Monday, September 11, 2023

Ukraine Says It Has Successfully Retaken Offshore Drilling Platforms In The Black Sea

BBC: Ukraine claims to retake Black Sea drilling rigs from Russian control 

Ukraine says it has successfully retaken control of four gas drilling platforms in the northern Black Sea, close to the Crimean Peninsula. 

Video of the operation, which Ukraine says took place last month, shows special forces removing Russian military equipment. 

Russia seized control of the so-called Boyko Towers in 2015, shortly after it illegally annexed Crimea. 

There has been a battle for control of these strategic waters since last year. 

A video and statement released by Ukraine's military intelligence, entitled Battle for the Sea, offer a rare glimpse into this sphere of the conflict. 

In the video, which the BBC cannot verify, rigid inflatable boats are seen speeding across the Black Sea, carrying teams of Ukrainian special forces.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: These rigs look like they were abandoned (see the above video). This operation has the look of a PR stunt. 

Ukraine Says It Has Successfully Retaken Offshore Drilling Platforms In The Black Sea  

Ukraine Claims to Have Retaken Oil and Gas Platforms in the Black Sea -- New York Times  

Ukraine says it has retaken offshore drilling platforms near Crimea -- Reuters 

Ukrainian special forces seize back gas and oil rigs near Crimea, say intelligence chiefs -- Evening Standard

Ukraine Retakes Oil And Gas Platforms Off Crimea From Russia --


Anonymous said...

WNU has as much credibility as Barbara Walters aka Baba Wawa.

WNU is pushing back against the news item. So will dg a little deeper. I'll take Charles over WNU any day.

The Ukrainians claim there were radar on the platforms. If there was, then it was of use to Russian intelligence.

If Ukraine keeps people on the platforms, they will perform surveillance.

What I do see is a bottled up Russian fleet. What I do know if a Russian jet tried to strafe or intercept the Ukrainians, it was turned back. Not a good look.

Halloween is coming up and WNU has no time to practice carving pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns. No, me thinks he is busy full time learning how to put lipstick on a pig.

Anonymous said...

Probably so, but Russ does PR stunts too. Why not Ukr?

Anonymous said...

So you admit it was pr.

fazman said...

Yes, because Russians would just walk away from such a valuable seized asset

Anonymous said...

Its a PR stunt, another attempt to show a victory and takes attention from the failing offensive.

Yes they re-took an oil platform. What a great idea!! An isolated , non defendable , open object, in the middle of a small sea. If it was about radar domes why did they not do the easy thing and hit it with one of their vaunted storm shadows?

Oh yea, brother, I would want to be on that guard force. What fun to be bombed or staffed at the whim of the Russian navy or air force. Can you say suicidal?

Anonymous said...

The Ukrainians retook it in august. So it was 10 days ago or longer.

Putin kept quiet about it, because it makes him look impotent.

Anonymous said...

7:24 Bullshit

Are you now saying that the ever glorious Vladimir Putin now controls the Ukrainian and Western press too? have they no voice?

All hail Putin, The omniscient and all powerful.

Anonymous said...

Then why are you here?

Anonymous said...

That statement makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

Pooty Poot kept quiet because it made him look impotent. The legacy press has very little drive except to support ruling socialists and to print any leaks given to them.

Western Journalist and 7:33 have a lot in common. Boot lickers.

Anonymous said...

He (or She) has no answer because it is a sick troll or is just paid money. They are Not interested in a real conversation.

Anonymous said...

You missed an opportunity at scintillating word-play which is your hallmark. "Imputint" would have made you the toast of your fellows, no doubt.

Anonymous said...

That is correct.

836 is an ideological drone.. When you catch them in a lie or non-sensical post, they default to insults and misdirection.

The last thing they would do in the world is man-up and say they made a mistake.

Typical meandering nut cases. Isn't that right Skods?

Anonymous said...

6:13, 6:35, 8:26, 8:36 f*k your mommies. oops i meant your sisters. same thing

Anonymous said...

Do these trolls actually think they are accomplishing something.. all they are accomplishing is picking up a few extra dollars so they can buy something made in the west because most things made in russia is shit

Anonymous said...

So you admit you’re a faggot?