Thursday, September 7, 2023

Are The Saudis (And Russia) Trying To Infleunce the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election

Axios: The Saudis will have a say in U.S. elections 

Saudi Arabia's extension of oil production cuts until the end of 2023 or longer helps ensure energy prices will become an election 2024 debate.  

Why it matters: U.S. gasoline prices, which have been on the rise, are closely tethered to global oil prices. Meanwhile, the presidential campaign season is heating up — and voters already give the White House low marks on the economy. 

If sustained, "crude price strength could weigh on President Joe Biden's re-election bid," ClearView Energy Partners said in a note. 

Read more .... 

Update: How might Saudi Arabia's oil confrontation with the Biden Administration play out? (Rystadenergy)  

WNU Editor: The Russians are also being blamed for high oil prices .... Russia And Saudi Arabia Extend Oil Production Cuts (September 5, 2023). 

As to what is my take. 

I am sure the Russians and the Saudis want the Biden administration gone, and if higher oil prices is the recipe, so be it. But I also sure the White House and its mainstream media supporters are now trying to shape the narrative that high gas prices at the pumps is not due to the fault of the Biden administration, but to regimes hostile to America.


Anonymous said...

One of the fake electors put forward by Republicans in Michigan said in December 2020 that the plan to use a slate of fake electors to help Donald Trump win their state came together following conversations with “some very incredible constitutional attorneys” from the Trump campaign.

In a December 2020 radio interview reviewed by CNN’s KFile, Meshawn Maddock, one of the 16 fake electors in Michigan charged by the state attorney general for the alleged scheme, detailed the Trump campaign-directed plan and said the crucial decision on which electors to use would ultimately rest with a constitutional attorney and Vice President Mike Pence and Congress.

Anonymous said...

Lot of hot air up top @10:08. The only thing that is fake these days is your president, and probably your private parts.

Anonymous said...

Who does not want the Biden regime to be expelled, arrested and trialed?


RussInSoCal said...

You can include the Biden admin on the list of regimes hostile to America. They just blocked the last of the federal leases on oil and gas exploration in Alaska.

A big favor to Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran and Venezuela.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the info. That was an unknown.

With the shrinking of the strategic reserve. With these new events ... The squeeze will be on.

Note. Dems will blame Putin and not their own stupidity for this nightmare

Anonymous said...

climate change is just a myth. tell your insurance agency that.

Anonymous said...

we good they bad

Anonymous said...

Both the fault of the Biden administration and regimes hostile to America can both be true at the same time.

There are or were policies that the Biden Maladministration could take to ameliorate or totally negate any leverage Putin and MBS might have.

Permitting more leases would help. "Bright" liberals will point out that America is producing more oil now than before. The counterpoint is that it is despite liberal policies not because of them. the back and forth will go on for awhile, but liberals will never admit to a mistake or fault.

Merely not being hostile to more oil leases would endanger the Democrat mantra of Climate change, which is the horse liberals want to ride all the way to neo-feudalism. So they will never, ever admit fault. It would jeopardize their lock on power.

Anonymous said...

we good they bad < --- Fred person switching over to petulance mode.

12:19 There are fewer and fewer deaths due to hurricanes. there is more property built right up the the high tide line and so there is more property for a hurricane to damage. The whole damn seaboard is one continuous housing project. A hurricane simply cannot miss.

Could the US solely shrink it s population or maintain it at the level it is now? No, it cannot, simply because Democrats are literally shipping anyone form around the globe to the USA. More people means more building on the coast. The coasts are mainly were people live and always has been on any continent.

Move people the the great plains? One, there is only so much water. Two, Democrat donors want rewild the Great Plains and make it their private game reserve. They have bene at it for 20 years so far.

12:19 is an idiot who gave incomplete information. They're only capable of regurgitation.

Anonymous said...

"They just blocked the last of the federal leases on oil and gas exploration in Alaska."

Yes, President Bite Me did that instead of attending a 911 memorial. Biden flew up to Alaska way, way out of the way to avoid the larger 911 ceremonies and avoid questions about not prosecuting the GITMO detainees. He went before a tame military crowd, who have to respect the disrespectful. It was literally a captive audience. AND oh BTW he told Alaskans FCK YOU, I am locking up the leases.

Biden is falling apart, old Fraud, who sings and dances for his maters, whenever they give him enough drugs and ice cream.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with that. Biden shutting down ANWR today and the ridiculous Green Energy push will bite them bad. Station I paid $3.57 at last week is now $3.75 and will go much higher. It'll be a $100+ a barrel by Christmas. People will be furious. On election day 2020 I paid $1.87 per gallon!

Anonymous said...

I paid 68 cents a gallon back in the day

Anonymous said...

back in the day?


Isn't trolling grand?

Anonymous said...

2:36 vs 2:44

2:36 gave dates and prices.

2:44 gave a nebulous something or other and a price.

A) Joe Schmoe Sadist Troll?
B) Upset liberal petulantly defending Creepy Joe the hair sniffer?
C) Russian Troolski stirring sht up?
D) Mental patient
E) All of the above. is there a difference between them?

Anonymous said...

prices in the past mean nothing in the present. too many factors and to blame Biden is a silly thing.

Barron's Logo
The Trump vs. Biden Economy: A Comparison in 11 Charts
Illustration by Barron’s Staff; Getty (2)

Economy & Policy

The Trump vs. Biden Economy: A Comparison in 11 Charts
The president and his predecessor will both crow about their economic achievements ahead of the 2024 election. So, how did they do? Barron's took a look at the numbers.
By Megan Cassella
and Megan Leonhardt

Updated June 12, 2023 / Original June 9, 2023

When the economy sputters, Americans look for someone to blame. Often, the finger gets pointed at the White House.

But how much credit or criticism does the president really deserve? The answer will be central to the 2024 presidential campaign, which has already kicked off and might well become a showdown between the current and immediate past residents of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. So, with former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden touting their respective economic records, Barron’s took a look at how various aspects of the economy fared under each administration.

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The economic record, for both, is mixed. Trump inherited a healthy economy from former President Barack Obama that was eight years past the 2007-09 economic downturn, and steadily expanding. In the period under study, job growth chugged along and inflation was tame. But wages were flat, and increases in the gross domestic product and job creation were more or less a continuation of trends that began in the Obama years, rather than a direct result of any changes that Trump made.

Trump had one major legislative victory in his early years: a suite of tax cuts on companies and individuals passed in 2017. The measures helped boost the stock market and fueled investment and demand, but also drove up the size of the U.S. debt.

Anonymous said...

is it possible to simply make your case rather than name calling, a sure sign of infantile behavior and the trump influence.

Anonymous said...

3:03 & 3:06 is Frederick R. Lapides or someone aping him.

Fred persona wrote: "too many factors and to blame Biden is a silly thing."

If the Federal government takes leases off the table and otherwise set an anti-fossil fuel tenor, it affects prices. Markets (investors and producers factor that in going forward). to develop an oil field takes a considerable amount of capital and significant amount of time. If some rabid leftists without the proper education (Al Gore got a D in college in science) signal they will make your investments unprofitable, oil companies do not drill as much as they would.

Then you have this jack@ss, this literal jack@ss, who tells MBs that he will arrest him and then 9 months later goes hat in hand to beg the Prince to pump more oil. The Saudis might not be the greatest allies, but they are allies and they are better than the Pakistanis ever were.

Strong recoveries from recession are V shaped, where the V has a small angle. The angle is acute not obtuse like a liberal hack. Obama's "recovery" looked anything but sharp V recovery.

While we are on the topic of Obama, he said global warming would make the seas rise. So what does he do after Hollywood throws money at him post office? He invests in not one, but two beach front properties.

Fred persona will consistently lie and lie with a smile on his face and a giggle in his throat about how many coal plants India and China are building. What is that? Stupidity? Craziness?

People like Obama and Fred said the seas will rise and we are fcked unless we cut back on coal powered electrical production. Well coal power has not been cutback world wide and Obama and idiot voters are not acting like we are all doomed.

Anonymous said...

No one listens to Lapides and his bunch anymore.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahaha,you actually believe it, hahahahahahaha.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Are three murders within the span of 40 days among members of America’s most discussed church—one run by the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright—enough to arouse the suspicions of Chicago law enforcement officials and members of the national media?"

If there are 3 people who have similarities in how they were murdered, location or other similarities, journalists, law enforcement and the public wonder if there is a serial killer.

3 gay guys murdered in 40 days and who all went to the same church.

Maybe law enforcement was not curious because they were GAY and the killings were not the work of a serial killer but were political killings? So police knew the killings would end.

The Gilgo Beach Murderer was arrested for 3 killings. So is 3 the magic number for people to be interested? Why no interest about the 3 Chicago killings

Politically inconvenient?
They sang off key in the church choir?

Anonymous said...

Eye Bleach

Anonymous said...

“Donald Young was silenced because of something he knew about Obama. Donald was in a position where he heard a lot of things and saw a lot of things concerning Barack.”

Anonymous said...

He was going to talk about Choom Gang.

Anonymous said...

They were in Choom Gang

Anonymous said...

Yes 10 dollars a gallon soon

Anonymous said...

Verry good move Putin verry good