Friday, September 15, 2023

Chinese Defence Minister Under Investigation For Corruption

Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu (far left) attends the 20th IISS Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore in June. | REUTERS  

Reuters: Exclusive-Chinese defence minister under investigation for corrupt procurement 

Defence Minister Li Shangfu, who has been missing from public view for more than two weeks, has been placed under investigation by Chinese authorities, according to 10 people familiar with the matter. 

The investigation into Li relates to procurement of military equipment, according to a regional security official and three people in direct contact with the Chinese military. 

Reuters was unable to obtain details on which equipment purchases were under scrutiny.  

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WNU Editor: There has been no confirmation from the Chinese government or media on the whereabouts of Defence Minister Li Shangfu. But this definitely does not look good. 

Chinese Defence Minister Under Investigation For Corruption  

China's defence minister under investigation for corrupt procurement, being removed from post: Reports -- CNA 

Missing Chinese defense chief signals turmoil in Xi's government -- Japan Times  

Li Shangfu: Top US envoy questions China defence minister’s absence -- BBC  

Speculation grows over whereabouts of China’s Defense Minister Li Shangfu -- CNN


Anonymous said...

This is thr go to charge for members of the inner circle who fall out. It's also the only way to the top so everyone is corrupt.

Anonymous said...

Is he of the pro-Xi faction or the other faction?

What percentage of officials partake of graft and corruption? 10%, 20%, 50% or 80% ?

If it is in the upper percentages, why pick him out? Got to start somewhere?

In the novel "If This Goes On" Zeb Jones explains to John Lyle, the protagonist, that he will never be promoted until the system has dirt on him.

WNU has said the same thing about the CCP. It was on the story of the spy chief or upper level Chinese intel official who was working the the US. They got him on corruption, because that is a more palatable story to present to the Chinese public.

a) Start of a new anti-corruption drive and needed an example?
b) a little petty larceny is okay, but his was over the top?
c) He backed the wrong horse, so they went to the file cabinet and checked out his folder?
d) Working for foreign intel, so they went to the file cabinet and checked out his folder?

Anonymous said...

2:24 voted for c).

Anonymous said...

He likely tried to get rid of Xi...

Keep in mind, Xi has eliminated so many people around him, he is as popular as Stalin at the later stages, and more isolated than Putin at the moment

Anonymous said...

On the other hand, the USA is undergoing a treasonous revolt in itself

This is so clear cut treason and subversion, I'd go straight to public hanging, but I am old fashioned

Anonymous said...

If by old fashioned you mean a bit of dementia,yes, you are

read what the link!
do you support local terrorism and extremism? that is all the money is to support in defense against terrorism. Note too that the source you site, a favorite here, is both anonymous and right wing. not sure: google.

Mothers, don't let your sons grow up to be Proud Boys etc

Anonymous said...

2:24 Good comment

2:29 Mine

2:34 Good comment. IDK lacking much infomation, but it seems on target
3:09 Russian troll? Regardless the comment is accurate.

3:39 Russian troll or Former, Retired Liberal College Prof? A reporter for info Wars got 2 months of prison time for standing outside the Capitol Building telling people not to go in. 3:28 if it be a stupid prof, will never be abler to explain why that is meet and right.

Anonymous said...

Why o why, did the Russians put a heavy mortar in Kam'yanka-Dniprovs'ka? There were better places to put it. Well their ghosts can ponder their actions for a long time.

Anonymous said...

All of you fighting for your governments. Bicker and argue against each other. Realize that all these mother fuckers are crooked and don’t give a shit about us. We need to join together against them.

Anonymous said...

4:32 is right!
now give us your name and address so we can meet and join up

Anonymous said...

He is right
Time will happen soon enough.

That's what happens when you push the pink skins too close to the thin ice.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

Let sunlight in

Anonymous said...

Proud boys are not into terrorism please.