Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Another Poll Says Former President Trump Is In The Lead (Albeit By One Percentage Point)

Huffington Post: George Stephanopoulos Shocked By New Trump-Biden Poll 

ABC News’ was startled by a new Wall Street Journal poll that showed former President and President tied in a potential rerun of the 2020 election in 2024. 

“It is kind of shocking in a way that despite all of the baggage that Donald Trump carries, he’s tied with Joe Biden right now,” Stephanopoulos said on Sunday’s broadcast of “This Week.” Former Democratic National Committee chair admitted it “could keep me up at night.” 

The poll showed “Trump had 40% support to 39% for Biden, with potential Green Party and Libertarian candidates drawing a combined 3%. A significant share — some 17% — were undecided.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: A lot of details on the WSJ poll are here .... Biden gets low marks on economy and major concerns about his age as he looks to Trump rematch, new poll shows (CNBC). A number of other polls over the summer have been saying the same thing. The former President is in the lead by a few percentage points. But a lot can happen between now and November 2024.


Hans Persson said...

He's never going to be elected again, I wish people could stop repeating this nonsense... It's boring and it's a waste of my time.

Anonymous said...

Putin started an ethnic slander and 'explained' how Ukraine managed to combine "Nazism" and a Jewish president.

Anonymous said...


Dave Goldstein said...

I am shocked, positively shocked. Biden idiots, Trump idiots.

Anonymous said...

Too many judges have proved partisan. Prosecutors can jury shop. I do not think he will be president.

People like governor Kemp are against him.

Kemp was subjected to the same dishonest tactics and system. They tried to steal an election from him. He barely made it. They sling mud at him and now he is all meek. Kemp is a little weasel.

Kemp almost lost to a soft porn novelist of no discernable skill. It does not say anything much about Kemp as it does the system. The system ran a corpse against Trump and won.

Anonymous said...

I wait for the fat lady to sing, ie the election to be held and the winner announced. That said: My guess (that is all it is) is that with 4 separate trials and different places, Trump will be found guilty and do time. Now, if that is the case, it becomes a question of when he is found guilty: before or after nomination and election etc. Would you vote for a person that was found guilty and being sent to jail (he would of course appeal to the Supreme Court). Thus far, the GOP fully supports Trump as a potential candidate. But the trial and aftermath? somehow that is is never brought into the discussion. The time will soon come when it will be a reality.

Anonymous said...

Trump built the wall, but he is an idiot.

Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem, but he is an idiot.

Trump actually did a very good job in moving the embassy to Jerusalem. The law was already passed before he was in office. A few presidents just waivered moving the embassy every year. When it come up, Trump rubber stamped the waiver. But he asked his team to argue why the embassy should not be moved per the aw passed by Congress. He told him to come up with good argument the next item it came to wavier it or he would not sign the waiver. That is not a rash action. it is measure and it was respectful of his subordinates. But yeah Trump is an idiot.

Trump had the remain in Mexico policy, but Trump is an idiot.

Trump had mean tweets and the National Review got a tummy ache. Do many Republicans outside of the Beltway like the National Review. but we must listen to NR and Trump is an idiot.

Will Dave listen. Nah. Dave is brown shoe and you have to have a pretty good ego to be a brown shoe or you get squashed and washout. So no Dave won't listen.

Having a strong ego is not all bad, but sometimes it can blinker you.

Anonymous said...

moved the embassy? true. so what? what has changed?
built a small portion of a wall that was a disaster and did not work at all and was not as trump promised paid for by Mexico.

“Proud Boys activity has been strongly correlated with the fortunes of former President Trump. Ninety-seven of the 152 demonstration events in which Proud Boys participated [in 2020] — or nearly two-thirds — were explicitly in support of then-President Trump,” a 2021 analysis of the group from the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project stated. “Over 90% of these pro-Trump demonstrations occurred after the former president called for the Proud Boys to ‘stand back and stand by’ at the first presidential debate on 29 September 2020.”

“Proud Boys activity saw a massive spike when Trump officially lost the election to Joe Biden,” the analysis added, “a dynamic that once more invigorated the group’s involvement in violent demonstrations.”

Although the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, has understandably attracted the most attention and analysis, there were other protests in Washington after the 2020 election, including ones in November and December. Each of those was followed by violent incidents involving the Proud Boys.

Hans Persson said...

Lol, you think they will let him? 🤣

DinoB said...

How can any resonably thinking person have any faith in a poll of 1,500 people in a country of 330,000,000!!

Hans Persson said...

Well put. +1

Hans Persson said...

I have no idea how we got here DinoB, buy everywhere in the world the left has taken a fascist stance and I don't approve. If one you pause and reflect over all this it will sink in eventually. Here in Sweden the left totally ignored 1/4 of the people and did all they could to interfere in the election. But its mostly being a bully and lock out people from jobs, unions, important positions,name calling. Just as Hilary.

I do not approve of bullies and I really hope there will be an enlightening moment for the ruling noble class one day when the reckoning comes. But that won't start in Sweden, thats for sure. We're just going to donate all of our money and culture to whomever comes here and settles. So I'm kinda waiting for the "US" to start this whole revolution.

Anonymous said...

moved the embassy? true. so what? what has changed?

It was important to Israel. Israel is an ally. they might not be a totally ally, but neither is Germany, France, Britain or Saudi Arabia. Especially Saudi Arabia.

built a small portion of a wall that was a disaster and did not work at all and was not as trump promised paid for by Mexico.

It was the best wall ever built and wen for a significant way. More would have ben built, but the Dems threw the kitchen sink and several hissy fits.

Like all walls it has to be manned to work. Asshole and Asslicker Biden pulled Border Patrol back form the border or put them on diaper duty. That is the wall's fault. That is on Asslicker.

Mexico did not pay. Not surprised and I do not care. Trump got it built. All you bring it up means and going "Nyah nyah nyah" means is that I need to marry up your head with a curb. that is all.

If you study electrical engineering, it is set up that they look at positive charge moving in a system not electrons. It really does not matter for the equations. they work out the same, but that is the convention.

In a way Mexico did pay for the wall,. If less remittances go back to Mexico and more Americans have jobs and pay taxes, the US treasury and economy will see a net gain. An economist, electrical engineer or honest person would understand the truth of the argument. you however will forever be benighted.

Anonymous said...

Muslim boys and Swedish girls

Good leftist guys with government jobs with other leftist guys.

Hans Persson said...

🤦 you seem very on top of the wall topic but you seem to forget that EVERYONE was against that wall and was trying to impeach him like 10 times over that. There apperantly already was a wall there that both Clinton and Obama helped build and maintain. But when the poor man wanted to continue the project it was suddenly bad.

Fast-forward, the "US" is very much in favor of building walls all over Europe again. Polen, Baltic states, Greece had already been building and are probably done already with the help from the "US".

So kindly throw away your stupid keyboard and stop fucking talking about that freaking Trump wall like it's a bad thing. Parrot.

Anonymous said...

In a way Mexico did pay for the wall,. If less remittances go back to Mexico and more Americans have jobs and pay taxes, the US treasury and economy will see a net gain. An economist, electrical engineer or honest person would understand the truth of the argument. you however will forever be benighted.

I am not a crackpot.

Hans Persson said...

The ONLY thing that differs with the walls is that bad wall down against Mexico has future voters behind it while those here in Europe has to be built to stop migrants.

That's why we all over here has been watching American politicians with big eyes while they are bending themselves backwards to get as many as possible over that wall.

And even more hilarious is that they say it's racist to have a voter ID.
Everyone else in the developed world has voter ID requirements. But not the "US".

Lol and you can't draw the lines yourself to figure it out that it's a big election interfere scheme.

Jeez you muppets over there are stupid.

Anonymous said...

^^^ If a Mexican gets a job in the US and sends remittances back to Mexico, then it is not an an American having the job and spending the money in the local economy.

If the money is sent to Mexico you lose the multiplier effect. You learn about the multiplier effect in econ class. They do not teach it in FSB troll school? For shame.

Now your class assignment is to rea dup on the multiplier effect get back to us, show that you understand it and the apologize. You won't because you are fucking Russian troll.

Hans Persson said...

And by the way, our walls work. I have no idea how the "US" seems to think that their wall doesn't for some reason, if it ever was completed.

Hans Persson said...

I guess they suck at building walls too.

Anonymous said...

A federal judge on Tuesday sentenced former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio to 22 years in prison -- the longest sentence to date handed down for any individual charged in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol.

Prosecutors had sought 33 years in prison for Tarrio, their harshest recommendation yet for someone charged in the Justice Department's sweeping investigation into the Capitol assault -- despite the fact that Tarrio wasn't present in Washington the day of the attack.

Anonymous said...

the wall was a total failure and not much of it got built.
Trump passed a huge tax giveaway for the wealthy...google and you will see!
Trump was behind an attempt to subvert the election and is going to trial for that.

Hans Persson said...

You're probably right and if that doesn't do it for you, you have the 14th amendment thing in your slave. I know you people will make sure Trump never get to office again. I know that.

Keep going down this track, nothing bad will happen 😁

Hans Persson said...

And meanwhile some Americans should go study our walls. Apparently the know-how isn't there, one day the Americans will be able to build a wall that works.

We believe 🤗

Also, the money spent on the wall(s) down at Mexico from earlier administrations has also been to launder money then, or? You shot yourself in the face with that one.

Anonymous said...

here is what Cato, the very conservative site says:

Former President Donald Trump’s border wall has not provided the promised results. President Joe Biden needs to abandon the failed project.

The Border Wall Didn’t Work | Cato at Liberty Blog

Hans Persson said...

That just proves what I just wrote. If previous administrations also was building that wall and it was in such a bad shape that when trump got there... What were they doing until then? Come on man.

Anonymous said...

Burning down the house

Anonymous said...

Mind confused fools every day

Anonymous said...

Stop it now

Anonymous said...

Material world has consequences 666 out of touch with God

Anonymous said...

The Wall Street Journal poll is being cited in all the mainstream media outlets, with no caveat that Donald Trump’s Super PAC paid one of the pollsters.

That Big Poll Showing Trump and Biden Are Evenly Matched? Trump Helped Pay for It.

Hans Persson said...

Yeah keep strawmanning. Avoid all my questions.

Anonymous said...

1. we do not know what your questions are
2. we do not know whom you address
3. we do not feel obligated to answer those we do not care to answer

Anonymous said...

It was not.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is a new Hans Person like the new B Poster.

Hans Persson said...

Yeah probably. If you don't know the questions, read my comments before posting your garbage.

Hans Persson said...

And I have tons of respect for B poster than a internet troll like you that only repeats what's been told to you. I bet you still think Trump is a Russian pawn.

Anonymous said...

Fred person, Russian troll or just pure troll got Hans pissed off.

Troll reminds me of a spectator sucker punching one of two people in a ring. I know what happens after the 1st fight is over.

Anonymous said...

I think the are one or m ore trolls. that is not saying much. But consider if it is one troll with multiple sock puppets. What if they are paid trolls?

The troll infestation makes WNU's site less useful to him (or anyone).

I learn some form the troll(s). Up to a point. They are data points.

Anonymous said...

These guys are not trolls. They are stupid info ops guys who cannot go off script or engage in independent thought. Their sole mission is to support a blob lie narrative....Walls don't work.


Walls do work.

The Finn's are now building one.
The Koreans have one. It's called the DMZ.
The Warsaw pact had them
Hungarian's put up one a few years ago to keep out illegal immigrants.
And guess what?
They all worked very well

So are you trying to say, that the United States of America is totally incapable of building a efficient border wall?

Hans is correct. You are avoiding his questions with bullshit.

Gillitine inthusiest said...

If not we burn the whole place down starting with the city's im ready to watch it burn

Gillitine inthusiest said...

If they do start a war with China or Russia the left is fight any and all conservatives should refuse and or sabotage the home front us government is the enemy of the world