Friday, September 15, 2023

President Biden To Host Ukrainian President Zelensky At The White House Next Thursday


Politico: Zelenskyy to visit Washington after UN appearance 

The Ukrainian president will meet with President Joe Biden and key members of Congress, a person familiar with the plans confirmed. 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will meet with President Joe Biden and key members of Congress in Washington next week, a person familiar with the plans confirmed to POLITICO on Thursday evening. 

Zelenskyy’s stop-off in Washington will follow his attendance at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, where he hopes to shore up support for his country in the war against Russia.  

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WNU Editor: The Ukraine government needs another massive infusion of US military and economic aid. This is why this trip and visit has been hastily arranged at the last minute.

President Biden To Host Ukrainian President Zelensky At The White House Next Thursday 

 Biden to host Zelensky at White House next week -- The Hill  

Zelensky to make second wartime White House visit to rally support -- France 24  

Biden and Zelensky to meet in US next week -- CNN 

President Biden to Host Ukrainian President Zelensky at the White House Next Thursday -- C-Span  

Zelensky to visit White House and Capitol Hill next week -- Axios  

Mr. Zelensky Goes To Washington, Again -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

The begging Jew Zelensky is coming back, with empty hand held out for more more more. The dotard Biden is happy to oblige (in return for more funding for his "family business").

Anonymous said...


to translate from Hebrew to 6:27
go fuck yourself you low life piece of shit

Anonymous said...

6:40 same vocabulary as Fred the child predator

Anonymous said...

not to stir up trouble but zelinski has turned into a welfare queen.

he is becoming rather insufferable.

By the way , it looks like he is becoming universally hated in his own country , you know, with all the deaths and all.

Anonymous said...

Jake Sullivan stated at a press conference that they review new packages of military aid to Ukraine every 2 weeks.

That is they authorize new aid every 2 weeks. So there is no emergency of aid not being provided.

What will be brought up is the foot dragging on F-16s ATACMS and other aid.

Zelinsky will have to put up with an old fraud, but thankfully not for long. Joe gets tuckered out after 15 minutes to an hour. Zelinsky only has to humor the liar and thief for a short time.

Anonymous said...

On thief to another I guess

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

I feel for you 8:03. you mistakenly beleive that Zelinsky stole your panties, but it was your gay russian boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

You are a weirdo. and since you support zelinski you are probably a piss drinker too.

Anonymous said...

Lost my balls

Anonymous said...

In the war

Anonymous said...

you all are getting off track.

zelinski is turning in to a welfare queen. He is getting fat like one too.

Can it get any more disgusting??

Look at that thing they have for an Army spokesman. Sara the weirdo. Why would anyone put that thing on the air to spew the nonsense it does.

That things narratives are absolutely 100% bat shit crazy. You would think it is some kind of satan possessed demon.
You cannot make this stuff up.
This is some crazy crap.

Anonymous said...

7:15 and 8:49

guess that is one reason why he is becoming hated?

Anonymous said...

Lots of Ukrainians buying yachts in Monaco these days. Coincidence?

Anonymous said...

Still waiting for that breakthrough reported a week and a half ago to materialize. Anyone seen it? Maybe Zelensky is coming to explain it away.

Anonymous said...

It got stopped due to lack of logistical support. The medical supplies were sold off to the Moroccans and small arms off to Niger.

Ukie soldiers will continue to train with wood board AKs

But why?

Ukie Ivan and his cousin needed to make down payments on their gold investments and new businesses in Italy.

Anonymous said...

7:03 PM Please stop the filthy attacks on Fred Lapdance. So what if he likes 'em young?