Saturday, September 23, 2023

Ukraine President Zelensky Pleads Visit To The White House And Congress Fails To Achieve The Massive Aid He Needs For The War


Zero Hedge: Zelensky Departs Washington Mostly Empty-Handed Amid Mood Shift In West 

 By all accounts, Zelensky came away from his Washington visit with nothing new. Biden did announce a fresh $325 million aid package for Ukraine from already committed funds, but the hoped-for long range missile approval never came (however, more cluster bombs are being sent). And as we detailed Thursday, House Republican leadership once again failed to move forward on a mere procedural vote for the Pentagon funding bill, due in large part to GOP members rejecting Biden's proposed $24 billion more in Ukraine aid. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Ukraine President Zelensky issued this warning .... Ukraine War: 'If we don't get the aid, we lose the war' says Zelenskyy in Washington (SKY? News).

Ukraine needs billions right now to survive. This is a joke .... Zelenskyy culminates Washington visit with a White House pledge of $128m (Al Jazeera). The only thing positive that came out of this visit was this promise from President Biden .... Biden tells Zelenskyy U.S. will provide Ukraine with ATACMS long-range missiles (CBS News).  

Update: In regards to U.S. - Ukraine war strategy, I see this analysis from the New York Times as more proof that Washington is now distancing itself from Ukraine's counter-offensive disaster .... Zelensky's Visit Reveals Strategy Divide Between Ukraine and U.S. (DNYUZ/New York Times).


Anonymous said...

So the donations/loans twice the amount of Russias entire annual defence budget is gone? Not to mention what Ukraine already had before the war started. That says it all right there. Good for Russia in exposing just how careless and corrupt the current government of Ukraine is. We lost big and Russia will have gained a third or more of Ukraine in the end.

Anonymous said...

LEARNING CURVE? A Ukrainian pilot, callsign “Maestro”. describes his recent transition to the American MH-60 Blackhawk: "It took us about 2 hours to more or less learn the Black Hawk. Then we got into it and immediately flew. When I showed what I could do with it, the American instructors were shocked”.
Now, it’s gonna be Russia’s turn to be impressed.

Poor little orks sitting in a tree

Anonymous said...

Zelensky got limited ATACMS.

Giving ATACMS which are at the end of their shelf life DOES NIOT COST MONEY.

Only STUPID PEOPLE + VATNISK will say so.

You cannot throw a missile into a garbage dump. Rocket fuel? Toxic. It must be burned at a few thousand degrees Fahrenheit or other wise disposed of. Does incineration come cheap?

Ditto the warhead. How is a warhead disposed of? You have to pay an EOD unit.

It is better to shoot the missiles at Russian invading Orks than to dissemble them at great expense.

The ATACMS given are curious. Some People are disappointed.

... Wait for it

Anonymous said...

Oohh ooh oohh now what do you call invading, illegally occupying US troops in Syria?

Anonymous said...

Russia seen this coming and new to just wait it out and watch Ukraine collapse.

Hans Persson said...

Distance itself from Ukraine? They have invested more at this point in Ukraine than they have after 20 years in Afghanistan. Not going to happen.

Anonymous said...

Troops in Syria

1) Protecting the Kurds
2) Payback for Assad having a hand in killing US citizens in Lebanon
3) Payback for Assad helping jihadis enter Iraq from 2003 to 2011
4) We know Assad was elected fraudulently.
5) Other

If the Russians can ensure the Kurds are protected form ISIS and Turkey, I would just as soon leave. But the Russians cannot protect their bother Christina Armenians and have pulled troops out of the area.

About (2) & (3) Congress and those other assholes are not serious, so why be there other than the Kurds?

Iran gets nukes .. Saudi Arabia gets nukes and Assad can e made to feel the Saudi wrath.

Anonymous said...

"Russia seen this coming and new to just wait it out and watch Ukraine collapse."

(A) Biden's Afghanistan debacle happened in his first year of residency. It was right after an election.

It is now year four of his residency and an election year, he cannot afford another debacle.

(B) As Jake Sullivan told the press pool, military aid packages are drawn up every two weeks. So if not this time then maybe next time.

(C) Those airfield hits are devastating. People at the Pentagon have taken notice. there will be pressure form the inside to supply more ATACMS or other munitions. Every Soviet jet or helicopter that is scratched off the list is one that cannot harm NATO.

(D) If Samantha Power was honest about R2P and if she has cajones, she will speak out against the genocide against Ukraine. If she has to be shamed into it like Obama was shamed into protecting the Kurds after Kobane, so be it.

(e) Mike Pence has come out for aid the Ukraine. He is not a front runner, but it is something to pay attention to.

Anonymous said...

At another site posters have noticed or claimed to have noticed two competing army of vatnik trolls. The trolls have differing persuasive arguments. The joke is that the two groups are competing against each other for the all important FSB contract. Is it deadly serious? Do the losers transform from vatniks to mobiks?

All kidding aside the number of trolls and all the different angles and sock puppets they use is noticed.

The site is rife with anti-Trump and anti-Republican hatred. But the site generates more than chaff.

Anonymous said...

My brother in Christ, no one cares that you and your oxygen deprived friends from “another site” see CNN-fueled conspiracy theories in your heads.

Anonymous said...

^ Information warfare specialist wants to deny that he and others at other sites are trying to sway public opinion by clever arguments, lies, ridicule and just generally bludgeoning other commenters.

Russia lost the Brother in Christ angle, when they had orthodox priests of Russian ethnicity engage in hybrid warfare.

Mobik-bait wants a do over at this point.

Anonymous said...

Russians are protecting Russians in east Ukraine, invasion and occupation justified by your own metrics

Anonymous said...

It was such a police state that Russia snuck in heavy equipment and stuck a few natives in the driver's seat.

You are a maroon.

Anonymous said...


You are in rare form , but as always your arguments are a disjointed mess. They o stick to one point in a story line and run with it , rather than bouncing all over the place.

And you have been very busy here of late. I thought you only came back here to look around and wanted to stay at that other site of..... UKies "r" US

anyway, welcome back and look forward to seeing more of your mis directed rants.

Tell Hillary, Powers, Applebaum and Krystal we all said Hi.