Friday, September 29, 2023

New York Times: Russia Has Gained More Ukrainian Territory In 2023 Than What Kyiv Has Been Able To Recapture

Seattle Times/New York Times: Who’s gaining ground in Ukraine? This year, No one  

The front line in Ukraine changed little in the winter. Russia aimed to capture the entirety of the Donbas, but it only inched forward. 

Ukraine has made minimal gains in its counteroffensive. Dense Russian minefields and fortifications have made every attack extremely costly. 

Despite nine months of bloody fighting, less than 500 square miles of territory have changed hands since the start of the year. A prolonged stalemate could weaken Western support for Ukraine. 

Both sides started the year with lofty ambitions: Russia wanted to capture the eastern Donbas region, while Ukraine aimed to split Russian forces with an attack in the south. 

Neither offensive has gone to plan. The front line, after months of combat and heavy casualties, remains largely unchanged.  

Read more ....  

Update: One Map Summarizes Status Of Ukraine War & Russia's Strategy (Zero Hedge)  

WNU Editor: Two things stick out in the above New York times report. (1) Russia now controls nearly 200 square miles more territory in Ukraine compared with the start of the year." And (2) .... Russia’s forces are outnumbering Ukraine’s nearly three to one on the battlefield.  

Update #1: The Western media narrative remains the same. Ukraine is slowly gaining ground in this war .... Ukrainian Forces Are 'Gradually Gaining Ground', NATO Chief Says (Reuters). More here .... NATO chief says Ukrainian forces are “gradually gaining ground” in counteroffensive (CNN).


Anonymous said...

but we do not trust that paper or the source below! they lie

Anonymous said...

Yes they do lie. The lie a lot

But if Charlie Manson looked up at the sky and said it was blue. Then you would still have to believe him. (but go out and look anyway) The key is to discern when the are lying and when they are not.

Here is what I wrote yesterday with a few edits

A reply to my buddy


Real bad news this time. That Paragon of truth that you get your Ukie war news from has finally admitted it.

NYT says that the Ukrainian Offensive has been an abject failure.

17, 000 men dead and "in totality across the front line" , they have lost more territory than gained.

How is that possible under the divine leadership of Biden and Zelinski?

The other bad news is that from a differnt report from the BBC that Russian casualties in the last 3 months have been the lowest since the war began.

How is that possible?

And here is the kicker, think about it, . Do you think those left wing wackos at the NYT or BBC, who fanatically support the Ukrainian side, would report such things unless they absolutely had to?

Of course they would not.

What does that mean?

This is a sign that there is a high degree of certainty that these reports are valid. Not 100%, but getting real close.

I Tried to tell you. But, like a little kid, you just don't listen.

But Oh no, don't listen to me, listen to chris , fazman, Kaufman , Petraeus, Keane, applebaum, Hillary, Krystal, Nulland and the fag announcer that just got fired.

Told you Those NEOCON bastards were lying to you. Christ talked about these guys. He said they were full of deceit because they were full of lies and their father was satan who is the Father of Lies.

The hard question now becomes, what will the West do now? The best of the Ukrainian population has fled or have already been killed or wounded and a few competent ones survive. You can now give the Ukrainians all the weapons you want, but the key is manpower , and that situation looks dire.

And what I am about to say is not for you.

but for that idiot wacko who was saying that happiness is having the Russians fail and men to die.

Hope you are happy now , you jerk. Your lies are once again exposed and you are a sicko. And as for any decent human being....

This war is a f'ing tragedy..... across the board, .....period.

End former post

Hope this helps. Cannot say I did not see it coming.

Anonymous said...

when someone has to heap up insults upon someone I pay little heed to him or her. Fact: you simply tell us you can separate truth from non truth because of some skills you think you have. That is nonsense. I trust decent journalism. You blow smoke rings around what you say so I discount what you say.

Anonymous said...

Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein dead at 90: First woman mayor of San Francisco and longest-serving woman in the Senate passes - hours after making her last VOTE

Like Terd Kennedy
Like Kohn McShame

These people are full of hubris and have no shame. If the world depends on them not to go haywire and so they must stay in office to hold it together like Atlas held up the heavens, you have to ask:

- If the world is that fucked up is it worth saving.

- If the world depends on them existing and in office, can they or do they really save it by their presence and their "votes"?

- If the world flies apart when they pass on, when they do pass on, who save its then?

Or maybe this is not about make the world a better place, but just a better place for them.

Watch the hurt feelings as Governor Toothsome picks someone. Rep. Barbara lee will cry "Racism", if she is not picked. Having the label "Senator" tacked on to the c.v. on her gravestone would be very nice in her mind.

Anonymous said...

Who is the next BITCH or BASTARD to stay in power until they croak?

Bitch McConnell?

Susan Collins?

B.Poster said...

Excellent analysis. There's not much to add. I saw this coming back in 2014 and sent numerous communications to members of our leadership class warning them that supporting Ukraine was folly and to steer clear of this.

Anonymous said...


Does 9:20 know what an insult is?

Myself I look up words often. it matters not if i know the definition and could pass a vocabulary test with 100% right. I look up words, because they are fuzzy, have more than one meaning or to get a deeper understanding of the word or language(s) in general by going back to the roots in the mists of time.

And all to often certain phrases that I think I know I do not.

Which is curious that 9:20 does not do the same thing considering, who they are. Are the a full bag of jumbo chips?

"Various typologies of insults have been proposed over the years. Ethologist Desmond Morris, noting that "almost any action can operate as an Insult Signal if it is performed out of its appropriate context – at the wrong time or in the wrong place", classes such signals in ten "basic categories": "

1 Uninterest signals
2 Boredom signals
3 Impatience signals
4 Superiority signals
5 Deformed-compliment signals
6 Mock-discomfort signals
7 Rejection signals
8 Mockery signals
9 Symbolic insults
10 Dirt signals

Does 9:20 know how 9:03 is using the insults? Maybe it is as a foot soldier, which it is. Maybe it is partly as exasperation. Kind of like a cat growling. It might be partly semiconscious. Do you, 9:20, glean too little?

Anonymous said...

to heap abuse on someone who has just died and simply because you oppose her and her party is a shameful display of your trashiness. She had in no way harmed you or the nation. You are a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

B Poster can learn new tricks. I did not know you could train Russians.

Anonymous said...

above: they learned to train bears and now train Poster with ease.

Hans Persson said...

What an angry person. Too bad you don't channel it onto something useful.

Mr Nobody said...

So no one is going to challenge the NYTs? I guess the offensive was an abject failure. Lots of good men dead. Also add in the casualties from Bakhmut.

Those guys at bakhmut bought time so the NATO Brigades could be trained up. Pretty much thier sacrifice did not accomplish its intent either. Sorry situation. What a waste.

Anonymous said...

I find the postings on this particular thread, so inadequate that I just have to laugh.

Here it is of the major historical operations of this war being determined as a huge failure for the Ukrainians and some of you all are arguing about Name calling? Really??

What a joke, I guess small breaks from linguistic propriety are more important than a major combat operation being just about complete and the Ukrainians loosing?

The historical Ramifications of this event will shape European history for years to come. But instead, let's disagree about "words".

That's what is really important.!!!

Thank you 9:20 for misdirecting the thread to such an important subject.