Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Russia - Ukraine War: Military Summary And Analysis For 9.06.2023 (Videos)


WNU Editor: A lot of interesting updates today.


Anonymous said...

Things may be heating up in a good way for Ukraine around Robotyne in western Zaporizhia, and also near Bakhmut. I found the reporting today by the Institute for the Study of War to be a bit more restrained than I’m used to seeing regarding those two areas.

Nothing can change the fact that Russia has now lost half its armor. That is irreplaceable in the near term, when it will be most needed. And artillery systems may now be equally degraded. There are reports the AFU has reached artillery parity and possibly superiority in some areas. That has the potential to accelerate, considering Russian ammo supplies are now constrained, plus the added stress of the undoubtedly growing need to replace worn Russian artillery tubes.

Anonymous said...

Heil Putin says Zelesnky is both is & is not a Jew,

June 2023: Zelensky is not Jewish

Sept 2023: Zelesnky now is Jewish

Zelensky both is and is not Jewish as required. The past changes so quickly you have no idea what will happen yesterday.

Schrodinger's Jew

^Now that is some funny shit.

Anonymous said...

RSD808 with I presume Lavrov on it flew over Malaysia which remarkably didn't shoot it down in memory of MH17.

fazman said...

And yet another war crime for putin..apartment blocks and markets tend to be his forte

Anonymous said...

Moment Russian missile kills 17 people in Ukrainian market massacre as bloody war rages on

"Russian shelling of a packed market in the Ukrainian city of Kostiantynivka killed at least 17 people this afternoon, including one child, and wounded at least 32, according to Ukrainian officials."

Reminds me of Al Qaeda

There is a difference. Al Qaeda used car bombs. Russia uses missiles.

But a market is a market and dead is dead.

The only thing that could defend against this is to claim that air defense changed the direction of the missile.

Otherwise, it is one more war crime.

Anonymous said...

Fazman has spoken!

fazman said...

About time you pay attention otherwise it's a detention for you in the ethics and morality, classroom 88

Anonymous said...

That's Right faz

That Fascist methodology is part and parcel of your personality.

You finally admit it.

Anonymous said...

Fazman you are funny lololololololol!

Anonymous said...

^ 1st shift is so lame

fazman said...

Says the guy wearing the cheerleaders outfit for the war criminal despot..though l gotta admit, you're kinda hot 🔥 xx

Anonymous said...

faz ok.... so now you are a perv weirdo fascist.

you have purple hair and a nose ring too?

Anonymous said...

Ukraine Update: Russia doesn't have a backup plan when it runs out of artillery

I hate the Daily Kos, but I will remember the author.

Upshot of the article is that the Russians are fcked. Which is good. the flip side is that DC will think they are all that and a bag of chips, when 30% to 50% of it was they just got lucky.

fazman said...

Hey, with the big bucks you pay l can wear whatever you want

Anonymous said...

"The Russian Gov't is a crime syndicate (organized crime) and it is all about business, nothing personal. " - Seen on the internet

I would add the American govt is too.

Look at Biden. People are arguing that Obama had to know Joe was corrupt. So ...

Anonymous said...

The nose ring is an intelligentsia fad. They also eat bugs upon command.

Anonymous said...

Yea the Russians have lost 1/2 of their armor and going to lose all their artillery.

And your source is some fluke off the daily Kos.????


that is hilarious.

you also forgot the ukies now have the starship enterprise helping them too.


This is the same shit we have been hearing all year. cris said all that was left were T55s and Ole fazzy said months ago they were running out of ammo.

The russians are so piss poor , that is why there all all those dead ukies, Right?

What?? Are the Russians back to using shovels again?

That was a pretty sharp shovel that killed those leopards.

You guys are pathetic., come back when you can talk intelligently.

Anonymous said...

This article on Ukies trying to deaf men who are out of th country, just proves what the Ukrainians and West have been saying has been untrue.

Things are not going well in the Ukraine



If they had been going well, the Ukrainians would not be forced to draft , AIDs, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis and Mental problems

On top of this

They have also started the Desperate practice of Calling back all eligible citizens who have fled the country.

But Zelinski and Joe say it is all good. US Politicians say, "best investment we can ever make."

Yep. Fighting to the Last UKIe is a great policy. Because it is going great for the Ukrianinans.

But what you do hear for the blob is this.....
The Russians are falling apart. The Russian army is in mass mutiny
Russians have no ammo, artillery or tanks.

You want the truth.

The 3rd Ukrainian Army raised since the last one wiped out in last years offensive is about gone. Yes Gone.

It is called attrition, and this is what happens when you push meagerly trained forces or under equipped forces against complex defence lines. They get wiped out.

So there, now you have it.

What is next? What will they fight with now?

They are scrapping the bottom of the barrel:...... misfits and health problems.

They are also calling back the unwilling for overseas.

So tell me all you geniuses,

How good is the "Army of the Unwilling" and sick going to perform????

Answer Not well. Not well at all

NATO has to make a decision , intervene or let their proxy die.

You look around. US is ramping up is strategic force capability in the ME and in Europe.

On Oct 4 we will have a nation wide EM Broadcast system test. When did that last happen? Practically never.

It is getting close.

September 6, 2023 at 1:10 PM

Anonymous said...

Yes, the Daily Kos.

I go by the author not the paper. WSJ ran a story of cables. It hurt the stock of some companies. When you start digging, you learn some of the cables are 150 years old. You also learn that cables of a certain type have not been made in such a way since the 1950s. Moreover, you learn that the WSJ did not pay for their investigative journalism. I tried to find a specification for the cables to see what a cross section would look like. To see how they were built. I have worked with cables and cable specs before but not of that type. Still they would have to be somewhat similar.

Here is the point, troll.

I go by the author and not solely by news organization. It has been that way for about 10 year or more for me.

So yes, the Daily Kos. It explained Urozhaine and Bakhmut in such a granularity that yes the Russian are in fucking trouble. Urozhaine was a literal barrel shoot. The Russian commanders kept putting soldiers into the barrel. A Russian artilleryman has the half life of nitrogen 13.

I think you should be an artilleryman.

The point about Russian artillery was proven. The amount of fires and the types of fires are decreasing.

I did learn that the FSB is more efficient than the Russian military. They were ready for the invasion since June 2021. Russia decided long, long ago to invade.

The FSB interrogations do not obtain much information, but they are considered useful in terrorizing people. The FSB and FBI have a lot in common.

Anonymous said...

I too looked at the daily kos article.

Did you see the author name?

Look again. It is a no one. A anagram of sorts.
Therefore, you now have to go back and check his facts, because they are bs.
Go to a 2021 edition of JANES AND GET THE PRE WAR FIGURES.
then comes the hard part, you got to do loss comparison vs production and refit numbers.

All 3 numbers are now suspicious.

So what to do. Put aside this crap for 3 weeks to a month. If the arty battle really does the ukies are not dying in high numbers then you know it was bs. If the rates of arty death go down considerably, then you know it was true.

Skoda, you know as well as I that the daily kos is a liberal left wing rag that is anti Russian and pro ukie pervert.
So if you want to believe it, that is your problem. These are also the guys that said trump was a Putin puppet and the steele dossier was fact. What a joke.


Have a great seeing you around.