Friday, September 1, 2023

Should U.S. President Biden Listen To These Generals?

President Joe Biden holds a meeting with military and civilian defense leadership, including Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen H. Hicks, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, combatant commanders, and the Coast Guard, the White House, Washington, D.C., April 20, 2022. (DoD photo by Lisa Ferdinando)  

The Hill: On Ukraine, Biden needs to listen to these US generals  

President Biden’s support for the Ukrainian war effort continues to be just enough for Ukraine to survive, but not enough for it to win. For Ukraine, this is like treading water wearing a 25-pound life preserver. All your energy is required just to stay afloat; nothing is left to swim ashore. 

When will the president start listening to his generals — his own military advisers? One can only assume the advice he is acting on is coming from the likes of national security adviser Jake Sullivan, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken or former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: U.S. Secretary of Defense and retired Army four-star General Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff General Mark Milley. Former and now retired General and retired CIA Director David Petraeus. Ben Hodges, former commanding general of U.S. Army Europe. And last but not least, Jack Keane, retired four-star general and former vice chief of staff of the Army. 

These are who US President Biden should listen to!?!?!?!? 

U.S. Secretary of Defense and retired Army four-star General Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff General Mark Milley lost all credibility in my eyes after the Afghan disaster.

The 3 retired US Generals mentioned in the above opinion piece have been commenting on the war since the beginning, and they have been completely wrong. 

Retired General Keane has for months been saying that Russia is too week (link here) when they are clearly not. 

Just a few days ago Retired General Ben Hodges was discussing that Ukraine could be successful in retaking Crimea if the US could only give just a bit more support Ukraine's current counteroffensive (link here). Retaking Crimea?!?!?! Are you kidding me.

But they pale when compared to retired General Petraeus. 

When Ukraine's counteroffensive started in June, retired General Petareus was predicting a quick collapse of the Russian Army (link here). That clearly has not happened. 

But what really got under my skin is when he told a CNN audience this week that the Russian military has no motivation to fight in Ukraine. 

Are you kidding me!?!?!?!? 

Each year all Russians commemorate and remember the 27 million who died in the Second World War. Every family in Russia lost someone in that war. And when they see the same German crosses that were on their armored vehicles during that war on the battle field in this war, and captured dead or captured Ukrainian soldiers with Nazi tattoos on their arms, coupled with anti-Russian rhetoric and actions from the Kyiv government on those who identify themselves as Russian-Ukrainians. Yeah .... you can take this to the bank, the motivation to fight in Russia is there.  

Update: This is an old article, but it should be mentioned. Many of these US military experts on Cable News have a conflict of interest. Aside from the fees that they earn for showing up on these cable news networks to discuss the war, they are also personally profiting enormously from other sources .... Cable News Military Experts Are on the Defense Industry Dole (The Intercept).


Anonymous said...

100+ four-star generals that earned their positions by losing every war of the past 25 years and telling Congress "we're on track to win this thing next year." every 6 months.

Anonymous said...

These are the same guys who said we are winning in Afghanistan and keep us in Syria.

They suck.

These are also the very same idiots who failed to do anything or predict
The rise of isis
The two " surprise" Enemy offensives in Iraqi and Afghanistan.
The complete stupidity of the Ukraine offensive that started on June 4 this year.

But look who he has got at department of state??

a true cabal of idiots...nuland, blinken, rice and more.

So uncle joey is screwed. What advice will he get from these cretans??

Blob advice. And nothing but blob advice. A sure recipe for failure.

Anonymous said...

"When will the president start listening to his generals — his own military advisers? "

He will not listen to them, because he has $50 million or more reasons.

Ukraine, Romania, China And Russia have rights to his diseased hide.

Joe Biden is shat motherfocker and always has been. Remember he is the guy, who brought a chain to beat a black man.

Anonymous said...

Military 666 all 4 one devil's

Anonymous said...

Just 2 mentally πŸ€’ ill lost in God

Anonymous said...

Being a general in the US these days is a political appt. Most have no real war time. There a few but they have not been in charge of the whole works in wartime.

Anonymous said...

1134. I Love your 6 or so lines of blank space. Does that make you comment more logical?

Austin and Milley have wartime experience. I question its value, but they command units.

Anonymous said...

^ "commanded" not "command"

Anonymous said...

I like General Mills

Anonymous said...

Kellogg's or Quaker for meπŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Anonymous said...

When I served our commander at Ft Dix was Gen Motors

Anonymous said...

President Eisenhower warned Americans about a time such as this.

When the people become corrupt, they elect corrupt politicians. When politicians are corrupt, they lead the nation into captivity.

Anonymous said...

Trotting out Eisenhower again? It is sort of "if p then q" or better yet "if p+q then r".

To prove something you usually harder than just spouting something like a slogan.

Anonymous said...

Not if it actually reflects today's reality, which sad to say Ike was prophetic .

If you cannot see it you are blind,

Anonymous said...

They all own stock in Acme War Toys

Anonymous said...

Ike was correct in saying to watch out. but him saying it could happen or has happened in the past does not mean it is happening now. That has to be proven.

You could also "generalize" Ike's comment to other industries, sectors of the economy or groups. One example would be Big pharma or the teacher's union. I fear asking you to generalize is asking too much and you might blow a gasket.

Just because an industry is big in some sense (# of workers, sales, etc) does not mean that fact alone proves that it is wagging the dog. If it were so, you could posit or say with confidence that the oligarchs started the special military operation and not Putin.

the are many players.

The companies that make up the defense industries compete against each other. there is still some off that. Lockheed is suing because it did not get an Army helicopter contract. It has an expiring contract and did not get a new one. Its competitor got it.

There are the social welfare people who would rather spend money on welfare so they can stay in power and get rich. AOC is not going to be wagged by the defense industry any time soon. Joe Biden could, but not AOC. Well Joe Biden could, but only after he checks in with is past or present paymasters.

I could write more, link articles, but since you are focking trolling and gaslighting what is the focking point.

I mean you are so damn delighted with yourself like Pierre Delecto, you could not come up with generalizing Ike's comment. You are capable of it, but given the small circles your mind works in, it wasn't going too happen.

Anonymous said...

Mr Fair and balanced. What a nice presentation πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

Anonymous said...

So Lockheed which lost to Bell helicopters in the Army helo contract got together to urge, force, cajole Joe Biden to go to war?

How does that whole military-industrial complex thing work?

Somehow it does not seem to work. Remember the A12. It was canceled. Why because the USSR fell apart like cheap lawnchair.

War in Iraq. Pushed? Certainly the plane and ship builders did not see a rise in purchases. Oshkosh did and they were not on your radar. So did Oshkosh wag the dog in order to sell MRAPs. No, the MRAP came about due to the string of firefights that Jason Dunham ("The Gift") was involved in. They drove around in humvees meant for a land war on Central Europe. They were not up armored, because it was thought armor or no armor a T-72 is going to slice them, so why bother. It just adds weight and expense.

Here is a little secret. Canvas does not stop bullets. I am telling you because you are Russian and so are behind the power curve.

I think Oshkosh cleaned most of all with military contracting. Now prove that Oshkosh wagged the dog. You cannot.

Anonymous said...

no I would say not. I would say that the neocons hi jacked American diplomacy and led us to where we are today. Which is to say...about to get hammered by our own stupidity.

The MIC? Well they pay a lot of money in donations and payoffs and support the neocons. WHY? because the neocons have never seen a war they did not like. And for the MIC, that means profits.

Anonymous said...

I went into detail and you stayed all glossy. You are one dumb Russian.