Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Czech Republic Will Not Deport Ukrainian Deserters To Kiev

Prague Monitor: Czechia Will Not Deport Ukrainian Deserters to Kiev 

Ukraine’s attempt to extradite refugees who sought shelter in the Czech Republic to avoid conscription is expected to face significant hurdles through official channels. Such a request would likely contravene Czech law, making it impossible for Justice Minister Pavel Blažek (ODS) to approve it, as confirmed by the Justice Ministry to Echo24.

The Ukrainian military is currently launching a counter-offensive to regain territories occupied by Russian forces, requiring a substantial manpower. However, even amidst pervasive corruption, there remains a shortage of recruits. Some Ukrainian men have managed to evade military service by leaving the country with the assistance of bribes, potentially numbering in the tens of thousands.  

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WNU Editor: Five European countries have already made the decision to not extradite Ukrainians who have escaped mobilization .... Already five European countries have refused to extradite men who have escaped mobilization to Ukraine (MIND).


Anonymous said...

They would be sending them back to their deaths. Kinda defeats the whole “refugee” thing.

Anonymous said...

The only reason they're not doing it is because they need cheap labor.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess the Ukies are going to have to rely on "home" sources for troops. The old , infirm, mentally limited and the very young and more females.

One thing you will not see, is zelinski or any of the leadership go to the front fight.

Bet you that none of their kids are there either. Unless, son or cousin Igor is at an army group HQ or a MP unit on the Slovakia border.

As for the common man/kid. You will probably starting to see these Tier /CAT 5 guys appear in the next two months, so do not be surprised.

The leadership of Ukraine is sick in the head.

Anonymous said...

how many millions of russians have fled and that group is mainly college educated draft eligible men. The aftermath, no matter how it ends, will leave Russian depleted of the best and the brightest.

Anonymous said...

The russians will have problems. "the best and brightest" are not the ones who go to college. That is a blob myth.

But yes they did not need to lose any men either.

Goes to show....Cui Bono?

Certainly not the Russians or Ukrainians who had been at peace for over a century. Until 2014 that is.