Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The EU Preparing To Deport Men Back To Ukraine Who Fled To Avoid Conscription

WNU Editor: This story is being avoided by the Western press, but not so in Russia (and Ukraine) .... Poland begins to extradite to Ukraine men who left it after February 24, 2022 (TASS). 

Ukraine's need for more bodies to be thrown into the meat-grinder has now impacted my own family. My cousin's son left Ukraine after the Maidan revolution in 2014. He figured there was no future in a Ukraine run by Ukrainian nationalists, and so he left. 

Since then he has become a Canadian citizen, and he lives in his condo with his wife and child in Miami where he has a work permit to work. He is 41 years old, and I know he has a tech skill that is desperately needed by Ukraine. 

Last week they (the press gang) came knocking at his mother's door in Kyiv looking for him. And even though he is a Canadian citizen, they made it very clear that should he step back in Ukraine, he will be picked up. The irony is that his mother, my cousin, worked as an economic advisor for the Zelensky government before the war, and is a big supporter of him. She now has second thoughts.

On another note. Western countries mass deporting eastern Europeans back to Eastern Europe is nothing new .... Repatriation of Cossacks after World War II (Wikipedia). And like the Cossacks after World War 2, I predict the same fate will await those who will be deported back to Ukraine.  

Update: Ukrainian military recruiters are nasty (see tweet below). Sighhhh .... American aid at work.


Anonymous said...

There are no exact figures on how many people have left Russia - but estimates vary from hundreds of thousands to several million.

In May the UK Ministry of Defence estimated 1.3 million people leaving Russia in 2022.

Other estimates of figures from various sources confirm the trend. Forbes magazine cited sources inside the Russian authorities as saying that between 600,000 and 1,000,000 people left in 2022. The Bell and RTVi - popular Russian-language media - published comparable figures.

Leaving Russia is relatively easy, as long as you have money and have not been called up to the army. But finding a permanent place to stay is hard.

In the months following the start of the war many countries, mostly the EU and the US, made it difficult for Russians to apply for visas unless they already had family there or were travelling for work.

In many other countries - such as Georgia and Armenia - Russians faced no such restrictions and could come and go as they please. They still can.

Other countries, including Kazakhstan, changed their laws earlier this year, reportedly to stem the flow of Russian immigrants by limiting how many days they can stay as tourists.

Anonymous said...

^^^ Fred alert

^^^ Fred alert

^^^ Fred alert

Anonymous said...

Fred was very good boy. He only copied and pasted 7 paragraphs instead of the whole BBC article.

Anonymous said...

Last time I checked the article was about Ukraine.

Any way. Have you ever heard of another nation doing this?
Or more importantly, other nations saying they would send these guys back?

The Canadians did not do this during Vietnam when US men ran away. But now the liberals will?

Anonymous said...

Last time I heard (dissemble) (dissemble) (dissemble) ...

There are two countries at war, Ukraine and Russia.

In Russia recruiting centers have been burned, recruiters have been shot dead and over a million people have fled.

Need to look at the "problems both Ukraine and Russia have had with recruitment, but neither WNU nor you, Littlefinger, have.

You do not have to look at both sides. There is no law against it, but it does show skewed reporting.

I give WNU a skewness rating of 7.

Anonymous said...

You truly are a dunce.
So the article is about Ukraine . Not Russia, not autos or candy bars

Ukie recruiting methods.

Get it?

Don't try to get off subject here.

Ok for you I will say it again

Ukrainian Recruiting methods.

Stick with the program

Anonymous said...

Ukrainian Recruiting methods.
Russian recruiting methods.

They go hand in hand.

Anonymous said...

This article just proves what the Ukrainians and West have been saying has been untrue.

Things are not going well in the Ukraine



If they had been going well, the Ukrainians would not be forced to draft , AIDs, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis and Mental problems

On top of this

They have also started the Desperate practice of Calling back all eligible citizens who have fled the country.

But Zelinski and Joe say it is all good. US Politicians say, "best investment we can ever make."

Yep. Fighting to the Last UKIe is a great policy. Because it is going great for the Ukrianinans.

But what you do hear for the blob is this.....
The Russians are falling apart. The Russian army is in mass mutiny
Russians have no ammo, artillery or tanks.

You want the truth.

The 3rd Ukrainian Army raised since the last one wiped out in last years offensive is about gone. Yes Gone.

It is called attrition, and this is what happens when you push meagerly trained forces or under equipped forces against complex defence lines. They get wiped out.

So there, now you have it.

What is next? What will they fight with now?

They are scrapping the bottom of the barrel:...... misfits and health problems.

They are also calling back the unwilling for overseas.

So tell me all you geniuses,

How good is the "Army of the Unwilling" and sick going to perform????

Answer Not well. Not well at all

NATO has to make a decision , intervene or let their proxy die.

You look around. US is ramping up is strategic force capability in the ME and in Europe.

On Oct 4 we will have a nation wide EM Broadcast system test. When did that last happen? Practically never.

It is getting close.

Anonymous said...

Remember the Maine!

Anonymous said...

Remember the Moskva!