Monday, September 11, 2023

Remembering 9/11

The towers of the World Trade Center pour smoke shortly after being struck by hijacked commercial aircraft, September 11, 2001. REUTERS/Brad Rickerby  

WNU Editor: The above picture is form this photo-gallery .... Defining images from the 9/11 attacks (Reuters). Hard to believe that it is already 22 years.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Big wow a lie is bigger than 911

Anonymous said...

Remember who did what and who passed which laws using this attack as opportunity. And remember who then lied.

All should be arrested and trialed for trying to subvert democracy. Penalty should be most severe.

Anonymous said...

Nursing home Joe is not there.

It save the embarrassment of Marie Jean-Pierre cutting off his mic in mid sentence as he rambles.

White House is hiding Joe away in Alaska.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Attacked by Saudis, went into Afghanistan and Iraq instead. Oh, and we still buy Saudi oil BTW. But at least it ain’t Russian, right 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑

Hans Persson said...

The WNU editor needs to start kicking out idiot commenters if I'm going to continue reading this "blog". Seriously, first 4 comments here should get removed and the guy banned. But no. Had been like this for years now, it would be sad if that's because I stopped coming here.

Anonymous said...

Saudis not Saudis... this we know.

Iraq hosted terrorist groups some of which had attacked the US before. Abu Nidal was in Iraq.

Afghanistan hosted Osama Bin Laden and refused to hand him over.

There is a connection of a Saudi National and 2 hijackers in California. It is unknown if the Saudis were helping the US in there or plotting against the US.

Hans Persson said...


And also, being able to EDIT your comments would be nice, I mean it's like 2023.

Hans Persson said...

And by the way, anyone else ever trying to write a comment from a android phone? It's atrocious.

Hans Persson said...


Once the Saudis change to brics, all secret 9/11 documents will be leaked and then there will be a regime change with the help of the US Marines. Another failed state to the list.

Anonymous said...

The Invasion of Iraq was staged from Kuwait with help from the Gulf States for logistics hubs.

Oman, UAE and Kuwait are not going to allow the US to stage an invasion of Saudi Arabia from their territory.

Hans Persson said...

I don't think that even counts anymore. Why do you think they (US) still are in Somalia? 🤣

Anonymous said...

Why are we in Somolia?

Because a Russian client state failed and Russia did not clean up the mess.

Soon afterwards some nutbags in the "news" business filmed starving children and so we went in.

Subsequently, VOLGAS like Catholic social Services found an income stream guaranteed by Uncle Slam of importing Somalis

Dum-o-crats loved it. They imported Somalis to Minnesota, Maine and Atlanta. Dum-o-crats did it to flip states. Somalis for some reason did not like warm Atlanta but opted for lily white Maine and Minnesota. For some odd reasons American blacks did not get along with black Somalians.

When the turds in the "news" business and bleeding hearts like Clooney talked up intervening in Darfur, People were like "Hell NO!". We would get more refugees exacerbating race relations, bring in more Muslims and be blamed for Sudan to boot.

Now the Iraq invasion worked because there were near by countries and the Us had prepositioned supplies. You have those in Europe for Reforger and off the coast of Oman at Masirah(?).

Where is the necessary equipment in Somalia? There ain't any.

Hate to break it to you but the Saudi's are quite proficient at artillery. They got a lot of practice in Yemen. Tangling with the Saudis is a lot harder than it would have been 20 year ago.

Anonymous said...

How long was Pakistan hosting Osama and why didn’t we attack that country. Not only that, but we funded Pakistan to high heaven. So there’s definitely another reason why we went to Afghanistan and occupied it for so long even after Osamas death 🤷‍♂️

Anonymous said...

I can see that happening.

Anonymous said...

you ask good questions that any one who is a decent reader can answer. But since you do not know, I have no interest in educating you.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

We funded Pakistan after it became known that they stabbed us in the back, because Muslims are Lucy and America is Charlie Brown.

So why are we Charlie Brown? Ask a libtard.

Anonymous said...

Dancing Israelis. The UNanswered questions and facts. What were they doing there and how did they know.

Until we find out....the truth of 9/11 will never be solved.

Anonymous said...

Since your such a reader you should know then that Trump didn’t break any laws he’s charged with. BTW your loser president left the Taliban as one of the most equipped militaries in SE Asia. Way to go

Anonymous said...

USS Liberty and dancing Israelis. All from the same planners