Tuesday, September 19, 2023

China’s Foreign Minister Holds Talks With Russia’s Foreign Minister In Moscow. Putin To Visit China Next Month


Al Jazeera: China’s foreign minister holds talks with Russia’s Lavrov in Moscow  

Wang Yi and Sergey Lavrov say they share a commitment to a ‘multipolar world’ in their discussion in Moscow. 

China’s foreign minister has held talks with his Russian counterpart in Moscow as the two countries inch closer amid fraying ties with the West over the Ukraine war and the militarisation of the Pacific. 

Wang Yi opened his talks with Sergey Lavrov by hailing “strategic cooperation” between the two countries and their shared commitment to a “multipolar world” and a “more just world order”.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Putin will be traveling to Beijing next month .... Putin to visit China next month – Russian security chief (RT). More here .... Putin and Xi to meet in Beijing in October, Russia says (CNA). 

China’s Foreign Minister Holds Talks With Russia’s Foreign Minister In Moscow  

Russia and China hail their cooperation ahead of Putin’s expected Beijing visit -- CNN  

Top Chinese, Russian diplomats find common ground against US ‘hegemony’ -- SCMP 

China, Russia Vow Deeper Coordination Ahead of Putin Visit -- Bloomberg  

China vows deeper trade, investment with Russia despite Western rebuke -- Reuters  

Kremlin says Russia and China must edge closer to counter Western efforts to contain them -- AP


Anonymous said...

Does Alina Kabaeva have to pull Putin off stage when he gets confused?

Alex said...


Anonymous said...

"The Ukrainian military wants to fire more than 10,000 rounds a day, according to CNN, which would still remain far below Russia's artillery efforts."

1) So unanswered is how much Russia is firing per day, now.

2) Also, unanswered is how effective Russian and Ukrainian fire are.

Anonymous said...

"But to reach that level, Kyiv would need about 1.5 million artillery


a year, Armin Papperfer, CEO of Rheinmetall, one of Europe's leading arms manufacturers, told the outlet."

I have never seen an artillery shelve.

Anonymous said...

This is a follow on article form Alex's link. It is concerning.

"The war in Ukraine is pushing Russia away from its WWII-style artillery strategy, and experts say it's 'a concerning trend'"

Joe Biden's tepid, timorous, go-slow response to providing Ukraine with material to repel Russian aggression could bite Ukraine, the US and the world in the butt.

Anonymous said...

do you honestly think Trump would help Ukraine against Russia? If not, then what the heck are you pissing about

Anonymous said...

The only one pissing is you Mr. Piss Ant.

- Trump provided better aid to Ukraine then Obama did.
- Russia never took Ukrainian land, when Trump was president, but did when Obama and Biden were president.
- Trump is a Populares not an Optimate like Julius Caesar. Caesar did land reform. Trump built the wall. Trump listens. Biden does not. Biden does what he and h9s puppet masters damn well please. Trump when he got criticism about his wall, immediately turned on a dime and promised to put beautiful doors in the wall. An idiot like yourself , probably took it literally and then counted it as a lie when it did not happen. What Trump meant was probably a new Bracero program or more legal but orderly immigration after he completed the wall.
- Trump is a 'go BIG or go HOME' type of guy. Every year the the presidents of historical black colleges went to Washington for funding. The Uniparty politician paraded them in a dog and pony show for photo ops. Trump cut them checks for 5 years. It makes steady programming and planning much easier. If Trump was committed to the war, the Ukrainians would already have ATACMS and F-16s. Russian jet fighters would not be strafing the Verbove pocket MSR at will. But a jerk like you understands none of that.

Go back to your collection of pornographic pictures you prick.

Anonymous said...

What I originally came here to post before replying to Porno0 Pete was that the war has spread to Africa.

Wagner is getting droned in Sudan. They say it is likely Ukrainian forces. Could be. One month they are in Sudan, the next month they are in Ukraine. So kill them in Africa if it is easier, safer and more cost effective.

Now maybe people will pay attention to Africa, which is sad, because they always should have been paying attention.

Anonymous said...

Trump would NOT give military aid to Ukraine--he adores Putin.
Russia would not invade under Obama either. Putin for whatever his reasons invaded Ukraine when he did and it had nothing to do with Biden. Actually of course Biden giving all sorts of aid, and Putin knew that would not come via Trump.
now grow up[ and stop insulting someone who disagrees with you.

Anonymous said...

Trump sent more aid in 3 years than Obama did in eight years.


Also, why send aid to a corrupt country. Many Ukrainians officials were very cozy with Biden and we know he is a corrupt fool.

If a country is to corrupt, it is simply a money pit.

Please explain Russian troll or Democrat dunce, why Biden had over 20 shell companies?

Explain why hunter would give 1/2 his earning to daddy.

Explain why you are a chucklehead.

Anonymous said...

"Russia would not invade under Obama either." < Liberal moron

Russia did invade in 2014. did you get the memo?

I forgot. I am sorry. Your exile score is abysmal. You could not read the memo.

Anonymous said...

Ukraine is starting to hit the major nexuses along the land bridge.


Anonymous said...

House Judiciary Committee Republicans – FBI LOST COUNT of How Many Paid Informants They Had in the Trump Crowd on January 6!

FIB is still lying

Anonymous said...

The New York Times in 2017 described how the use of “unauthorized” and “undocumented” are acceptable descriptions of immigrants while “illegal” and “alien,” when used as nouns, are “off the table entirely.”

The New York Times telling the proles what to think and how to think.

Anonymous said...

I have come to a conclusion. While it may be possible for Russia to humiliate America, they will not be the first. Someone beat them to the punch.

"When it comes to the next election, Republicans talk and Democrats act.

You want to see what their plan is for winning in 2024 even if Biden can’t manage to walk, drool or feed himself"

Nothing says humiliation so much as a political party putting forth a candidate, who cannot walk and drools. It shows raw political power and it shows the Party's contempt for the average American.

What else can you expect from the party of slavery and racism?

In related news Ari Fleischer yesterday predicted that Biden will likely ride it out until the Democrat convention and then gracefully bow out by saying it is time for a new generation.

In the same general discussion they predicted no debates between Trump and the drooler.

Anonymous said...

we are talking here about military aid to Ukraine and NOT about money aid sent for domestic purposes. I will repeat: Trump would not want to help Ukraine against Putin. He has never stood up to Putin. never.

Anonymous said...

9:54, you are the same prick that posted at 9:52. Bucking for promotion, so you are no longer your boss's biatch? You must be sore.

No one in the thread mentioned a domestic purpose that I see unless you count implicitly Biden's corruption.

Trump gave 400 million in military aid in 2019 which is more than Obasm ever gave in a year.

Can you try to come up with an argument?