Friday, September 15, 2023

President Biden's Son Hunter Biden Has Been Indicted On Gun Charges


NBC News: Hunter Biden indicted on federal gun charges  

The president's son was indicted after a plea agreement on tax and gun charges fell apart in July and as House Republicans investigate his finances.  

Federal prosecutors have indicted Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, on gun charges, court documents show. 

Biden was indicted Thursday in federal court in Delaware on three counts tied to possession of a gun while using narcotics. 

Two counts accuse Biden of having completed a form indicating he was not using illegal drugs when he bought a Colt Cobra revolver in October 2018. The third count alleges he possessed a firearm while using a narcotic. The indictment says Biden certified on a federally mandated form "that he was not an unlawful user of, and addicted to, any stimulant, narcotic drug, and any other controlled substance, when in fact, as he knew, that statement was false and fictitious.”  

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WNU Editor: I for one would not be surprised if these charges are dismissed before trial. Robert Barnes legal and political analysis is probably correct (see tweet below).

President Biden's Son Hunter Biden Has Been Indicted On Gun Charges  

Hunter Biden is indicted on federal firearm-purchasing charges after plea deal fails -- AP  

Biden's son Hunter hit with gun charge, first for a US president's child -- Reuters  

Hunter Biden indicted on gun charges after plea deal falls apart -- The Guardian


Anonymous said...

I think some sort of slap on the wrist. Btw--Imagine if this were one of the Trump sons, sleeping with his brothers widow; who throws his perhaps not completely honestly, legally obtained pistol into a dumpster; because she is his drug buddy and a woman, having an irresponsible freak-out.

Anonymous said...

And suppose now that the Repubs, the DeepState (fbi), and the media collude to suppress this information along with all of the financial and drug, and perhaps sex crimes or...crimes of taste...and morals...the Ten Percent for the Big Guy---except if the Big Guy were Trump.

There would have been riots.

Yet the party of Slavery wins again....smdh

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Biden can pardon his son the way Trump pardoned his pals

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The gun charges are a shiny object to distract for the fact that a government prosecutor purposefully ran out the clock on the statute of limitations on the tax charges, because they would lead to Joe Biden

Do many people want the gun charges prosecuted? Yes, so there is equal justice. However in their view this is water under the bridge and the bigger fish is the Biden family political corruption.

Since the government lawyers are using the charges as a shield to inquiry and doing so in bad faith, the layers need to be impeached.

Congress impeaching government lawyers and judges? Well they are foot soldiers in a war and they are destroying a once more or less fair system. If they are forming a phalanx, a body guard, around the leader of the DNC, nominal or otherwise, they need to go.

Anonymous said...

At best he'll get a slap on the hand the fish stinks from the head and the whole thing is rotten

Anonymous said...

7:21 really looks like the atheist, former, retired college professor of English. I think the guy truly is demented and before he was demented you could never tell him anything anyway, because he was so damn smart. Just ask him.

Anonymous said...


again, as is well known in psy: dissing others a childish attempt to raise a small dick and diminished ego and a display of a loser, over and over, with nothing to say but always putting down his betters. go forth and stop jerking off so much.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

How are you better?

Because you spend your final days looking up free porn?

Because you wrote a graphic titillating novel about 3 young women on a road trip?

Because you consistently vote a blue ticket?

Because you were in the avant-garde in the classroom?

Anonymous said...

dear 11:09 a lesson

one of the biggest and first things we ask ourselves when we meet others in any way is their status and how it compares with mine. Status envy. You try by attempting to demolish mine via typing to raise yours. It does not work. You are still far down with your status, and childish attempts to raise yours by trying to lower mine simply show others how low your status is and how you are fully aware of your situation.
Best advice: get a life and stop being so obvious in your neediness

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

High office or a high dollar figure does not give you status with everyone.

Look at Al Gore. he has all the money in the world. He is divorced and has not remarried. Is it because no one would have him after he released his 2second chakra?

Wow, you ran all the way back to your social work days as short and desultory as those were. I never ask or wonder about status within a given framework. I know it. It is these little things called knowledge and intelligence, which your sorely lack. I do not wonder about status. I wonder what type of person they are. Are they dependable. Are the knowledgeable. Are they fair. but wow, epiphany. You would mesh quite well with Blinken. Two of kind. Thank you for the information. You have given me information that no job title or salary figure ever would.