Friday, September 1, 2023

Another US Senator Says The US Is Getting "Money's Worth" In Ukraine Because American Troops Aren't Dying

U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal, right, Elizabeth Warren and Lindsey Graham spent 14 hours in Kyiv on Aug. 23, 2023, getting updated on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Courtesy of U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal  

Sen. Blumenthal, CTPost: 'Zelenskyy doesn’t want or need our troops. But he deeply and desperately needs the tools to win' 

Passionate and blunt, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will sometimes open his arms, raising his body as well as his voice, to sound the alarm about what Ukraine needs to beat back Russia’s murderous invasion. Through 18 months of brutal bleeding and death on the battlefield, he has sustained resolve and resilience — in himself and his beloved people. His magnetic energy was as impressive as ever when I recently met with him alongside my colleagues, U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham and U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, during my fourth visit to Ukraine. 

What Zelenskyy needs to repel Putin and stop his atrocities is the same brand of resolve and resilience from America and our allies. It will be a challenge, but it begins, and maybe ends, with a clear-eyed recognition that our own national security and self-interest are at stake. If Putin wins in Ukraine, he’ll roll forward against other nations — NATO allies that we have a treaty obligation to defend with troops on the ground. Ukraine is at the tip of the spear, fighting our fight for independence and freedom.  

Read more ....  

Update: US Getting "Money's Worth" In Ukraine Because American Troops Aren't Dying: Sen Blumenthal (Zero Hedge)  

WNU Editor: These U.S. politicians are playing with fire.


Anonymous said...

Everything is money this is absurd without size, people of Ukraine will pay dearly the bill, well that Putin warned about this neo-Nazi clowning, BioLabs and delivery to the USA is costing dearly..

Anonymous said...

What crass crap. So we should be happy that huge amounts of money are being sent overseas, because it's not our people dieing.?

Better idea. Spend the money here in the States to make this a better place to live.

Anonymous said...

These people are fucking embarrassing

Anonymous said...

Blumenthal is a lying fuckhead that claimed to be Vietnam veteran when he served stateside.

"In April 1970, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps Reserve, which, as The New York Times noted, "virtually guaranteed that he would not be sent to Vietnam".[20][19] He served in units stationed in Washington, D.C., and Connecticut from 1970 to 1976"

I will say this in Blumenthal's favor. He is not John Kerry. He did not put in for purple hearts, when he got a papercut.

Their statements are incredibly stupid. The war is not yet won. The Russians are cracking, but it is still possible that the Ukrainians could be bled dry. Russians better not get too cocky about that. The US won the Cold War. The USSR died. Yet the poison that the USSR inflicted n the US is still taking its toll and might do the US in.

Plus the statement is incredibly stupid in that if they could win the war with 200,000 casualties instead of 200,000 and they do not choose the former, it makes them guilty.

Anonymous said...

Sooner or later Ukrainians will figure out they are fighting on the wrong side. The side that couldn’t care less for them and has nothing but debt to offer

Anonymous said...

11:32 the Jew Zelensky cares not about the common man in Ukraine being killed and maimed at the front lines, so long as he has more, more, more money to stuff into his fat greedy pockets from skimming US aid. Both US and Ukraine leadership are guilty of war crimes. Man may not judge them because they have everything rigged in their favor but the Lord will and I hope they enjoy eternity burning in torment in Hell where they belong.

Anonymous said...

All of this just for political butt sitters can pound their chests and scream how brave they are while wasting our money. Did you know that the US dept. Of defense has never been successfully audited? Not money going to top secret projects but money that just disappeared. Not millions on billions but over $100 billion and counting.

Anonymous said...

Fighting the war Russia started is necessary.

Trying to deny these misanthropes political victory for doing very little will be hard. Especially since Moscow helps the Democrats.

As much as Moscow hates Democrats for supporting Ukraine, Moscow aids the Democrats, when they support groups like "Just Stop Oil". Things are intertwined to such an extent that when Moscow funds those groups it shoots itself in the foot.

Moscow secretly funded US anti-fracking groups. Is it now attacking US energy companies?

Democrats can distance themselves form these groups, while at the same time benefitting from the tumult and hysteria they produce to enact their "War on Climate Change"

Those climate change kooks are patsies. But they keep the pressure up and allow the SM to spina narrative with corrupt politicians, so those politicians can increase their power and control.

If it ends up Moscow getting nuked, I would soooooo sssssaaaaaaaadddddddd!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Investigate Russia’s covert funding of US anti-fossil fuel groups


Anonymous said...

What if I care more about stopping the slaughter of our allies than the supposed dollar value of their lives? They don't seem to consider those of us who still retain our humanity before opening their disgusting mouths.

Anonymous said...

clean out your mouths with soap ye blasphemers!! Jesus will smite thee through thine eyeballs.

Anonymous said...

Now u know how senator thinks like a fool

Anonymous said...

Saudi Arabia does the same thing, we gonna nuke them too? Russophobe

Anonymous said...

1231. Yes that's right you go on believing propaganda. Well how about that whites are all racists or Gender is a construct. The covid vaccine is safe and effective, Benghazi was caused by a film. Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. All the "truth" at one time , were they not?

1134 and 1135.... tell us all how wonderful it is going to be when about 1/3 of the US is incinerated, the other 2/3rds living in dystopia land for 5 generations and the British become extinct. But you go right ahead and nuke Moscow... dunce.

B.Poster said...

Nailed it!!

Anonymous said...

Russian trollmasters cannot quite sh-tcan the the B Poster handle.

Russian soldiers have raped many POWs and citizens What is humane about that? Everything I wrote is true. Take a poll. Many people consider the Russians not to be human based on their conduct of the war. That is a fact.

Many people did not consider Germans to be human in 1945 from the Russians engaged in mass rape to allied generals who did not give a fuck about German prisoners in Europe and left them out in the elements. That is a fact.

You are assuming I am afraid of nuclear war. Live with the threat of it too long to be afraid. Inured to it.

Now be good boy and run your mouth some more.

Anonymous said...

These are all useful comments and help me to learn a good deal. Keep up the good and useful work.

Anonymous said...


Gee skods...not remembering your history very well are you?

Ok let's try to teach you again . Now wipe away that drool from your face and listen.

A. The Russians are not the Soviets.
B. Can you tell us which Soviet nationality was committing the rapes?
C. We're they Russians , Georgian's, Estonias, or maybe, just maybe your precious Ukrainians? Or a dozen other nationalities that made up the old Soviet system?

Lastly skods. No one really cares if you are afraid of nuclear war or not. But clearly you are showing your inhumane streak by saying it is ok to start one with Moscow. Just think of all the kids out there, or all the real nice people who are going to die, because you want to be selfish.

No skoda. You and I know that it is coming, but we do not have to wish it on ourselves and others , do we?

Have a great day skods!!

Anonymous said...

A) The Russians are Soviets. No Russia = no Soviet Union. Russia was the driving force.
B) All of the above.
C) See B.

Funny things about DNA testing for the family tree and all. They can prove all sorts of crimes.

Anonymous said...

everything is binary
2 knees
2 testicles
2 breasts
Slavs and non slavs

Anonymous said...

Gee whiz sports fans. 435 and 621 are products of a poor education, See what has happened to America?

No the Soviets are not the Russians. The Soviets were a conglomeration of intellectual elites across the nationalities.who saw themselves as citizens of the world. As an example Stalin was a Georgian. Voroshilov,Mikoyan, and Brezhnev and Chernenko were all of the nationalities.

But we are getting off point. Tell us how many russians committed rape vs the other nationalities of the Soviet Union.

Easy, you cannot.. So your statement is false. You ar being. blind by your own ideology and hate.

The argument can be made since the Soviets Union was run by a Georgian that it is the Georgians who perperstarted these crimes and are responsible.

But that is not clear either, What is clear is that you are illogical and cannot understand a simple fact

Saying todays Russia is the Soviet Union or responsible for the soviet system is nonsense. It is like saying that the United states is responsible for the crimes of the British when the US was a British colony.

Are todays Romanias responsible for the crimes and policies of Nicolae Ceaușescu? Clearly they are not.

So how can you say the Russians have this burden. If anything it is the Ukrianinas...because of Brezhnev and Georgians because of Stalin.

Any way skods...wake up and smell the coffee and get that ideological beam out of your eye.

BTW. the ukrianinas are slavs along with the Russians and serbs.

Remember WW1. What was the reason imperial Russia got into the war/

Because the were the protector OF. yes you got it.. THE SLAVS

Anonymous said...

Because they(sic) were the protector OF. yes you got it.. THE SLAVS

So a Serb as part of a conspiracy shoot the Archduke and because of it somehow the Russians are going to protect all Slavs? Were there plans to round up all Serbs?

Were the Russians protecting the Poles when they carved up Poland not once, not twice, but 3 times?

What Slavs were the Russians protecting, when they invaded Finland or Dagestan?

When did the Uzbeks invaded Russia?

B.Poster said...

The Senator and other members of our leadership class would say it is Russia who is "playing with fire." Unfortunately for us and them their analysis of the situation is fundamentally flawed.

They both wildly overestimate their/our capable while simultaneously wildly underestimating the capabilities of Russia, China, and their allies. Failure to properly understand one's self combined with a lack of proper understanding one's adversary is unlikely to end well for us or our leadership class.

It us possible our leadership class does understand the situation and views this as a fight to the death. If so, I see no reason why my loved ones need to die or suffer major loss for our leadership class. People like this Sdnator need to be stepped now!!

Anonymous said...

Ok skda you are mixing up your history and making an argument on non comparisons by using a central domino...Russia

a. The serbs who are slavs wanted freedom from the Austrian Hungarian empire.

B. At that time the Imperial Russian empire existed. the Czar was the titular Head of the Orthodox church and defender of the faith. He was also considered by many as the representative of world wide Slavic interests.

C. The Czar had warned the world of problems in The balkans and he would act.

Then you jump to Poland which, even though they are both slavs , do not like each other very much. Kind of like American Indian tribes. Remember also the Poles do not speak Russian and are Catholic.

You then move to Russian imperial designs as an empire. Empires do what empires do skods.. Slavic or Non slavic.....I mean , look at the US.

Think the Brits and US are going to Give up Northern Syria or Diego Garcia or Gitmo any time soon?