Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Germany Ends Training Of Saudi Border Forces After Reports Of Alleged Atrocities


Middle East Eye: Germany ends training of Saudi border forces after alleged atrocities 

German and US-trained Saudi forces are implicated in mass killings of Ethiopian migrants attempting to cross border with Yemen Germany has ended a training programme for Saudi border forces implicated in the alleged mass killings of migrants at the border with Yemen. 

In a statement to the Guardian, the German interior ministry said the programme had been “discontinued” following reports of “massive human rights violations" by Saudi border forces. 

The ministry clarified that the removal of the programme was a “precaution" and that no training of Saudi forces had taken place in the border area between the kingdom and Yemen.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I doubt the US is going to follow Germany's lead .... US & Germany downplay their role in training of Saudi border guards (InfoMigrants).


Anonymous said...

I understand Germany's principled position.

I understand Saudi Arabia's practical position.

I under stand Germany's sick twisted, lying position. Letting do-gooders round people up on the high seas and bring them to Italy. The ship's captain and the officers should be forced to kneel...

Those migrants might leave Yemen and go back to their countries. If they are desperate they will fight the ruling class and refight them until they get a decent government and economy. They also might try birth control and having 2 kids per family with about every tenth family having three.

Anonymous said...

Yemen is Iran's territory, don't you understand yet? Even the people there speak Persian and most want zero agreement with Saudis, a fierce dispute comes from ancient generations of Islam

Anonymous said...

who speaks persian in yemen? And we are talking about a massacre of ethiopes.

Anonymous said...

Germany is woke and gay.

Nicholas Maduro

Anonymous said...

The Persian conquered Yemen for a period of tie in the 5th or 6th centuries. The Houthis are Shia. They do not speak Persian.

We need better trolls than those one 1st shift like 11:06.

Second shift trolls are not much better, but they are gay. I hope they have a supply of AZT. They are going to need it.

Anonymous said...

It matters naught what the Germans do.

Or the Americans:

In 2017, 28% of US submarines were out of commission. By 2022, it was 33%, and now it’s 37%. At the rate that the woke Naval brass are going, most subs will soon be out of order.

A little math for members of AAUP

28 < 33 < 37

^ had to state the above fact, but most readers here are certain that many members of AAUP would contest that truth or any truth.


Anonymous said...

By the end of Lets go Brandon's 1st term 45% to 50% of US submarines can be the Navy equivalent of Hangar Queens.

Anonymous said...

The Germans will rise again

Anonymous said...

woke woke woke
wake wake wake
whack whack whack

Anonymous said...

Major General Konstantin Ogiyenko, the Russian commander of the 1st Special Purpose Air and Missile Defence Army, which protects Moscow from airstrikes, has been remanded in custody for his involvement in a bribery case.

Source: Kremlin-aligned media RIA Novosti; Russian media outlet Meduza

Details: The investigation materials indicate that Ogiyenko, together with Major General Dmitry Belyatsky, Commander of the 4th Air Defence Division, received 500,000 roubles (about US$5,000) as a bribe from a citizen for "helping" her to acquire a plot of land adjacent to the military unit. The officers extorted 30 million roubles in total.

The plot in question is Russian Defence Ministry land in Dolgoprudny and Lobnya near Moscow and had been earmarked for development.

Beliatsky partially admitted his guilt and agreed to a deal with the investigation; he was placed under house arrest.

Tom Pain said...

Ukraine needs bullets. This is the inside story of the rarely seen private sellers who supply them.

How war in Ukraine is being fueled by private ammunition sales from US

Anonymous said...


So what? There may be corruption there. I put that as a C level type of corruption. It does not affect weapons procurement or readiness. It may or will affect future readiness and make it harder to build and improve a military base. I'm guessing here and going way, way out on a limb, but I suppose Russia has something akin to eminent domain. Just a WAG.

So Russia has corruption. So does Ukraine and the US. you provided us with an anecdotal story that may or may not be true. I think it is, but even if it is, it is minor corruption.

What we need to know is the levels and relative levels of corruption. Now that is harder to come by at least with open sources. I happen to think popular rankings are wrong. Ukraine is not as corrupt as WNU wants us to believe. More importantly, the US and other Western nations are much more corrupt than reported. I do not have anything specific on Europe other than the occasional scandal that breaks, but if it is anything like the US, then corruption is under reported. I am stunned by how corrupt the Us is.3 years ago I thought it was sinking to Latin American levels of corruption, but news and events since then have been like a tsunami.

In parting 9:19 please try to keep up and not be so moronic.

Anonymous said...

are you an assistant editor now?

Anonymous said...

People here, you, me, 9:19, 9:49, have agendas. Not quite sure what 9:19's agenda was, but it was lame. One guess is that it was an inoculating story as in "Yes, there is corruption in Russia, but it is minor and see we prosecute." The other guess is a pro-Biden administration supporter wanting to show that Russia is corrupt and their example was lame. If it is the latter, I am not surprised as that particular poster is lame in the extreme.

The Ukrainian parliament fired its sec def, because he was not rooting out corruption well enough. They are appointing a Crimean Tartar, because he does root out corruption well enough or so they say. I see a secondary beneficial agenda for the Ukrainians in his appointment. The out going sec def or war minister was given a standing O and then off he went.

Anonymous said...

Any nation that looks at immigration with clear eyes and minds do not want African immigrants arriving at their borders with hands out, expecting welfare, housing, food and medical care, and bringing with them crime and cultural decay. The Saudi's are one such nation who do not want African immigrants. Israel is another. The western nations--their leadership have masters with a different agenda, who do not mind the destruction of Western culture, who welcome it in fact, and expect to profit from such destruction of the West.

Anonymous said...

"do not want immigrants arriving at their borders with hands out, expecting welfare"


But NGOs & Democrat administrations do. Literally these cigarette butts paved a road through the Darien gap to make it easier for illegals.

Lutheran Social Services and Catholic Social Services want as many illegals as possible. they are like school districts in that regard. they get paid per head by the government and the government never runs out of money.

What happens to the illegal after they are placed or if the do well or not, they do not care. they got paid. It is like a school district that gets paid per pupil but does not have to account for student achievement or lack of it.

Lutheran Social Services and Catholic Social Service are as Christian as the YMCA & YWCA are nowadays, which is to say they are not.

It was question in the last 20 years as to how much the CEO of the Red Cross makes or how much they should make. Should not those social services be questioned also?

Anonymous said...

AAUP members bad, most other people good.

Hans Persson said...

6:57, 11:26 and 1:25 the same person?

Hans Persson said...

1:23* dammit!