Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Real Reason Why North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Is Going To Russia


ABC News: Top US general describes Putin with 'tin cup in hand' asking North Korea for munitions  

Mark Milley thinks the weapons Russia may get won't have much effect in Ukraine. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin has approached North Korea "with a tin cup in hand asking for weapons munitions and support" amid his country's invasion of Ukraine, Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told ABC News' Martha Raddatz in a new interview. 

However, Milley believes that if Russia succeeds in obtaining arms from North Korea, he doubts it will "make a substantive difference" in the war in Ukraine. Raddatz's exit interview with Milley, who is retiring, will air on ABC's "This Week" on Sunday.  

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WNU Editor: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is not going to Russia to make a deal on artillery shells or any other military equipment. Such a deal can be easily arranged by their subordinates. The primary reason why he is going to Russia is to expand what I mentioned last week was a major policy shift by Russia to "horizontally" escalate its conflict against the U.S. .... New Report Says Russia Is Helping North Korea In The Development Of Its ICBM Program (September 6, 2023).


Mr nobody said...

You are correct.

This is not all about artillery shells. That is small fry.
It is about strategic geo political concerns .
This is about secure flanks in North Eastern Asia. It is also about preparing for a possible war with NATO.
The use of readily available raw materials and facilities that are not subject to immediate attack.

Anonymous said...

NOKO will wipe out any NATO threat from the south. No way to stop it without nukes, in which case everyone e loses. Like I said before, Schwab wrote about this already. If you want to know what the game plan is, go read his book 📕🌎 ☠️

Anonymous said...

Traitor Biden just gave Russian ally Iran 6 billion dollars in preparation for the war

Anonymous said...

Who Charles Schwab the investment guru?

Stupid asinine trolls have a communication problem. probably have HIV too, which is probably the reason why they ain't mobiks, yet.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, the CI-FUCKING-A does its part for the war effort.

CIA Whistleblower Exposes Agency’s Action to Manipulate COVID-19 Origin Investigation, Offers “Significant Monetary Incentive” to Discredit Wuhan Lab Theory

Anonymous said...


if north korea were to sell arms to russia, south korea could do the same to ukraine... south korea could make more gear to send to ukraine in a month than NK could make in a year... facts.
NK 70 year old tec tanks (green) vs south korea modern tanks (cammo)

Anonymous said...

It may be Les Schwab, the automobile tire guru.

Anonymous said...

Russian 1430 Regiment got tore up.

I thought the trenches and other fortifications were good. I understand that a wall or fortifications are only a speedbump, if they are not manned and also the defense has to be active. This means sallying forth as needed. Castles literally had doors called sally ports.

But the Russian casualties are horrendous. Russian units are ordered to attack until they are shattered and have to withdrawn to be rebuilt with more mobiks.

This narrative by Putin, the MoD and Fatman about the Ukrainians are taking more casualties than the Russians I think is just that. A narrative.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, I hope the 1420's artillery support was better than their tank support.

The 1430th was equipped with T-55s.

This has mobiks with 2 or 3 weeks worth of training written all over it.

Soon the trolls will become mobiks.

Anonymous said...

Yea, Sure

Anonymous said...

So the 1430 is in Robotyne now?

You know, Putin is taking volunteers for his war. You could volunteer for the 1430.

Anonymous said...

I would be honored to.

So what exactly is the process.