Tuesday, September 19, 2023

United Nations Secretary General António Guterres Says He Has ‘No Power At All’ Ahead Of Annual Meeting

The Hill: UN chief says he has ‘no power at all’ ahead of annual meeting  

United Nations Secretary General António Guterres said he has “no power at all,” ahead of the U.N.’s General Assembly yearly meeting. 

When asked in an interview with CNN about the executive power he holds in the meeting, Guterres said, “No power at all.” 

“The secretary of the United Nations has no power and there’s no money,” Guterres continued. “What we have is a voice and that voice can be loud and I have the obligation to make it be loud.”  

Read more ....  

Update: UN secretary-general warns of ‘Great Fracture’ as world leaders begin debate (CNN)  

WNU Editor: The only major world leader on the Security Council showing up is President Biden .... This is not a 'vanity fair': UN chief on absence of all but one P5 leaders (Business Standard/Press Trust India). More in the video below 


Anonymous said...

What a joke

Anonymous said...

This amanpour... absolute retard and no accomplishment in her entire career.. she never held the powerful to account, she is CNN quality lol

Anonymous said...

Antonio Guterres, his divine predecessor, and his future anointed successors have always been like transgendered men competing in women's sports.

To make the United Nations Secretary General a person from some non-security council nation is kabuki theatre. Maybe the Iraqi model would be better, a Shia PM and a Sunni second. It did not work out so well for Iraq, but it would be more honest.

Also, the UN HQ should not be in Turtle Bay but on some island in the middle of the Atlantic or Pacific. Call it New Trantor (Building out that much office space and all the support might give it the look). Take the UN out of Switzerland and Austria and try to put as much of it on an island in an ocean opposite of the HQ.

I bet Putin would show up warrant or no warrant. He could park a fleet over the horizon ready to come over it if anything happened. The real world leaders could always meet. JoJo is merely playing dress up.

Providing the logistics for said islands, not having the luxury of diplomatic immunity over the locals, and perhaps the boredom of island life, might focus these ne'er-do wells.

There would still be spying. There will still be corruption, but would it tighten that up a little and make them focus?

Anonymous said...

We know how to fix things and they do not. That is why we have top jobs and positions and they are underlings.

Anonymous said...

The UN is just a jobs program for the children of the extranational elite.

Anonymous said...
