Sunday, September 17, 2023

Top US And Chinese Diplomats Meet In Malta To Discuss Taiwan, Military Communications And Russia


DNYUZ/New York Times: U.S. and Chinese Officials Meet in Malta to Discuss Ukraine and Other Flashpoints 

The White House announced on Sunday that its national security adviser met over the weekend with China’s top diplomat in Malta, as part of efforts to keep open channels of communication between the two nations during a long period of rising tensions, and as political purges roil elite circles in Beijing. 

Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, met with Wang Yi, the Communist Party’s top foreign policy official and China’s foreign minister, on Saturday and Sunday, the White House said in its summary of the talks. The summary said they spoke about relations between the two nations, Russia’s war in Ukraine and tensions between Washington and Beijing over Taiwan, a de facto independent democratic island that the party aims to rule and that is an important U.S. partner.  

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Top US And Chinese Diplomats Meet In Malta To Discuss Taiwan, Military Communications And Russia

Top diplomat Wang Yi meets with US’ Sullivan, emphasizing Taiwan question as ‘the first red line’ -- Global Times  

US national security adviser held 'candid, constructive' talks with Chinese foreign minister -- CNA/Reuters 

Biden's national security adviser secretly meets China's foreign minister in bid to ease strained ties -- NBC News  

National security adviser, China's top diplomat take fresh stab at cooling U.S.-China tensions -- Politico  

Top US and Chinese diplomats meet in Malta to smooth strained relations -- The Guardian  

US, Chinese representatives discuss Taiwan, military communications and Russia in lengthy high-level meetings -- ABC News Australia  

US national security adviser, Chinese diplomat talk in Malta -- DW  

Top Biden adviser meets with Chinese foreign minister in effort to cool tensions -- Axios


Anonymous said...

Thank you WNU.
I am always grateful when your updates come down.

Anonymous said...

Sleep well

Anonymous said...

Chinese have just to set some limits, formulate some "consequences," and enact the consequences.

Anonymous said...

"Fantastic new sentence-reading there."

Anonymous said...

mocking the blasé tone of the lead anchorwoman.
But also somewhat admiring.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm! Aaaaah!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Blinken's get rich quick scheme is setting up a company to guide other companies wanting contracts with the DoD through the process.

No, that sucker did not want to simplify or right size the process, but to simply profit off of its inefficiencies.

That is Blinken's mindset. Blinken is the head diplomat.

Expect great things from Malta?

Anonymous said...

Sublimity is a tight top
with ample (natural) cleavage.

Anonymous said...

On your forehead Google Ball 🏀

Anonymous said...

My balls