Thursday, September 14, 2023

Is Ukraine President Zelensky Threatening The West If The Weapons Flow Is Curtailed?

Zero Hedge: Zelensky Issues Veiled Threat To Destabilize Europe If Weapons Flow Curtailed 

As predicted by a number of independent geopolitical commentators, including ourselves, the emerging official narrative on why Ukraine's counteroffensive ended in failure will be to falsely claim the West didn't provide "enough" weapons in a timely fashion. Despite the literally tens of billions of US taxpayer dollars sunk into Kiev's war effort at record-breaking pace and scale, it will be the "fault" of the United States and its allies—or at least this will be solidified as the Ukrainian government's perspective and narrative (and then will be parroted among Zelensky's most diehard hawkish supporters). 

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Update: Zelensky Threatens To Terrorize Europe (Moon Of Alabama)  

WNU Editor: Desperate people do desperate things. And they are some in Ukraine who are starting to grow more and more desperate. But to directly strike Europe if the West curtails their support? I doubt that this will happen.


Hans Persson said...

I do like Greenwald. But making a hen out of that little feather is not intelligent. Come back and comment when you're little gay paradise in Brazil is in total war and chaos, the tune will be VERY different. If they loose, they will be dead.

This goes along with the surreal idea people at home has about those "nazi symbols". Dude, you believe in whatever makes you brave and whatever superstition that might help. Nobody cares. Azov doesn't care what Pink haired westerners write in their little shitty blogs when they cover in the trenches (except Russian trolls and cheeps in the west).

In the exact situation where GI Zelensky is in right now, when he knows he can say and do almost anything because he is guaranteed sitting there for the rest of his life, I would probably say way worse things.
Thing is, GI Zelenkys statement worked.

Anonymous said...

another dud comment here
Eli Wiesel said it best: he could understand those who supported Hitler. He could understand those who opposed Hitler. He could not understand those who too no position.

You either support Ukraine and its war effort or you oppose it.
Now your silly Greenwood gets his panties all mixed up. In WWII, you supported the Allies or you supported the Axis. It did not matter what you gave or did not give. Which side are you on: the strikers or management (as in the Almanac Singers record union songs)
fish or cut bait

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

you guys are all fucken insane

Anonymous said...

Vasily Bykov, a project 22160 patrol ship was attacked a mere 20 to 25 miles from Sevastopol.

It is tough for the Russian Navy. Their air defense also is being hammered.

The only bright spot is the 76 VDV slowed things down around Robotyne.

The MoD is trying to recreate Bakhmut. The armies are different now. the Ukrainians are now like the katsaps. They also have cluster munitions All they are doing is throwing away Russian lives.

Another bright spot for the moskals was the Ukrainians were rebuffed at Pryyutne.

Anonymous said...

I could care less what Zelinsky said. Whatever he said made more sense than what comes out of the pie holes of Biden, Sullivan or Blinken.

What I liked about George bush was there was going to be no "get to the choppas" moment or Kabul airport massacre and charlie foxtrot. I went to war knowing that GWB had our backs.

You do not tell a country "we have your back, so keep resisting" and then come back 18 months later and say that you have reconsidered.

I am with Hans on this one. If Zelinsky ever leaves Ukraine as a private citizen the orc leader will order that he be hit with a radiation tipped umbrella in typical orc style.

I have followed the activities on the front lines very closely. I know why it is slow. the Russian air force is using its aircraft to glide bombs over their frontline onto the Robotyne MSR. It is a constant barrage of bombs.

It would not be as much of a problem if Jackass Joe Biden would approve or approve sooner F-16s with AMRAAMS to ram an air to air missiles up the butts of Russian aircraft.

But no, " I like ice cream" drags his feet.

Hans Persson said...

Who makes the F16's? Whomever makes money on them knows that when the first F16 is shot down, the stock will fall like a stone. Thats why they havent got them yet, they need to be refitted to survive and pilots needs to be trained for years. Cant send them secondhand B-versions of the plane. Everyone knows that.

Anonymous said...

F-16s will be shot down. It is not a matter of if.

It all depends on how well they are used and how well the whole air land and see battle is integrated.

For the time being the F-16s can sit back 10 miles or maybe even 50s and start plinking away at Sukhois that try to lob glide bombs. That will push those mothers back.

S-300 and S-400s assets are getting hit pretty regularly now, so I might not be so dangerous. You work the planes just like you work tanks. Exactly the fucking same.

Those Sukhois might be faster than an F-16? So what. You measure not plane to plane speed or plane to plane performance in acrobatics. What matter is plane to missile comparisons.

The F-16 is just a missile carrier (more than that), but basically it is a carrier. What would worry me is not the F-16 getting shot down, but if the AMRAAM performed poorly.

For those Sukhois that do not get shot down, I want to see their airframes wore out from having to travel so far. That is a victory, too. A monetary one

It is a fucking war. You either sit it out from the start or you go all the way.

Hans Persson said...

I totally agree. I just love to play the devils advocate to see if my own arguments holds. That is how I formulate my own thoughts.

Anonymous said...

zelinski is an idiot and a liar from the beginning. He was elected on a peace platform and he received the he majority of russian ethnic votes in Ukraine. We see how that turned out.

I agree with Hans on the nazi symbols but with this cavet.

Do not come back and say that Ukraine is some kind of democratic humanitarian organization.

These guys are Nazis.

The bad part is the west tries to cover this up and , it is extremely laughable , because then you see the guy with the Dirlwagner patch.

So don't sugar coat it and make it sound as if the Ukies are some kind of "good guy" organization.

They are a bunch of thugs and war criminals. Not saying the russians are angels , just don't try to sell us a bag of bullshit.

The ukies are just as orkish as the Russians will ever be, if not more so..

But I will say this: the Russians are traditional orthodox believing christians. They have a government that supports the church, is anti woke, supports the family and has no time for perverts. That is a far cry from Ukraine, whose military spokesman is an American import abomination. What a joke.

As far as the f16 being a game changer. I remain skeptic. Thats what they said about the javalin, the Himars , then all the Nato equipment and training of the 9 brigades.

It did not change much at all.

So to say a handful of planes equipped with magic bullets is going to have a radical change on the battle field? All I can say is....we will see.

Anonymous said...

I always have cavets. It is a way of hedging my predictions.

WTF are Russian trolls using for computers and software over in Moscow?

Anonymous said...

Your comparison is wrong. This was not a prediction. It is a method to say I agree with what he is saying , but don't try to infer the ukies are paragons of democracy. It and they are not.

Anonymous said...

So you stand behind your cavet, Russian?