Friday, September 1, 2023

Russia - Ukraine War News Morning News Updates -- September 1, 2023 (Videos)


WNU Editor: I have a bad feeling on what may happen in the coming months. 

 Ukraine has thrown everything into this counteroffensive, and after suffering enormous losses they have little if anything to show for it. I am also  sensing a growing feeling of worry and concern from my Ukrainian sources. Kyiv ordering a full mobilization in six provinces has also unnerved a lot of people. 

On the Russian side I sense a different mood. 

There is a lot of anger on Ukraine's continuous and consistent drone strikes on Moscow and elsewhere in Russia. But on the battlefield there is a sense of calm on what is happening. They are too clam in my opinion. I know Russia has been training hundreds of thousands of men for the past year. Many of them are still in reserve. Is a Russian counteroffensive in the works? Is Ukraine's counteroffensive a trap? We shall see.


Anonymous said...

Poland will attack soon at same time north Korea is doomed forever all people will die in 7 big bang bombs Chinese will get mad and loose control if it all Putin will be killed soon

Anonymous said...

The Vatican news today

Anonymous said...

I sense the same thing editor. Something bad is coming.

Anonymous said...

"Heavy fighting has started along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border near Sotk/Zod and Norabak/Kalbajar directions with the use of drones, artillery, small and large firearms."

Read, Russia is overstretched and cannot keep all commitments.

Who cares what Russians think? Germans got what was coming to them, because they did not take Hitler out before 1939. I am German and I think there is truth to the aforementioned statement. Russia is getting what is coming to it, because they have not taken Putin out.

You have these people who revel in the bombing and elimination Ukrainian electrical grid and railways system, but then whine like children when a few drones come their way.

I will say it again. Russia is going to have what is coming to it, because they did not take out Putin.

Anonymous said...

You blustering non logic is self evident.

As for reveling in others misfortune, well that seems to be a trend here for fazman and his band of moral midgets.

They think that zelinski laughing about Russian dead and joking about prigozhen getting blown up is a hoot.

They also advocate sending girls and kids into combat. These guys are the moral equivalent of cackiling
Hllary. Scum and demented freaks. Right up there with child molesters

No, there is nothing to revel in here. Only death and a grim task at hand.

Anyone who finds joy in this is a creep.

Anonymous said...

Nonlogic? Hardly.

A country that allows a mad man to rule has what is coming to it, since they had a duty to dethrone such a madman.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, a couple of clueless female Ukrainian Zoomers made the news, for all the wrong reasons, twerking, dancing, and taking selfies on the graves of Ukrainian military dead, then posting the video to Instagram.

"Ukrainian sisters arrested for twerking on the graves of fallen soldiers, face 5 years in prison"

Anonymous said...

So? They did it. They got arrested and face trial. What is wrong with the picture other than they should not have done it in the 1st place?

You find stupid people in every society. I can think of 3 reasons they did it and only one of those is bad.

Anonymous said...

Please be more specific. Which country is ruled by a madman? Russia? Ukraine? USA? China? North Korea? I'm interested to hear who is your leader?

Anonymous said...


I specifically mention Russia and Putin twice. Your reading comprehension cannot be as poor as the English professor's reading comprehension. So you are gaslighting like the little bitch you are.

I would judge Putin, Xi, Biden, Kim Jong Un as madmen. I would judge Xi a little less so than the others because he is willing to hold his horses. He might very well still bring about a world wide conflagration, but we shall see.

fazman said...

You belong in a mental asylum , with your track record of failure to interpret reality. Keep blowing your despot that started this, attacks civilluan infrastructure , authorises war crimes, etc . You are the ONLY one finding joy and pleasure in this war , seek help .

fazman said...

You can't argue with the delusional , he lost touch woth reality long ago .

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. Fazzy. No, sorry faz old boy, it was not me taking joy in the dead of another country or seeing young men blown to bits like 73easting or how stormshadows were the best thing since sliced bread,

Don't deny it now, you perverted sob. Be a man and embrace the suck. You and your ilk are a bunch of orcs who love nothing more than to see others suffer. Just like your 130 tanks by 1 march and your failure to answer the,5 questions fazzy... You are not going to get away with this one.

Anonymous said...


Yep. We got all kinds of psychopaths here. I mean just look at Shiff and nalor.

Word on the street now is psyco Joe and the Hoe got to go!!

But when that will happen is anyone's guess. 😀

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden will not be president after January 20, 2025. The Democrat party will see to it. Governor Newsom will be the Democrat nominee, of they keep up the Biden charade up to March 31st as well as they are doing it now. By that time it may be too late for others to jump in. Newsom is a shine, youthful & new object, the Democrats can have the MSM push.

I do not worry that Joe Biden will get another term. As stated above the Democrat Party will see t it that he does not. What I fear is that he will not be impeached and all the corruption will be swept under the rug.

Kamala Harris has some form of aphasia. She also is lazy due as a result of box checking. The charge here is not that she was not born with a good brain. the charge is she did not exercise it due to box checking. She did not have to fully apply herself to scholarship of any sort. She also climbed a few rungs due to her hoe-ness (Willie Brown).

Who is nalor?

For a Russian you are doing pretty good with phonics and sounding things out, but you are still #FAIL!

It is Schiff not Shiff. Is he a psycho? Depends on your definition. Psychologists would say he is not. My old calculus classmates would say he is. Schiff is optimizing his personal immediate outcomes at the cost of sub-optimizing that of the USA as a whole and he does not care. The degree of sub-optimizing is horrendous and he does not care. It makes him a psycho in my book.

Anonymous said...

these comments have been very helpful. Thanks for all who contributed and made things so much smarter for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Nalor. You know Jerry. The guy who pretends to be a congressman and who said antifa does not exist? Aka..The penguin

Anonymous said...

Skods. Don't be so hard on people. The guy is essentially right. Dems are psychos

Anonymous said...

I think i know that person! I heard my frother ask a friend about a date and said: did you nail her?

Anonymous said...

Gee fazzy, I do not think he lost touch with reality. Seems pretty straight forward to me.

You do have to admit fazzy, you did make those comments and you also said the ukie offensive would be the best thing since 73 easting.

It has turned out to be more like the Ukies are the Mahdi Army at Omdurman.

So who is out of touch with reality???

Anonymous said...

Nalor, Nadler, who cares! It must all look the same in Cyrillic.

fazman said...

No ..l said when tank on tanks meet the attrition rate will be easting. Although the major breach is yet ti occur , the limited engagements between Bradley tows and Russuan t72s suggest it will be when it occurs.
According to him the ukes are spent and the war is over.
Out if touch is his blind putin good guy narrative?, they really could have used him at Nuremberg or the hauge..a wasted talent really lol

Anonymous said...

Why yes fazzy. He said you were out of touch because every other week you point to some factoid and spin it into a ukie win.
New equipment, NATO training, ukies winning at bakhmut, the grand ukie offensive.

You do say all of those things. As for 73 easting...tank on tank was not how you put it when you first started saying this. You said the ukies vs Russian engagements.... once the ukies got the new equipment would turn the battlefield into a giant 73 Easting.

Now you have switched it around.

On the other issues you were also wrong and engaging in wishful thinking.

Also can you read his mind? Just because he supports the facts does not mean he supports the Russians.

The world is not a black and white paradigm fazzy.

Anonymous said...

I got a real bad feeling about this one Bob.

Everybody gotta die sometime Red.

Anonymous said...

I think WNU Editor is continuing to conjure up fantasies. He continues to state that Russia has hundreds of thousands of reserves being trained, just waiting to invade Ukraine and crush it.

Yet nobody else reports such reserves exist. Instead they state Russia is out of operational reserves in Ukraine, has already pulled in much of their troops stationed elsewhere, must move forces already in combat around the front just to hold the lines. People use satellite imagery to count the number of aircraft losses due to drone strikes or how much of Russia's artillery and armored vehicle park has been pulled out of storage. But nobody seems to notice hundreds of thousands of troops being trained.

If such troops existed, why did the Freedom of Russia Legion and Russian Volunteer Corps face almost no resistance to their raids into Belgorod? Why didn't any of these reserves swarm against Wagner when they launched their mutiny? Evidence suggests no such reserves exist.

I think the reason he insists there must be a huge Russian reserve force is that he cannot admit to himself the enormous Russian casualties. And since he cannot except they are dead or wounded, then they must exist somewhere. In reality, Russian dead are now likely near the 200,000 mark and the wounded even more. The Russian reserves WNU Editor thinks exist are actually already sunflower fertilizer in Ukraine.

I have absolutely no contacts in either Ukraine or Russia unlike WNU Editor. I just have YouTube and blogs that report both Ukrainian and Russian milbloggers, social media of troops, and radio interceptions. And they report very differently than WNU Editor. Ukraine morale seems to be high. At worse there is a grim determination. Russian morale though is bad. Frequent reports of how their units have suffered high casualties, complaints of little training, screams about how Ukrainian counter battery fire are destroying Russian artillery and there is no effective Russian counter battery at all. Soldiers complaining about not being paid and not being rotated out. Despite the ubiquity of such Russian sources online, WNU Editor never links to them or report on them.

The most likely scenario for Russia is that Putin will hold out until after Russian regional elections on September 10, and then within the month order another mass mobilization to try and make up for Russia's disastrous 2023 military performance. That will help stabilize the lines some months down, but lead to uncertain political outcomes inside Russia.

Russia has launched two offensives in 2023 and has virtually nothing to show it. The military bloggers I trust the most seem to think Russia is no longer capable of mounting any operationally successful offensive. It'll be on the strategic defense for the rest of the war. Ukraine also has not been able to achieve anything more than tactical successes in 2023. But there are big differences. First, Ukraine has been far more successful in their tactical gains, capturing more territory in a few months than Russia has for the entire year. There are strong indications Ukraine is inflicting more losses on Russia in their attacks than they take. They have overtaken Russia in artillery effectiveness which was the last relative strength Russia has on the ground. Ukrainian partisan warfare seems to be on the uptake, which they would not if people perceived Ukraine was losing. There seems to be an anti-Putin resistance movement in Russia sabotaging important factories and assisting in drone strikes on airfields. After the summer offensive culminates and Ukrainian forces rest during the raputitsa, I think we'll see further Ukrainian offensives. They still have plenty of fight left.

Until we know more about the level of mobilization in both countries and the supply of new material, it is hard to make predictions about 2024. But I am pretty sure it won't be WNU Editor's scenario. His war analysis and predictions for this war have been uniformly terrible.


Anonymous said...


You are smoking some serious dope and living in a fantasy land. Never had any military training have you? That's why you cannot tell fantasy from fact...

You do not know what right looks like.