Saturday, September 9, 2023

Editor's Note

 I have people visiting for the weekend. Blogging will only be happening in the evening.


Anonymous said...

"Ukraine isolated and pinned down counterattacking Russian forces South of Robotyne, who were forced to retreat. Russia fired artillery at their retreating troops, using drone correction, to force them to hold their untenable forward position. At least one POW was captured.

In the process of repelling Russian counterattacks, Ukraine destroyed two Russian T-80s, and captured one damaged T-90,"

Firing on your own troops with artillery. Believable? Russia is the country with Penal Battalions (штрафбат) and Barrier Troops.

Anonymous said...

You see Biden butcher MBS name at the G20?

Anonymous said...

That is a lie. Everybody on this blog knows the Russians have no tanks left. Faz y and Chris said so last November.

Also Chris said three months ago that the Russians pulled out some remaining tanks they had found. But these were only T55s.

So there.

Anonymous said...


I did not lie, but you did.

The Ukrainians have these ridiculously small lodgments of the left bank of the Dnieper River nd the the Russians are so weak and so cowardly, they cannot dislodge them.

About everything metal, with an IC, and Russian is being destroyed in that area. the whole defense is going to sublime and you won't know about it until you read it in Russian Truth days after the fact.

Anonymous said...

"Russia has deployed 46 launchers of the Iskander missile complex along the border with Ukraine," Deputy Head of the State Security Service Vadym Skibitskyi said.

He added that these complexes are aimed at civil infrastructure objects.


Anonymous said...

All Russian 152 mm tubes are being taken out at a rapid pace south and west of Donetsk. Without drones what counter battery will Russia have in the region?

Ukrainian artillery are hunting lancet drone operators.

People think with drones and robots that people won't die in warfare. They are wrong. It means a machine kills you, it happens fast, and you do not see it coming much of the time.

The Terminator series is not realistic. Of course people regard as mostly unrealistic, since it is a movie. The scenes of people fighting back against machines are way too optimistic.

What is the 1/2 life of a Lancet drone launch point?

Anonymous said...

What's " sublime"?

Anonymous said...

Orks being orks.

"An infrastructure facility, a school, a kindergarten, a training and rehabilitation center and 8 residential buildings were damaged as a result of a Russian night attack in the Kyiv region."

Anonymous said...

Definition of sublime is rather straight forward, but there are so many to choose from. Not trying to be clever, but I wrote and stated the way I see it. and w/ 1 more piece of evidence it becomes glaringly obvious.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

If you are an actual paid troll and have been taking notes, you should know.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

What is the 1 more piece of evidence?

Anonymous said...

California Law to Track Race, Sexual Interests of Business Owners

This isn’t creepy at all.

Every FBI agent should have to retire to California or not get their government retirement.

They build the cesspool, they should sleep in it.

I definitely want to move to Singapore or somewhere less insane.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi to Stay in Congress Until She Dies Or Turns Into Dianne Feinstein

Pelosi is never gong not pass on. She has something better than botox, The Elizabeth Báthory Method.

Anonymous said...

not "gong" but "going"

Anonymous said...

Spill on aisle 9

Wow. Joe Biden Opens Remarks in Vietnam Cracking Joke About Vietnam War Movie – And Calling it a Song (VIDEO)

How is Marie Jean-Pierre going to clean this one up?

Anonymous said...

The Democrat Party has successfully deindustrialized a major American city.

Nike Permanently Closes Factory Store in Democrat-Run Portland Due to Ongoing Theft And Safety Issues

Nike has left the building, the city, the ...

Anonymous said...

Your ‘Justice’ System at Work: Leftist Who Ran Over and Killed ‘Republican Extremist’ Teen Gets Just Five Years in Prison

You get only 5 years for killing a kid, if they are Republican.

What is the over/under for this guy getting a gold watch and a retirement when he gets out of prison?

Anonymous said...

How is Marie Jean-Pierre going to clean this one up?

the same way the GOP will attempt to dismiss the major felony trials and convictions of donny trump--he tried to overturn an American election and you worry about Feinstein?

Anonymous said...

I would expect Trump to try to overturn a fraudulent election.

People in red districts in Georgia do not vote for a straight Republican ticket except for president. It was suspicious and it was illegal what the Democrats did and Trump knew it.

Then there are the assholes who move to Georgia from Tennessee and Alabama to live 2 months and vote Democrat and then move back. That is how they flipped the senate seats.

About Biden's joke. 20% of American might think it is clever reference. Okay whatever. 20% but have no opinion and so forth. Problem is Joe Biden did not consider how it would play with the Vietnamese people. that is the problem.

Make light of it. Make excuses. Try to explain it away. All it makes you is an asshole partisan hack.

Anonymous said...

Noticeably Russian forces are moving their self propelled artillery units closer to the frontlines due to inability to replace worn barrels.

Drones are having a field day on the southern frontline.

Bubble bubble toil and trouble

Baba Yaga is having an nice time.

Anonymous said...

Russians in the pot @ Bakhmut. Does Yaga like her meat all skinny and bony?

Anonymous said...

"Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that the Hungarian government plans to switch the Paks Nuclear Power Plant from Russian to French nuclear fuel in the future."

Russia is losing.

I like Orban on immigration. I hope he keeps sticking it to the Eurotrash. The Trash are so pathetic they want to outlaw the AfD, since the trash's immigration and energy policies are trash.

I still do not see why Russia did not go with a soft power approach. I also do not see why Ukraine could not sign trade treaties with both the EU and Russia.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

"My most prominent observation is that Russian PoWs massively whine, criticize but keep returning to the service after exchanges..."

This is good. they are born Russian and they want to stay Russian. Np problem there. there need better operational and political leadership.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I have messed up on what an idiom or word meant. So, I use a dictionary. Too late, you have no reserves. You just have another wave of mobiks with 2nd and 3rd hand equipment, who are never going to do anything now, because some asshole in Moscow squandered their lives.

76 VDV got wasted and for what? The pretension of a mediocre spy?

Decent spy? Probably. Great spy? Evidence?

Knows a foreign language. Put him ahead of most people in DC. Multilingualism is nice but does not ever make of for governing poorly.

Good at Judo. Very nice. Makes him a well rounded guy. Still governs poorly.

Beat some 2014 sanctions and turned a sow's ear into a silk purse almost literally.

Did not pay attention in the right places to logistics and production lines. Hitler would never have made some of those mistakes. Of course the corporal did not have the baggage Russia has.

Blackmail, honey traps, subversion are all well and good for a spy, but that skill set is not big enough to have skills or knowledge Putin desperately needed. Most Western or world leaders do not have the skills or appreciation either.

So here we are. It is going to be a rude shock.

Anonymous said...

So the low down was given by Cretaceous. We'd be a lot farther along with fewer casualties if the Manchurian president would stop slow walking thing like the F-16s. I do not know what his problem is. He is afraid he is going to have wet fart?

Some F-16s will get shot down. So?

Some Russian planes and helicopters will as well and they will start loitering farther back. That alone is a boon.

But slow walking, because he is timid or he is Manchurian.

Anonymous said...

morons here still try to excuse trump insurrection. fact: no court in blue or red state has found in favor of Trump cases about election ...jusges appointed by Trump still ruled against any and all claims of stolen election. Trump Lost. Only a true dummy believes otherwise.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

sublime is the total opposite of what you are

Anonymous said...

Bad rulings? Lot of cowards out there.

You can show up with a gun to a Supreme Court Justices house after flying cross country and zip, zero, zilch, nada happens to you.

How do you think that justice and other justices will rule?

Stopping all vote counting in all swing states to start 2 or 3 hours later and voila all sudden Joe takes the lead. It is so freaking obvious. Snicker your little troll snicker or laugh your partisan hack laugh, but people who have poor policies and can only stay in office by cheating will continue to have poor polices and you will eventually weep. Even in Moscow.

The Mexican peesident knows the American election was rigged. It is why he delayed congratulating Creepy Joe the on prime time TV child hair sniffer.

Is it as good for you as it is for Joe, when he sniffs hair? Do rg@sm?

Anonymous said...

Creeper Joe Biden, who showered with his young daughter, says were are going to have 1/4C degrees of warming in the next 2,010 years

“Going Above 1.5 degrees in the Next 2010 Years”

“showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)” - Ashley Biden from her diary

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

“I Just Follow My Orders Here… I Ain’t Calling on You!” Joe Biden Shouts at Reporter During Presser in Vietnam (VIDEO)

So Dementia Joe admits he is not running the show.

Anonymous said...

Second clue. I already gave you two. This one is rather obscure, but the text book had somethtng like this when it talked about designing glove protection.

Why do you keep asking? You have nothing to worry about unless you are a mobik.

And Putin is your maximum leader.

Anonymous said...

“I Will Start Following Him Around the Country. Wherever He Goes, I Go” Chris Christie Announces He Will Start Stalking Trump (VIDEO)


Christie has no chance of winning the primaries. He may never get out of the single digits. Normal candidates, if they are in the single digits by February of 2024 would gracefully exit.

Will Christie? Doubtful.

Part of it is envy. But Christie burned his own career. He sucked up to Obama before Trump came on scene.

Christie is a a stalking horse for Democrats, RINOs or the dep state. Take you pick. you cannot lose.

Christie is such an obvious loser, he should have exited stage left long ago. But, if they can install a memory care patient into the Oval Office, is Christie's bogus run any surprise?

Anonymous said...

Why won't you answer the question?

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

Mo Def actually has good things to say about Milley. I'll have to pay attention. I guess once you get him out of Washington he finds his bearings. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

Some BUKS got taken out in Zaporizhzhia Oblast. How are the Russians going to shoot down Malaysian airliners now?

Anonymous said...

Christie is this and that but not a felon and not going to jail.

Anonymous said...

Why won't you answer the question?

Anonymous said...

He can't answer your question.

Anonymous said...

Wasn’t an insurrection, stop lying loser

Anonymous said...

Fred persona believes you can have an insurrection without guns.

Xer believes all you need is a good meal to provide you with lots of ammo.

When the police try to stop you, you reach around and start flinging crap like monkey at a zoo. Fred persona is very original and creative.

Anonymous said...

When persona grew up they did not call him Klinger. They called xer Flinger.

Anonymous said...

I would like to congratulate the RU 1430th mobilized regiment on their new T-55 tanks.

I know these are deadly even if they are old, but I could not help laughing. 2nd Army of the world my ass.

How soon before the Russian break out the Scythian chariots?

Anonymous said...

Exhausted 80-Year-Old Joe Biden Cut Off by Karine Jean Pierre as Press Sec Moves to End Train Wreck Presser in Vietnam (Video)

Joe needs a new name.

First Name: Iam
Second Name: Tuckered
Surname: Out

Anonymous said...

Russia winning hearts and minds

Today, near the town of Chasiv Yar in Donetsk region, Russian terrorists hit a car of volunteers. A direct hit from an ATGM. As of this time, it is known for sure that the Canadian Anthony Ignat died. Unfortunately, the Spaniard Emma Igual probably also died. My condolences to the family... Two more volunteers were sent to the Dnipro hospital. They are German citizen Mavik Ruben and Swedish citizen Johan Mathias, they are being given the necessary assistance.

So why waste an ATGM on some civilians and not on a tank. Now a tank is still out there and the smart KA-52 pilots will have to out there tomorrow to find it and risk their ass all over again.

WTF were the civilians that close to the front line?

Anonymous said...

Russia has begun stocking its military bases on the Finnish border, according to satellite images posted by Finnish publication

Anonymous said...

a few guns at the insurrection. if your notion of insurrection is that guns must be present than you need to read the guilty pleas and court docs for the many many going to jail for a very long time. in sum: you are in full denial but not now for those behind bars

Anonymous said...

The FBI got convictions based on the 1776 document the FBI drew up and had its informants passed around chat rooms.

The whole FBI needs to be rounded up and thrown in prison along with all the Russian trolls and Democrat partisan hacks.

I know of 3 guns at the Capital. One was some solo nut. He got locked up. I do not remember his name. No one does. No one cares. There was a Leftists and she was apprehended in a car parking lot and a gun was found. She was let go. the 3rd gun was fired by a police lieutenant when he murdered a 5' 2" female air force vet.

There was a group of about 20 people that the FBI knew about from Pennsylvania or something. They were dangerous. I think the FBI got them before they ever left the state. So these turds were not with the people in capitol.

the people in the capitol were basically gun free and the police were opening doors physically and electronically.

There were 2 pipe bombs and the FBI has shown no desire to find the culprit. None. the FBI planted the bombs.

Russia Occupied territory sublime trouble

I will watch video now of better Russian men than you getting horribly killed. You should be put in their place and they should go home to their families.

Anonymous said...

"a few guns at the insurrection."

You want to work that sentence fragment into a proper sentence? Is it you can and do not want to, because it is part of your irritation technique.

Found this for you:
Medically Assisted Suicide in Oregon Is No Longer Limited to Residents