Sunday, September 3, 2023

Editor's Note

Just needed a day off. 

Blogging will return late tonight.


Anonymous said...

Ukraine's defence minister Oleksii Reznikov dismissed

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky dismissed Oleksii Reznikov, saying "new approaches" were needed.

Anonymous said...

Find the Fed: Laura Loomer Identifies Leader of “Goyim Defense League” With Ties to the ADL

So this guy has ties to the CIA, ADL and the neo NAZIs. He is also FLAMING GAY! Crusaders to the Holy land would use ointment to keep their skin look or be youthful...all that sun and all. but they never looked like John Minadeo.

Usually a guy like Kent ” Boneface” McLellan would beat the Hell out of a guy like John Minadeo. So Kent is also gay (Approximately Castro type: aka blue collar worker look) or something weird is up. Or this is the new normal.

Tattoo man does not have the funds to travel to Ukraine on his own. Ukraine sent him right back.

This was not in the novel "1984", but it ought to be in the new revised edition. It is one of the ways to control people.

Many white people would not marry a Black person even if they found one attractive and very likeable. The reason being there are a higher percentage of black youth running wild than white youth by a factor of 2 to 1 or worse. Still you find a lot of mixing. A lot of people have a black cousin nice or nephew. Even if they do not people are not going to get off their butts and go harass someone. It is Newton's 1st law of motion applied to human psychology. If they do get in a fracas for some reason, most are hesitant to use a slur but that will happen now and them. Point is this is not the South of 80 years ago.

This is manufacture. It is astro-turf. It is the FBI and CIA behind it.

Anonymous said...

@8:51 Someone did an interview with that "Boneface" McLellan guy last November, after he had just returned from his most recent stint in Ukraine. I just thought it might be of interest to you since it's fairly unknown, due to his answers being very inconvenient to the dominant narrative.

Anonymous said...

Is Boneface the totally tattooed guy speaking Ukrainian in the background or the onsite leader, who is only partially tattooed?

The totally tattooed guy I think has been in Fed clutches since 2012.

These people are so bad with their narrative they make Hitler look honest.

Gavin Newsom will not sniff hair, nod off, or mumble, but the policies will be the same.

Gavin is also youthful and good looking and he will save us from Creepy Joe, so it will give the policies and narrative another 2 t0 7 years of oxygen. Not sure if that will work out other than as a well engineered train wreck.

In China every town you go to, you have to check in with police. As draconian as it is (I think Germany is the same way), it might be better than America. They want everyone to use less resources they demand it. but they keep bussing in more people. Overall resource usage will go up. So they will flog the citizens for their plan not working when they themselves broke it.

I do not see China being as bad as that although I here some bad things that do not make the news.

Anonymous said...

Dedollarization: Chinese Bank Lending to Russia More Than Quadruples

Anonymous said...

a lot of bullshit accusation and implications about tattoo guy and no real evidence for any of the claims.

Anonymous said...


That's because the gov info guys did not like the 1st post at : 3 Sept 8:08pm.

We simply cannot have bad news that goes against the narrative that the Ukrinians are paragons of virtue and democracy!!

Anonymous said...

I see.

The CT Yellow Belly Sap Sucker is up for the day.

The US government has been astroturfing for 3 years now. It has been very obvious and at times very ludicrous. three years ago the FBI introduced us to their contrived front group, The Patriot Front. They dressed up some peeps like they were Walmart managers in khaki slacks and blue shirts. It was nice how the white racist group included a Black employee of the government. We have the pictures.

About the tattoo guy, the one completely covered in tattoos. He either went to Ukraine or did not. He was either kicked out the second time he went to Ukraine or was not.

I do not expect a fact check by Reuters or other drek disproving the statement.

When you consider the Grey wolves in Turkey and CIA involvement there and in Italy post Ww2 along with tattoo guy, it begs an interesting question. I am under the impression that the Grey Wolves had to be stood up. I might change my mind, but that is where I am at. When the CIA were creating or nurturing (something already there) the Gray Wolves, the KGB was busy too.

People have been doing research look at old articles, combing through social media, etc.

And all the saps sucker says? Bullshit based on cursory scan of an article if that or scanning a few headlines from approved news outlets.

Yellow belly you are a piece of work.

Anonymous said...

Geez skods... your not talking about 807 are you?

He seems to have something there.

and yea I do not like the FBI either. It is shame what that organization has turned into. Blatant polarization and corruption.

The other guys on this post , well they are off kilter.

Anonymous said...

calling names is hardly an adult argument and yes some govt agencies do questionable things but that is hardly an excuse for your making all sorts of silly claims and then stating see they did this and that. Grow up and stop following in your parents' silly style.

Anonymous said...

Talking about 7:44

But you already knew of whom I spoke.

Every white racist organization has been penetrated or compromised since the 1980s or 1990s. that is what I get form reading about "The Silent Brotherhood" and about Timothy McVeigh and Elohim city. The head of security at Elohim City in Easter Oklahoma may have been a German intel plant (in connivance with the USG). Andreas Strassmeir skipped town and went back to Germany via Mexico I think.

Some individuals, black or white with many of them being former racists, have brought black and white racists together and deradicalize them and reconciled them. They have done more than the USG.

It is not only the penetration of The Silent Brotherhood and Elohim City, which leads one to the conclusion. One third of the conspirators in the Michigan governor (Whitmer) kidnapping were FBI agents or informants. Informants can egg people on so as not to blow their cover or so the reasoning goes. There is some truth to it. But when you study crowd psychology, you have to wonder if the number of informants contributed to the conspiracy getting off the ground. I base it on two items. The 1974 Sao Paulo fire and people ringing the bell at Seal (BUDS) training. And how group decisions are made in a meeting. You should read about the stats of ringing the bell. It is informative (who, how many, how many at one time, etc).

I am of the opinion that the government is no longer infiltrating such organization to figure out who, how many and to prevent stuff as much as to keep it percolating to benefit Washington DC to pass legislation and to suppress legitimate dissent. If you disagree, you must be a racist. the basic strategy is to label anyone right of the left as racist NAZIs. So trotting out some patsies (in the Patriot Front or similar group) by FBI undercover agents or informants is useful.

Anonymous said...

"yes some govt agencies do questionable things "

That is so nebulous and opaque as to be useless except as gaslighting.

To gaslight is to show you do not respect the other person. We are long past respect anyway.

I am not Roman Catholic. Since when is it okay for the FBI to spy on Catholics. Directory Wray said it was one incident. then we learned there were more. He lied. He was kept in the dark and is not competent or he lied to congress. why does he still have a job.

there are many incidences of the government doing wrong. I can make a list longer than your list of how great socialism or the Democrats are.

I by the way can make a quantitative and qualitative argument that communism/socialism works. You believe in it and cannot make such an argument, because you a unintelligent and slothful.

Anonymous said...

"yes some govt agencies do questionable things "

When there is violence or terrorism, people very much unlike an idiot, Neander Valley AAUP member will exclaim "Those DAMN Amish are at again". This retort has been heard for over 2 decades now.

Your kind keep breaking things or leaving things unbroken on purpose. You only vote and spout, but you are no better than a client that has been told by his patron to riot in the forum and worse.

Anonymous said...

yep 919 does not want to face reality.

Government does questionable things?

Really?? what a joke

so the EPA failures in Ohio was only questionable?

how about gross incompetence?

Same with the Maui situation and FEMA.

Gee Libya and Benghazi were true victories and we were not lied to then , were we?

How about Those Catholics Right? Oh, do not forget about Richard Jewel, Randy Weaver's wife and the Michigan Governors "supposed attempted assassination plot" which was done by FBI planning and logistics.

How about USDA closing down Amish farmers because of bureaucratic paper work or the BATF closing guns shops off of technicalities? Ever hear of Lenise Lerner and the IRS?

Of course not.

What a joke. Questionable???

Bullshit. ..Accross the board it is gross incompetence and corrupt practices.

Anonymous said...

ok. govct does questionable things. so do we do away with nsa, CIA, FBI? is that the sort of nation you prefer? If not, tell us what it is you are bitching about. find when things are questionable and prosecute! in fact over 1000 insurrectionists rounded up and most going to jail via FBI. was that wrong? If so, why? they tried to change an election result. should they go free?

Anonymous said...

Ruby Ridge was over a shotgun. That is the cover story.

Now our Great Grandpapa of the Nation told us we do not need assault weapons. Whatever those are. He says a shotgun is perfectly okay and now scary. at least until he changes his mind or someone changes their mind and whispers into his ear.

Now the shotgun in question had it barrel sawn off. Oh noes!

Randy Weaver had been paid by undercover Feds to saw off the barrel of a shotgun. He did and came back to get paid. They would not pay him. He said any shorter and it would break the law. Well the Feds badger him until he does. He comes back and they arrest him. They want to forgive his 'crime' if he becomes an informant and goes to a compound in buttfuck Idaho. He refuses and so they give him a court date. He doesn't show up so they surveil his cabin.

While surveilling his cabin and failing two Feds blunderfuck, stumble, into Weaver's son and friend on Weaver's property. They were not serving a warrant. They were surveilling. Gunfight erupts and the Feds both armed with sub machine guns, riddle Weaver Jr., who was a teenager.

On the face of it, the deaths of Weaver Jr., Mrs Weaver and an FBI agent were over a shotgun. Supposedly a judge ruled that a short barrel shotgun is not a weapon of war and so is not protected by the 2nd amendment. However the Us military used them in the trenches during WW1 and still use them. So the Weaver's got shot, because of an edumacated, dumb frack of am judge.

That is bad enough, but the real reason is they wanted to surveil some white supremacists in a compound set up by Richard Butler about 3 miles north of Hayden Lake, Idaho. So they leaned on Weaver and pressured him until he fucked up. Then they used the parole the little fish to get the big fish.

Surveilling white supremacists is good. But how many time can you pressure someone to break the law and it be "good"? once? Twice? five times? 100 times?

The compound in question had people, who were part of The Silent Brotherhood, frequent there. So yes the FBI needed to look into it. but did the FBI have to take the low road? the lowest road?

Anonymous said...


You truly are an idiot. Insurrection , What a joke that was not an insurrection.

You support these corrupt organizations? that's your problem

Amy I bitching? Is it now "bitching" to point out fact and injustice?

But you being a ideological leftist GS-4 Facist, would not understand that.

Happy Labor Day , Hope you enjoy it in your cubicle.

Anonymous said...

Silent Brotherhood members or people from Butler's compound frequented gun shows. Randy Weaver also did. So the FBI thought "This is our way in".

I do not agree with Randy Weaver's race views, but I see where he gets them and how the government by in action and outright malfeasance give a big boost in creating them.

I do not agree with Weaver. I married a colored foreigner. Very strange one.

But I see where Weaver is coming from.

Weaver might have been wrong on the coming of a race war or nuclear Armageddon, but he might merely be off on the date or the likelihood. there is a reason why people fear when a Black person gets shot by a white cop or any cop.

I think some polticians are clueless like AOC other act clueleess. they let things go to hell. As they trend that way when people reach their limit, those are their trophy prize and excuse to come down on people.

Most people are sticks in the mud. If the economy is decent and crime is low, they are not going to get excited or become extreme. but if the crime is high and the economy sucks there are those n DC waiting to pounce. They are the ones setting conditions.

they let people get anxious on purpose.

For example 14.8 percent of whites murdered victims are murdered by blacks.
7.6 percent of blacks murdered victims are murdered by whites.

You would think it is the other way around from listening to politicians talk bout it.

That is just one example. There are many more.

Anonymous said...

get real
It was an insurrection. The courts found it to be one. The govt found it to be one. The VP, Trump's VP turned in the electoral college and that plus the majority vote fully indicated that Biden won the election as Trump's own Attorney
gen noted. Show us how Trump won!

fact: I am willing to bet that Trump will get jail time for his role in the violent attempt to overtuen the election.
what was done Jan at The Capitol is all recorded and available. And if you think it was a peaceful protest then you are fully deranged.

Anonymous said...

I am aware of only 3 guns used in DC. One was in the car of a leftist. It was confiscated. One was some old guy, who was a loon and "wightwing". He was arrested. the 3rd gun was used by a brave Capitol police officer to shoot an unarmed, petit female vet.

So there was in insurrection with no guns?

You are piece of shit.

Trump said march over and peacefully let your voices be heard.

The FBI had a dozen, a score or more informants/agitators in the crowd. One of them was Ray Epps.

Again, let me reiterate. You are a piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

smashed doors and windows. cops attacked. elected officials hiding out to escape getting killed. shouts to kill the VP...yes it was an insurrection. And yes: hundreds of those arrested pled guilty and are now in jail. and yes: Trump is going to be on trial for leading this. You say No? The courts and the jury and the Supreme Court and NOT YOU will decide.

Anonymous said...

Cops first cleared the barriers and then opened the doors for a lot of people. it was a set up.

Ray Epps is on video tape urging people to get in there. He was not the only FBI asset doing this.

Government officials do not have to make a choreographed escape, if law enforcement does not egg people on or open doors.

One of the doors opened was never going to open without law enforcement opening it, It was electronically locked. It was never going to be smashed it. It had bullet proof glass and it would take like a 1,000 pounds of force to overcome its electronic lock. Now you dumb mother tell me that was not a set up?!?

There are somewhere between 12,000 to 20,000 hours of tape. Why have they not released all of it to the public? Because the narrative would fall apart.

Why does a moron, who is barely house broke, not want to see all of the tapes?

How come the pipe bomber has not been found. I guarantee you that DC has plenty of plate readers. But no suspect. You are easily led. You might as well put a cow ring through your nose or lip.

I think you nose ring should be colored imperial yellow not gold, but yellow. It suits you.

Anonymous said...

Ray Epps and 1:09 are best buds.

Anonymous said...


101 is right.

That was not an insurrection. You are being played by the blob.

How so, because you do not have a knowledge of history.

Anonymous said...


Bad riot.

Insurrection, far from it.

Anonymous said...

ray epps? you still mention that bs? wow do some reading

Fact: 1000 people arrested and many if not most have pled guilty and are going to jail. period. Tell me they are innocent and that the juries in those cases are wrong and the pleas of guilty are forced out of them. sorry. you lose they lost. jail is real and so too the reason for it. dream on and dream otherwise and keep sipping the cool aid...ha ha ha

Anonymous said...


yes they all plead guilty because they were nobodies with no money for high dollar lawyers. They also go a hanging judge and were in liberal Jury land

Think They Got a fair trial? No
and they new they were screwed.

What crimes were they charged with genius?



Trespassing, mostly, and disturbing a government meeting. Whoop dee do. Bullshit

Insurrection????? You know nothing of a true insurrection.

Look up Eden Pastora sometime you dunce. Like I said. You know nothing of history or what an insurrection shout look like.

All you know is blob bullshit.