Sunday, September 17, 2023

Russia - Ukraine War: Military Summary And Analysis For 9.017.2023 (Videos)


WNU Editor: A lot of updates today.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, well, keep em coming!

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile the Democrat Party's war on America continues.

As I write this on September 16, the New York Times has yet to mention Andreas Probst, the retired 64-year-old California police chief brutally murdered on August 14 in Las Vegas. The initial silence is understandable. Probst was killed while bicycling at about 6 A.M. along a quiet road. The assumption was that he was the unfortunate victim of a careless driver who fled the scene.

By August 31, the media had access to the video recorded in real time by the passenger in the vehicle. It is chilling. The driver and his companion, both males, had apparently stolen the Hyundai in which they were driving at high speeds.

The video picks up with the driver intentionally swerving into another vehicle and forcing it off the road. In that the two are juveniles, their identities have yet to be revealed. Based on available evidence, both visual and audio, it appears that the driver is white and his accomplice black. Upon hitting the other car, the passenger shouts out, "Bitch-a-- n----."

The driver then steers the car directly at Probst, who is biking in a bicycle lane, unaware of the car approaching him from behind. "Ready?" asks the driver. "Yea, yea, yea," says the passenger, now giggling. "Hit his ass." The car hits Probst dead center, and he flies over the hood. "That n----- got knocked out," says the passenger. "We better get out of here," says the driver.

On August 31, KLAS in Las Vegas was reporting that the driver, "a 17-year-old boy," had been arrested and was now facing an open murder charge. The police had found the incriminating video two days earlier. There was no mention of his accomplice. Despite the implications of the video, the local media fell back on bicycle safety as the accepted narrative.

For the next two weeks, what happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas. I could find no mention of Probst's murder beyond Las Vegas, and the local coverage was embarrassing in its relentless focus on bicycle safety. They showed no interest in the motives behind the thrill kill or the potential racial angle.

Since the wannabe Leopold and Loeb did not use a gun, the major media have remained mum. That may change. The citizen-journalists of the alternative conservative media — our samizdat — have discovered the video. Unlike their betters in the major media, they would rather tell a story than bury it.

There is that word "betters"

Democrats are determined to Las Vegas to Portland, LA and the other shitholes they have created.

Anonymous said...

Democrats are determined to add Las Vegas to Portland, LA and the other shitholes they have created.

Anonymous said...

Oh do be quiet

Anonymous said...

sorry, but that is a silly comment. I am sorry for the killing. But focusing on one incident in one city and blaming {The Democrats" is just plain silly.

Anonymous said...

Rhetoric expert, Professor Jennifer Mercieca, explained that the way that new "Meet the Press" host Kristen Welker held the interview with Donald Trump had no hope of ever being able to adequately fact-check the president.

"Meet the Press" conducted the interview "live to tape," with the claim that they would be fact-checking him. Mercieca outlined that in an hour-long show, there simply isn't enough time to cover the pile of false claims.

"His whole 'reality' is layers upon layers of lies. It's honestly a waste of time," she said. "He lives in a very dark fantasy world. So does the whole right-wing media audience. It's a real shame."

When Trump answers a question, she explained that "he tells 20 lies in the process and you can't stop each of those 20 lies." Especially, she noted, when the reporter simply wants to get to the answer of their actual question.

"It's called a 'gish gallop' by old-timey propaganda folks," she said.

Anonymous said...

The New York Times is arguably the world's best/ top newspaper and to expect them to have articles on every death, killing, robbery, in America is simply to show an ignorance of how the media works.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

Just 5 years ago, the country had never experienced 500 mass shootings in one year.

U.S. tops 500 mass shootings in 2023

Anonymous said...

The "esteemed" New York Times did no cover this!!

Lauren Boebert Caught Fondling Date’s Genitals During Family-Friendly Musical: Video

Anonymous said...

"sorry, but that is a silly comment. I am sorry for the killing. But focusing on one incident in one city and blaming {The Democrats" is just plain silly"

Au contraire asshole, it is not a silly comment. It is the Democrat's soft on crime approach.

You have Democrat mayors call riots and occupation a Summer of Love.

You have Democrat governor and future Democrat Party nominee for President Newsom setting up a commission to study daylight robbery. Newsom is as clueless on crime as "Border Czar" Kamala is about the border.

Upwards of 5,000 children have been trafficked across the US border and Kamal just giggles.

Lauren Boebert ‘Beetlejuice’ scandal starting to smell like a political hit

"One user in the comments offered some alleged insight into how internal surveillance typically works, especially if the device was a dome camera, stating this:

The theater cameras are programmed to keep moving. They are supposed to scan for someone intending to do harm to the theater goers. This one was pointed at her for several minutes. Either whoever was watching the cameras was getting his rocks off watching or this was deliberately recorded to create a scandal."

Details. Details

Boebert did the wrong thing. But, she is coming off a divorce an Democrat is paid as Lothario to get her.

She did the wrong thing and she was set up. I would still have her than a Romney or a Bush.

"Just 5 years ago, the country had never experienced 500 mass shootings in one year."

5 years ago did we have such an epidemic of drug overdoses? No. These are gang related deaths. Democrats the lying sacks of shit that they are will label something a gun death,, but never gang related.

Face it, 6:32 is a sack of shit. If it falls and splats, shit will be splattered everywhere.

Anonymous said...

"The New York Times is arguably the world's best/ top newspaper and to expect them to have articles on every death, killing, robbery, in America is simply to show an ignorance of how the media works."

Teen joyriding has been trending up for awhile. When I was a kid we were warned about joyriding. Now in blue areas, kids are merely released to their parents. Rinse, Repeat.

This was not mere joyriding. This was murder.

Anonymous said...

"The New York Times is arguably the world's best/ top newspaper and to expect them to have articles on every death, killing, robbery, in America is simply to show an ignorance of how the media works."

The local new paper, which probably owned by a chain, went into 1984 clean up mode and warned us all about bike safety. No discussion on crime.

Anonymous said...

Thank You, WNU.
The Best as always. Thank you for offering us these updates. From out West