Sunday, September 10, 2023

Ukraine's Intelligence Chief Says Russia Cannot Hold Out For Another Year

Newsweek: Russia Can't Hold Out for Another Year: Ukraine Spy Chief 

The head of Ukraine's Main Directorate of Intelligence agency (GUR) has said that Russian troops will prove unable to continue their full-scale invasion for longer than one more year, adding that Moscow's forces have "miserably failed" at the strategic level. 

Lieutenant General Kyrylo Budanov told the Yalta European Strategy (YES) summit in Kyiv on Saturday that Russia's invasion "didn't work for the better" for the Kremlin, leaving the country's armed forces and economy much diminished.

Despite Russian tactical adaptations and impressive defenses in southern Ukraine, Budanov—who has become well-known for his psychological operations against Russia—suggested the war may end in Ukrainian victory before the end of 2024. 

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More News On Ukraine's Intelligence Chief Kyrylo Budanov  

Ukraine’s Intel Head Predicts Russia’s Impending Fall: Just a Year to Go? -- Z-Live 

Ukraine's intelligence chief doesn't foresee long war, reveals Russian troops numbers -- Al Arabiya  

Ukraine's Counteroffensive to Continue After Onset of Bad Weather Spy Chief -- Reuters  

Ukraine's military intelligence chief says counter-offensive will press on in face of worsening weather -- The New Voice of Ukraine  

All types of weapons used in war against Ukraine - Budanov -- Ukrainian News


Anonymous said...

This guy, the poison dwarf is a self admitted war criminal. His organization has specifically and intentionally targeted and killed civil journalists and members of their families. Then he bragged about it.

What does this mean?

IAW international law and the protocols outlined at Nurenburg, he is a criminal

Now, from the Tokyo war crimes trials , you also have the Yamashita doctrine.

So how does this work

a. You "intentionally". kill non combatants you are a criminal.

If you try to cover up those crimes you are a criminal

If you know of a member of your command who committed a crime and you do not prosecute them, you are now a war criminal.

If you are an Allies and know of war crimes and war criminals and you do nothing about it, you are now a criminal .

Therefore zelinski and his defense minister, the whole ukiraninian government is a group of war criminals because the knowing support this guy and have done nothing to bring him to justice.

Now this also goes with Smoking Joe and US DOJ and then also our Buddies at Number 10 Downing Street and the Rest of NATO. They support the Ukie government and know about this guy.

Where is the condemnation? Where are the charges like the ones set against Putin? Where is the criminal arrest warrant?

They hypocrisy here is overwhelming.

Either you have justice or you do not.

I see this is another case of bullshit on NATOs part.

Anonymous said...

tldr, but thank you will read later
these folks are no bueno

Anonymous said...

He is probably lying. 🦃

Anonymous said...

He said that Russia had only one months worth of missiles back in 2022, for six months straight. He has his position because he's good at assassinating telegram bloggers that have upset the Galicians.

As a source of accurate intelligence however, he doesn't have a great track record.

Anonymous said...

Baghdad Bob comes to mind

Anonymous said...

Not seeing a lot of Russian chest thumping from Russia about their Kinzhal missiles for some odd reason.

Anonymous said...


But...but ....we have " the rules based order" !!!!
Just like syria
What a joke.

Anonymous said...

Kyiv has recaptured the Petro Hodovalets & Tavrida offshore platforms in the Black Sea. Seized by Russia in 2015, they had been used as RADAR stations. A counter-attacking Russian Su-30 strike fighter was damaged during the operation.

Poking the Bear's eyes out.

Now if you measure distance form Crimea assuming a valid Russian claim and form Kherson, the platforms fall in Ukrainians waters.

So WHY THE FCK did Russia size it.

Where they Russian speaking platforms?

Anonymous said...


3 reasons to be there

1) R2P. See The Kurds. it is not why Obama went there, but Obama is a j@ck @ss.

2) We owe Assad Dynasty. Assad assisted jihadis going into Iraq. Syria also murdered American for a decade in Lebanon

3) Arab Spring. People protested. They were rounded up, imprisoned, and tortured and killed on a mass scale.

9:56 Littlefinger you are weak.

Why did the Congress not pass a war resolution? Because there are enough weak fucks that it is not possible.

Plus Russia poisoned the ground since at least the 1930s, which BTW is grounds for war against Russia, if the US so chooses.

Anonymous said...

Now when the Russian naval force round the cape, if they ever dare venture forth from Sevastopol, they will be dead.

Ukrainian radar advances.

Russian radar retreats.

Russia's vision growing dim

Anonymous said...

So Boyko Towers

Corruption in Ukraine you say.

The Energy Minister was corrupt.

They also arrested him. So it seems Ukraine does deal with corruption.

He has 10 million dollar bail and he fled to Russia.

So Russia loves corrupt people? Maybe the Energy minister's corruption was Russian corruption to start with.

Anonymous said...

Cause it's in their area, and they could.

Anonymous said...

Calm down Thelma

Anonymous said...




That is Obama Susan rice trash.

It was used after the invasion of Syria to justify Obama's actions.

2. We owe Assad? That is lame. If we were going to seek revenge we should of done it years ago. This is just another bullshit excuse.

3. Do you have proof that these people were rounded up? And how is that a justification for a take over of anothers territory?

You are giving weak reasons for an illegal invasion of another nation state.

The Russians have more justification to attack Ukraine that the us has to be in Syria.

Finally, how did the Soviets poison the ground?

You really are making this up aren't you?

Anonymous said...

boycott vodka!