Saturday, September 9, 2023

G20 Summit Statement Avoids Condemning Russia For Ukraine War

India hosts G20 leaders' summit © Thomson Reuters  

Reuters: G20 summit statement avoids condemning Russia for Ukraine war, calls for peace 

NEW DELHI (Reuters) -The Group of 20 nations adopted a consensus declaration on the opening day of a summit on Saturday that avoided condemnation of Russia for the war in Ukraine but called on all states to refrain from the use of force to seize territory. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi of host India announced that the declaration had been adopted on the first day of the weekend summit. 

The consensus came as a surprise as the group is deeply divided over the war in Ukraine, with Western nations earlier pushing for strong condemnation of Russia in the Leaders' Declaration, while other countries demanded a focus on broader economic issues.  

Read more ....  

Update: G20 countries agree nations should not use force to gain new territory – a major win for Modi amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (CNN) 

WNU Editor: The big news for this summit was the admission of the African Union into the G20 .... G20 adds the African Union as a member, issues call rejecting use of force in reference to Ukraine (The Hill).


Anonymous said...

In other news the G20 invited the German Customs Union, Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, the EU and the OAS.

The G20 is a joke. What is it? Russia and China were invited. Ukraine still got invaded. China still wants to invade Taiwan. The real power rests elsewhere.

An African country has already been admitted. So why the virtue signaling like a windmill?
My choice of another African country would be Nigeria, Kenya and Ethiopia in that order. Well Ethiopia is a wreck, which is sad. Nigeria is not really a country so much as an emirate, which is the way Obama likes it. He never did get those girls back. And Michelle? Moochelle does not care about the girls now that she has her mansion or three.

Why not admit the EU as a bloc? It would only be fair.

The breakneck G7 expansion is just as stupid as the rapid EU expansion. Portugal , Greece and others were admitted by cooking the books. Ireland and Netherlands were admitted into the EU by making the people vote every year until they got the message.

Real power rests elsewhere,

So what is the G20

a) Photo Op?

- What if grandpapah does not know where to stand?

b) Meet and greet?

c) Sleight of Hand so people do not notice WEC or Davos so much?

d) Excuse to party?

e) All of the above?

Anonymous said...

It is fair to ask if the G20 has relevance in a fragmenting world. For example, we see enemy-of-my-enemy violence amplifying in Europe. In the example below, the New IRA has received hacked data identifying police officers and acquired weapons to attack them:

When the Basques show up with MANPADS, where will the pro-war voices be?

Anonymous said...

It is fair to ask if the G20 has relevance in a fragmenting world. <Russian Trolling

Anonymous said...

In a fragmenting world what relevance does BRICS have?

South Africa is not really a country.

Brasil is about to go through its Mao period.

Anonymous said...

U fools destroy man kind why don't u brics war is wicked heartless devil's u r all of u with ur fake powers

Anonymous said...

Preach, Brother

Anonymous said...

Modi the Pimp handling Slow Joe like the monkey he is.

Anonymous said...

Dang. Although I get the feeling that has cooled off. Maybe Malmo

Anonymous said...

The surprise here has been missed in these comments.

The US and Europe losing grip on cementing the narrative.

The US and Eu wanted, pushed and lobbied hard for a statement of condemnation.

They did not get it.

It is another sign of the West growing weakness in political and diplomatic matters.

Not good, but expected.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden is not a monkey. That would be a step up for Joe. It is an insult to monkeydom. A monkey would be able to read the notecards unlike Slow Joe.

Anonymous said...

stupid as above
how many felony charges now against Trump? in how many different places? He is going to jail! now talk about monkeys and Joe. Trump is a Felon!

Anonymous said...


Trump is a felon or Trump is not a felon has no bearing on Joe's intelligence or Joe's lack of intelligence.

Once again you fail logic.

Second POINT
The prosecution of Trump has nothing to do with rightness, good morality, the truth or justice. It has everything to do with raw political power. Putin had Navalny prosecuted. Is Navalny a criminal? Putin had him branded as one.

You are a fucking retard. You should seek refuge in an insane asylum or consider going to Oregon, Netherlands or Switzerland. your choice.

Or you could man a trench for Putin. Or woman or tranny a trench.

Anonymous said...


You are confused.

He will be in the ukie side of things.

Z man does tranny dances and sara the army spokesman is really a man.

Perverts are not welcome in Russia.

Just like America was.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

Why won't you answer the question?

Anonymous said...

your sister is sublime

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?