Monday, September 11, 2023

Is The West About To Be Humiliated In Ukraine?

US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during the NATO Summit © Provided by The Telegraph  

The Telegraph: Ukraine’s counter-offensive is stalling. The West must prepare for humiliation 

Time is running out for Ukraine. After 18 months of war, it is no longer a question of if the Western alliance will falter, but when. Since the start, despite making many of the right noises and supplying some military hardware, France and Germany, in particular, have been reluctant partners. Their leaders have often seemed more concerned with finding an “off-ramp” for Vladimir Putin than ejecting his forces from Ukraine. As well as dependency on Russian energy, a pacifist instinct among Western European political classes has led to neglect of their armed forces and a corresponding fear of escalation. 

As the provider of the lion’s share of backing for Ukraine, it is the US calling the shots in this war. Yet, since the earliest days, President Biden, too, has been dragging his heels, giving just about enough military assistance to keep Ukraine fighting, but intentionally not enough to enable a victory.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The above author (Colonel Richard Kemp) is a fervent supported of Ukraine, and that is why his commentary is an eye-opener. 

Bottom line. 

The West has to escalate their involvement in the war even more by significantly ramping up military aid to Ukraine and increasing economic pressure on Russia. If not, Western public support for the war will continue to decrease, and the likelihood of a Ukraine victory is all but unlikely.


Anonymous said...

This has the appearance of a debacle in the making. Ukraine clearly has no chance of prevailing without outside troop support, in which case we're all fucked

Mr Nobody said...

It has been that way since the beginning.....

This War is not the Ukrainians to win

It is the Russians to lose.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Still holding our over a year and half later. Against worlds second army. Lol

Anonymous said...

WNU's stated goal with the blog was to learn English better.

I started looking more and more word and especially idioms up in the dictionary after I misused several idioms. I have other motives to improve my language skills besides posting. Whatever. I look words up a lot and I think it would behoove WNU, if he would too.

He could start by looking up the word humiliate. To be thorough he could look up the derivation of the word back to Latin or German.

You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means

After the word is looked up, you might consider ruminating about deviant psychology. You think people who ran an all but walking corpse for president are going to be humiliated?

These people are shutting down coin shops. Coin shops are harmless. They are innocuous.

Seriously, if I know someone is a numismatist, I shy away. I do not want to run with a bad crowd. Because, if you run with them, pretty soon you will be setting up 21 shell corporations as pass throughs.

Yeah, you are going to humiliate the people in Washington who have no morals. The people in Washington or Windsor are willing too kill over 7 billion people, but yeah you are going to humiliate them. ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS!

Depopulation Fanatics Should Never Be Trusted with Government Power

Does King Charles want to kill 7 billion people? He ight not utter the words or directly think it, but the result is the same. The guy is a squish.

Anonymous said...

How are we all facked? Is this one of those “oh my god Trump is going to start WW3” moments? Give your lefty head a shake pal

Anonymous said...

You are facked. You are dealing with power hungry monkeys. These are monkeys who in the past have been lions domestically and mice overseas.

What has changed? They see themselves as close to permanent power domestically. What stands in their way afterwards? Russia. Do not expect these mothers to be meek now. It is roar now or take a haircut.

You did not read "1984". Why not? Because it was in English?

I mean you saw the Apple commercial referencing "1984" and you got the reference, so you are so super smart. It is all you need to know, right?

Anonymous said...

" Yet, since the earliest days, President Biden, too, has been dragging his heels, giving just about enough military assistance to keep Ukraine fighting, but intentionally not enough to enable a victory."

So Kemp has succinctly said what I and many others have thought. A known writer has uttered the words and concisely defined the idea. That is a known write not some mere commenter to a newspaper or blog.

So people both of known stature and little people think Biden is a pussy, pantywaist, coward, ... (fill in the blank).

Anyone who voted for Biden is a pussy also.

I mean Biden is the coward that threatened to beat a black boy with a chain.

Anonymous said...

I expect Russians to be "Tough Minded". Tough Mindedness comes with caveats.

Anonymous said...

they are bad and we are good, so we keep winning and winning.

Anonymous said...

a simple solution!
if you do not like what the editor of this site does, then simply stop coming to the site and commenting about how bad he is. Better: start your very own site since you have a handle on truth and beauty.

Anonymous said...

Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine 'is just the beginning' and 'the war will not stop there', a Russian general recently promoted by the Kremlin has warned.

Colonel General Andrey Mordviche also said he expects future conflicts with European countries during an appearance on the state-run TV channel Russia-1.

Moscow delenda est

Anonymous said...


Check your sources.
And look carefully.

Nice how the msm takes the generals words out of context.

Look at the original interview.

He was making the point that NATO does not want peace and are in the process of supporting a wider war with the Poles.

Yes once that happens

" it will not stop there'.

Nice try

Anonymous said...

Nice try, but Russia attacked Georgia, Estonia and Ukraine.

There is a common denominator there.

Estonia should send all ethnic Russians to Russia. that way there will be ethnic Russians again. Putin is busy depopulating Russia.

Soon even the vatniks of the internet will be volunteered for duty in ukraine.

Anonymous said...


You mean Georgia under that nut case shakasvili?
There is a whole lot you are leaving out of that situation.

Last time Estonia got attacked it was in WW2 under the Soviets.
Ukraine. Sorry they had it coming.

But good try on diverting the subject. Which is.....

"What did that general really say."

Did you bother to look or are you just freebasing this stuff?

Anonymous said...

Russian cruise ship leaves Batumi after Georgian protests

I see a Black Sea cruise in your future.

There was a cyber attack by the Russians in 2008.

fazman said...

Lol and putin goes begging to Kim like Oliver twist , begging for ammo

Anonymous said...

Faz see the latest thread on this. He did not go to Nk to beg for shells.

That is an msm bs talking point.