Monday, September 18, 2023

Ukraine Has Only Been Able To Reclain 0.08% Of Its Territory Since The Start Of Its June Counteroffensive

WNU Editor: What the above map shows is that since the start of the counteroffensive in June, Ukraine has only been able to reclain 0.08% of its territory. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers killed and wounded .... all for 0.08%.


Anonymous said...

Russia can leave the territory that it is illegally occupying. Barring that the war ends with Ukraine gone or Russia gone. Putin is playing with matches. WNU is cheering Putin on.

Anonymous said...

Reality is hard for you.

Anonymous said...

Only need a couple more kilometers to put the whole southern supply route in jeopardy with long range artillery. And then let’s see how much land they reclaim..

Anonymous said...

That's been around forever " only a couple more kilometers".

Anonymous said...

The minefields were more than bargained for by Milley and the others. Milley has been to war, but at the upper staff levels.

The minefields are history. they did their job. Now it is a slug fest with small units. the Russian minefields do not mean as much

Ukrainian counter battery is better than Russian counterbattery. If it were not then the Ukrainians would have bene wiped seeing as the Russians started with more tubes.

Russian air defense was widely believe to be the best. I thought so too. Well ask the residents of Sevastopol about it. Bilmak just got hit opening up a hole in Russian defenses. Buk-M3 are falling left and right.

Soon KA-52s will get the Buk treatment. Life is going to be tough for the KA-52s without air defense.

Without the KA-52s and a fresh division like the 76th VDV how are the NAZIs going to fill the breach next time?

The Ukrainains are barely trying in Kherson and they keep gaining ground and grinding down the NAZIs there.

When there is another break out the Russian artillery will be abandoned, then what will the NAZIs do?

Anonymous said...

We'll see.

Anonymous said...

We'll see. So far we have seen the Russian navy leave Sevastopol.

Something about no air defense.

3 Buk in 2 days. Somethings up.

What do you call a Russian military vehicle on Kinburn spit? Flaming hulk. so how can they hold. Pretty soon they are gong to have to resort to cannibalism.

Anonymous said...

We'll see.

Anonymous said...

guy obsessed with the kinburn spit is my second favorite persona here

Anonymous said...

Many are cheering the end of the war on.

Anonymous said...

And we will wait and see, one way or the other

Hans Persson said...

Haha, at least the Ukies has taken 100% of the territory they have re-taken. We can play with stats all day long, but the thing is; Russia aren't advancing at all. Peeps seems to miss that whole point. Whatever Ukies are doing, its working.

Anonymous said...

"Tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers killed and wounded .... all for 0.08%."

Need I remind you, WNU, that this is Ukraine vs. *RUSSIA*, a so-called world power. Yes, Ukraine has had help, but at this point they have managed to stop what before the war was considered to be one of the world's top 3 militaries. Yes, at great cost, and assuming there's anything left of Ukraine after the war, it will take generations for them to recover. But they have shown the world that Russia is just another piece of shit dictatorship, albeit one that has nuclear weapons. Does that justify the numbers? History will decide. Till then, go Ukraine and f*k Putin.

Anonymous said...

Fools. Russia isn't advancing. They're just killing everything the Ukrainians throw at them. It's a horror show. That said... how long do you all think Zelensky has left on this earth?

fazman said...

On who's terms ?

fazman said...

No it hasn't, it's not rhe kilometres it's where the breach is and guess what..

fazman said...


Anonymous said...

How about US troops illegally occupying Syria? Any smart-ass comments concerning that one?

Anonymous said...

Pfft the Russians have time on their side Hans Solo. Not so much the Ukes being used as NATO cannon fodder.

Caecus said...

It's not a video game where you win by controlling territory. Unless they take a strategic objective, or destroy the enemy grouping, taking fields and villages by itself doesn't mean anything

Anonymous said...

Destroying Russians is strategic.

If it were not they would not wait until after the Crimean elections for the callups.

Usually nuclear capable missile submarines are considered strategic. Oh look, one is gone. Or is it?

It could join the Russian carrier in the money pit fleet.

Russia fled Sevastopol. That is at least operational. Although loss of use of the dry docks borders on the strategic.

Russia is losing control of the air. 2 S-400 system and 2 other systems along with 3 Buk have been destroyed.

Put up a few more planes like F-16s with AMRAAMS and those glide bombs go away or become less and less effective. KA-52s with ATGMs become virtually ineffective.

If JoJo Biden would stop counting his loot from his shell companies maybe he could speed up the deployment of the F-16s.

Anonymous said...

We really do not need the F-16s for the AMRAAMs depending n the pylons on the MIG-29s.

JoJo Biden can get off his ass about that too.

Greedy Fucker.

21 shell companies and counting.

Who needs 21 shell companies?

Anonymous said...

Ukrainians hit the Tokmak Solar Power plant, Near 🇷🇺 Military Air Base North Tokmak, Zaporizhzhia.

Seems like wasted effort ...

Anonymous said...

Breech?? that is one awesome breech out there. It is so wondrously breechy , it has not even gone thru the 1st defensive line.

No, they are not going to make it thru all 3 defence lines. UNLESS, unless they try something new and unexpected. as Mr Nobody said Like using a Moab or tunnel under.

Until such time, the Ukrainians are going to do exactly what the Russians want them to do. Keep running into that brick wall until thier body is all busted up.

Now we have 7o K dead, and then refilling your army with the sick, lame and lazy you are going to get to a point of where your level of competence is really bad. Then The russian will probably counter attack. But the russians seem real patient on this one.

Probably won't be until next year. By Then, you will have Ukie grandpa Joe with no teeth. Sasha who is 12 and the AK is as big as he is, and Mia the schizoid/ bipolar with Tourettes running the show.

If you see a Ukrainian victory in this war, great. At the present time I cannot. To me it is some sick, twisted tragedy, copy/parody of the 1st world war or the Russo Japanese war.

The Ukrainian guys running this show do not need to be fired, the need to be shot and that goes for zelinski on down.

Anonymous said...

Or: how much has mighty Russia gained in the two-week war that is still ongoing after a year?

Anonymous said...

WNU will never calculate the number of dead Russians per square kilometer gained.

He had an Ukrainian acqaintance that joined up and died. But family members ... not so much. so it is rah rah rah all the way and aggrieved red lines.

What is really sad is Russia could have joined NATO/EU and cleaned up. What is the opposition? Biden? Kamala? ...

The only problem is aristocrats like Van der Leyden want to be top dog in the EU. They are nobility don'cha know!