ukraine who can only fire handfuls of them at a time won't have a serious effect on the Russians and only allows them to adapt to those weapons.

As for the bridge, if the Storm Shadow didn't reach it, there's no reason to believe the ATACMS will (ATACMS will be fired at extreme range since UKR offensive has made no progress towards the sea of Azov)

Anonymous said...

The old saying "If you're not defeating them you're training them".

Anonymous said...

Caecus you proved more detail and I truly appreciate it. I know about RCS. I probably do not know enough about it.

There can only be so many RCS's out there.

Americans are regularly threatened by the Russians with the claim/fact that their ICBMs will always or enough get through, because they can spoof the radar or throw out decoys. ICBMs go quite a bit faster.

There are all sort of problems with radar from distance to signal to noise to EW, to power output, etc. We were told that the Chinese balloons were not detected because of filters. the filters were "on" probably because of signal to noise "problems". I 100% doubt that the Russians would have signal to noise problems when detecting an ATACMS.

Russian air defense is pretty good. So I expect the Ukrainians to volley fire. they have before. It is what the Germans did in WW1 because the British had better counter battery fire. The Ukrainians probably volley fired from different directions to take out the Chonghar Bridge.

I also expect the Ukrainians to take out some of the more threatening assets the Russians have ahead of a bridge attempt. I expect the Ukrainians to have a go at the S-400 radar being shipped from Sakhalin island to Crimea as a replacement for the one that got hit.

The Russians have a finite amount of air defense. This is shown by them taking assets away form the Far East and Syria

Russia ships air defence missiles out of Syria, satellites show

I think supporting the Ukrainians with more than lame college try is more important than worrying RCS. Whenever you play a military board game (which is just a sim), the are usually time limits on the victory conditions. the Russians probably already can get a rough cut on the RCS of an ATACMS form data already out there. They have a test ranges and production facilities. What they really would need would be funding.

Also, the Chinese steal something every year. ATACMS number has got to come up some time. I guess my argument is that this secrecy is penny wise and pound foolish. Trading off RCS sooner rather than later might be a good trade off to decrease the burn rate of Ukrainian soldiers, since the Russians are going to get the data anyway through hook or by crook.

Anonymous said...

"defense units since they are integrated into a network. this helps identify objects and intercept them more efficiently in the future. this is why the US doesn't want F-35s or F-22s flying near Russian radars f"

Which is why American carriers will cease flight ops, when a Russian spy ship is around. It was very nice of the Ukrainians to take the Ivan Khurs out of action.

Anonymous said...

I thought the US gifted the drone to Iran.

"On 5 December 2011, an American Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel unmanned aerial vehicle was captured by Iranian forces near the city of Kashmar in northeastern Iran. The Iranian government announced that the UAV was brought down by its cyberwarfare unit which commandeered the aircraft and safely landed it"

Wait, wrong drone type.

So the Iranians engaged in (cyber) warfare and Obama did jack.

Anonymous said...

Russian people will suffer dearly u want some to north Korea and Chinese people u better start the protest all of u

Anonymous said...

Even your children

Anonymous said...

War has no rules only hell 4 mankind

Anonymous said...

Selling your soul's 4 what???$$$??? fake powers

Anonymous said...

Just send it you bastards and stop too much talking.

fazman said...

Exactly, if ukraine was given their requirements 12 months ago so many lives would have been saved

Anonymous said...

Send a long range middle into WNU’s ass

fazman said...


Anonymous said...

classless boguns

Anonymous said...

Exactly if Ukraine was given its requirements 12 months ago a so many of zelinski's cronies would be a lot richer by selling them off.

Fixed it for you.