Tuesday, September 19, 2023

President Biden Delivers His Annual Address To The United Nations General Assembly


CBS News: Biden urges United Nations to "preserve peace, prevent conflict" 

President Biden emphasized unity and global cooperation Tuesday as he addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York. 

Mr. Biden reiterated that Ukraine's interests are the United Nations' interests, and said the global body must "continue to preserve peace, prevent conflict and alleviate human suffering." 

"The United States seeks a more secure, more prosperous, more equitable world for all people, because we know our future is bound to yours," the president said at UNGA. "Let me repeat that again: We know our future is bound to yours. And no nation can meet the challenges of today alone."  

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WNU Editor: Nothing new in his speech. 

President Biden Delivers His Annual Address To The United Nations General Assembly  

Biden exhorts world leaders at the UN to stand up to Russia, warns not to let Ukraine ‘be carved up’ -- AP  

Biden offers support for Ukraine, stresses global unity in United Nations speech -- ABC News 

Biden at the UN urges the world to stand firm in support of Ukraine’s fight against Russian invasion -- CNN 

Biden calls for 'new approaches' to global challenges in UN speech: 'Our future is bound to yours' -- FOX News


Anonymous said...

yeah learn from me on how to keep peace, look how I do it:
1. Afghanistan
2. Ukraine
3. Russia
4. Iran
5. North Korea

This incompetent buffoon, when can we trial these gangsters who destroy everything they touch?

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden's speech was panned by a national radio talk show. They criticized his terrible diction. they also noted this speech would be Joe Biden at his best all day, since it is after they gave him his "go juice". It is all downhill and sunset syndrome after his dog handlers shuffle him off the stage.

Anonymous said...

Mark, Jaime and Scott make fun of Biden mumbling.

Jaime has a Joesetta stone.


People in the audience were laughing at Joe. I wonder why. I have no clue, mon.

Anonymous said...

it is a drinking game among his speech writers

Anonymous said...

Sad to hear him mumble and slur his way through a speech. He is unfit to be President, morally and medically. Yet there he is.

RussInSoCal said...

Not one topic in that speech mentioned anything that would directly benefit the USA. Biden was snubbed by every other member of the security council. Not one head of state from China, Russia, UK or France was there to meet him. And he gave that speech about half a mile from a massive illegal migrant camp that he created. Biden also created the deadliest border crossing in the world. In SoCal gas is $6.00+ again. Oil is just under $100 Bbl again. US cities are anarchic shitholes. And a hot war in Europe.

/So yeah, great work there.

Anonymous said...

"Joe Biden's speech was panned by a national radio talk show."

would be helpful if you gave us the name of the show/channel you refer to: Fox would say bad things about Binden; MSNBC would not. If there were some 6 shows on discussing this topic, and 5 approve of Biden, then we might be suspicious of the one that panned Biden.

Anonymous said...



VVVV Hitler Logic VVVV
"If there were some 6 shows on discussing this topic, and 5 approve of Biden, then we might be suspicious of the one that panned Biden"

Hitler had 100 scientists denounce Einstein and his theories. So by 7:33, we ought to be suspicious of Einstein.


7:33 is such a dope.

Anonymous said...

call names if oppose something said her and you support Trump
That said: CNN, MSNBC and a few non cable stations gave good marks for Binden for what he said and his delivery..You of course know so much better.

And one comment is right Russia and China not there for security council...so what? they are they aggressor nations invading and supporting an invasion of Ukraine, the nation Biden lauded. So you support China and Russia? enjoy.

RussInSoCal said...

8:35 PM

Your comment is incoherent. And if you extrapolated that I support China and Russia because they were absent from the UN thing, you're dense as well. You should be concerned that no one respects or fears the confused husk that currently occupies the White House.

Anonymous said...

"CNN, MSNBC and a few non cable stations gave good marks for Binden "

They might have given Binden good marks and a gold star on his written speech.

What did they give Biden?

I listened to the audio of Biden's speech. He is a speech therapy candidate for sure.

Are you going to trot out the stutter excuse?

The heads of France and Britain were not there to shake hands with Mr. Special Ed.

Are France and Bitain aggressor nations?

Anonymous said...

"You should be concerned that no one respects or fears the confused husk that currently occupies the White House."

Correcto mundo and I am.

Anonymous said...

so much name calling
Russia and China absent: wonder why?

Zelensky encourages Trump to ‘not waste time’ and release his Ukraine peace plan

now let us see what Liar guy has to offer

Anonymous said...

^^^ Guy still does not understand Trump. Limbaugh did. For one Trump's technique is to say something and then dial it back.

So basically you know what direction he is going but not how far with the first report unless you are an inside baseball type of person.

I also know as a true populist, Trump listens.

Further, I know that it is the press, who lies. I have seen method of how the rate Trump and it is a lie.

I have seen how the press lie before during and post Trump.

5:04 is very early for the former-retired to be up. Usually, codger is not up for another hour or two. Usually codger posts form leftwing bird cage liners and not the NY Post.

5:04's post has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation.