Thursday, September 7, 2023

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Says Ukraine Is Advancing 300 Feet Per Day

Exchange of views with Jens Stolenberg, NATO Secretary General'. European Parliament Multimedia Center, reference EP-154944A, September 7th, 2023.

Business Insider: Ukraine's front-line forces aren't advancing as much as 'hoped' in the face of tough Russian defenses, but they're gaining ground, about 300 feet per day, NATO chief says 

* Ukrainian forces are making steady progress in their counteroffensive. 

* Though it isn't moving as fast as many hoped, Kyiv is making progress, NATO's top official said. 

* Jens Stoltenberg said Ukraine is "gradually" gaining a little over 300 feet of territory every day. 

Three months into Ukraine's counteroffensive, its forces are engaged in a brutal fight against Russia's formidable and well-prepared defenses. The hard-won gains have been limited, but the Ukrainians are advancing, the top NATO official said on Thursday. 

"The Ukrainians decided to launch the offensive because they are going to liberate the land. And they are making progress," NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said at a joint committee meeting at the European Parliament. "Not perhaps as much as we hoped for, but they are gaining ground gradually some 100 meters (less than 330 feet) per day."  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Losing hundreds of soldiers per day and thousands of pieces of equipment since the start of the counteroffensive in June .... all to say that we are (maybe) advancing 300 feet per day?!?!?!?!?  

Update: No kidding .... “No One Ever Said This Would Be Easy”: NATO Chief Defends Slow Ukrainian Progress (European Conservative). The problem is that last year many in the West were predicting that the Russian military and economy would collapse, and that the Kremlin would sue for peace.


Anonymous said...

300 feet sounds better than 100 meters. These guys are really desperate and it’s showing

fazman said...

The fact that Russia is pushed back at all with all.its resources and industrial might, has to now split its forces to stop the advance ,, and go cap in hand to the Norks like Oliver twist...that's desperation

Anonymous said...

Still waiting for a sign of this big breakthrough that got reported last week. Haven't seen or heard anything about it since then. Just the daily report about fighting in Robotino like the last 4 months.

Anonymous said...

WNU has to keep pushing doom and gloom, he wants Russian family values to prevail.

"Wagner mercenary reveals Yevgeny Prigozhin trained them to kill Ukrainian women and children by throwing grenades through windows and doors then entering homes to 'finish them off'"

Anonymous said...

Keep lying!!

Anonymous said...

- Russians fleeing from Klishchiivka did so in broad daylight without armor. They were shelled.
- Russians fleeing near the south of Robotyne did so in broad daylight and were shelled.
- Russian fleeing the Urozhaine pocket were shelled as they exfilled in broad daylight.

Seems like Russians are dying in great numbers.

The Russians are using smaller and smaller tubed artillery. they are using more and more towed artillery. Set up time is increased. They have to be closer to the front. they are getting slaughtered.

Proof on the artillery? Has anything like what was seen at Severodonestsk happened lately? No. The Counterbattery, mobility ammo, ammo dumps, and replacement tubes are not there. Worse Russia does not make military grade steel in quantity that is needed.

they should not be there but people like the Rah rah rah Russian commenter above make sure they are there. A number of popular Russians mil bloggers make with one advertisement what the average Russian makes in 1/2 a month. You have to wonder what the FSB pays people to troll the comment sections of foreign language sites.

Anonymous said...

Lying? The guy is on tape and not incognito.

Anonymous said...

Keep lying!

Anonymous said...

great faz

That's a nice positive twist on only gaining 300 feet a day.

But how are the Russians doing that?

You all said...... T55s , burnt out artillery tubes, untrained soldiers. I guess the Ukies must be worse off and poorer solders than we thought.

300 feet a day? that is one mile in 17 days
It is 50 miles from Robotyne to Melitopol.

The 50 x 17 = 850days

so about 2 and 1/3rd years from now (at this rate) the ukies will go 50 miles

Just great Faz. I thought the defensive lines were getting weaker as you got deeper in to the defence lines.

I do not here anyone else syomg at.

Are you making this crap up as you go along?

Anonymous said...

300 feet a day in hedgerow fighting, when all you need is 5 to 7 miles to take out a logistics hub and where Ukrainians are killing more Russians than Ukrainians dying.

Russia sent 3 battalions from Urozhaine area to Robotyne area to plug holes. While the Russians are obsessing over Robotyne and Urozhaine, Russian artillery and AFVs are slowly being chipped away at Kherson.

Tortske was attacked what 3 months ago? Russians still do not have it. Russians will impress many men form Crimea but only after the elections this week.

Anonymous said...

828. good point. Back and forth.

and answer the question
That's a nice positive twist on only gaining 300 feet a day.

But how are the Russians doing that? I thought you all said they were pisspoor.

You all said...... T55s , burnt out artillery tubes, untrained soldiers.

I guess the Ukies must be worse off and poorer solders than we thought.